Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C5 I Want One of His Legs
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C5 I Want One of His Legs
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C5 I Want One of His Legs

Su Qiyue's complexion was somewhat pale, yet she shook her head and gave Ye Feng a thorough once-over. Biting her red lips, she grasped Ye Feng's hand and hurried toward the school. "Come with me."

"You struck Ma Wen. Mr. Tao certainly won't let that slide," Su Qiyue said earnestly. "For the time being, you should stay away. It'll be safer."


To Ye Feng, Mr. Tao was no more threatening than an ant, easily crushed with a simple gesture. Yet, faced with Su Qiyue's grave expression, he found himself unable to entertain any thoughts of refusal. Su Qiyue led him out of the school through the back entrance.

"Don't linger at school today."

"Head back now. Lay low at home for a few days and call me if anything comes up."

Confronted with her worried demeanor, Ye Feng refrained from further comment, simply nodding before departing.


Evening fell.

At the Imperial Family KTV, within the opulent Queen's Hall.

Lin Tao reclined on a plush sofa, casually tilting back in his chair with a wine glass in hand, legs crossed, as he delicately appreciated the fine wine.


A bodyguard, accompanied by a bandaged Ma Wen, burst through the door.

"What happened?"

Lin Tao, catching sight of the bandaged Ma Wen, paused briefly but soon resumed his composure, setting down his glass with measured ease.

"Ye Feng did this, and he had the audacity to say he's waiting for you, Mr. Tao," the bodyguard reported gravely.

"That nobody did this to you?" He scrutinized Ma Wen, who nodded emphatically, anger flashing in his eyes.

Lin Tao let out a chuckle, then with a dismissive wave and a wry smile, he instructed, "Go on, I want one of his legs."


With a nod, the bodyguard and Ma Wen bowed out respectfully.

The following day.

Before dawn broke, the sky still a deep, dark canvas, Ye Feng awoke on the living room sofa.

This was the prime time for cultivation.

Ye Feng made his way to the developed hill behind his home and began his ascent. The five to six hundred meter climb drenched him in sweat, his body radiating heat.

He didn't feel particularly tired, just a bit short of breath.

Perched atop the mountain peak, he surveyed the surrounding landscape, where every other mountain seemed insignificant in comparison. Below, the city nestled at the mountain's base appeared as tiny as a toy.

"The concentration of spiritual energy at the summit truly surpasses that of any other place," Ye Feng observed, taking in the scenery from the flat, cement-covered platform, complete with a pavilion topped with a pointed red roof.

Ye Feng made his way to the shelter of the pavilion.

Welcoming the crisp morning breeze, he slowly closed his eyes. The Primordial Creation Spell he practiced was unlike any other technique he had encountered. In his past life, all cultivation methods involved drawing in the spiritual energy from the environment to enhance oneself.

But the Primordial Creation Spell...

It followed an unprecedented path.

It used the body as a seed.

This cultivation did not depend on the spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth, but rather on the energy generated within one's own body.

Once mastered, his body would become like a universe, with spiritual energy flowing endlessly, allowing him to execute martial techniques more swiftly than any other cultivator.

Still, cultivating amidst dense spiritual energy would always be more efficient.

Over two hours had passed by the time Ye Feng opened his eyes, and a sliver of dawn had begun to break across the sky. He had been meditating there for the entire duration.

As his eyes snapped open, a flash of golden light sparked from his gaze, brightening the platform.

Early morning meant the peak was deserted.

With no one around to interrupt him, he hadn't startled anyone either.

Ye Feng rose to his feet, his bones cracking loudly as if he hadn't moved in years.

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