Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C6 Cultivators on Earth
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C6 Cultivators on Earth
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C6 Cultivators on Earth


Ye Feng exhaled deeply, a white stream of air shooting out like a ribbon, extending over 20 meters and hissing through the air as if piercing it.

The stream lingered for more than ten seconds before finally dissipating.

Ye Feng clenched his fist and murmured softly, "In just four hours, I've reached the second level of Qi Refinement. Not even the geniuses from my past life achieved this."

He gripped the iron railing, as thick as his arm, and squeezed.

The steel groaned under his grip, and when he released it, a handprint was imprinted on the once unyielding steel pipe.

This was steel, which not even a bullet could easily penetrate, yet it had been deformed by Ye Feng's mere grasp, showcasing his immense strength.

Such force, if applied to a person, would be lethal, rendering the strength of a water buffalo moot. And he had done this without tapping into his spiritual qi, relying solely on his physical power.

The Primordial Creation Spell refined both qi and body, the only technique in the world that cultivated both simultaneously.

At this moment, Ye Feng was nothing short of a superhuman.

Yet, Ye Feng shook his head; compared to his previous life's ability to shatter stars with a flick of his finger, this punch was hardly noteworthy.

It was then that he noticed several figures approaching in the distance.

A woman clad in white training attire, a septuagenarian in a Zhongshan suit being supported, and a middle-aged man with a scarred face, exuding sharpness and a murderous aura.

Particularly striking was the ponytailed woman in the training outfit, who, similar in age to Su Qiyue, possessed a cold beauty and a statuesque figure that left no room for regret.

She was, indeed, as breathtaking as Su Qiyue.

The elderly man exuded a sense of calm and stability.

To the average person, these three might appear merely odd, warranting nothing more than a second glance, without any further thought.

Who exactly was Ye Feng?

Once upon a time, he was the invincible Heavenly Emperor Ye.

With a mere glance, he discerned that the stunning girl and the elderly man both possessed traces of Qi within them. Clearly, they were cultivators as well.

Yet, they lacked the proper methods to cultivate.

Having never encountered Earth's cultivation techniques, Ye Feng's curiosity was piqued. He casually leaned against the fence, arms folded across his chest, and watched the trio with interest.

Upon reaching the summit, the trio noticed Ye Feng.

The middle-aged man instantly became vigilant, his hand moving behind his back as he fixed Ye Feng with a sharp, eagle-like gaze.

The elder gestured to the middle-aged man and shook his head, "He's probably just a young man who's been exercising since morning, taking a rest here by chance."

With that, the middle-aged man's demeanor softened somewhat, though he remained on guard around Ye Feng.

The young girl gave Ye Feng an extra look but remained silent, dutifully assisting the old man to the central pavilion before she herself stepped onto the open ground in front.

She inhaled deeply.

Then, with the morning light as her backdrop, she executed a series of fluid, butterfly-like punches. Her tall stature and striking features made the display particularly captivating.


To Ye Feng, this sequence of punches was nothing more than a visual treat.

He had never seen this particular technique before, but he recognized instantly that it lacked any real power. At best, it could serve to maintain physical fitness and perhaps fend off the average person.

The spiritual Qi within her was exceedingly sparse.

To be exact.

She hardly qualified as a cultivator.

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