Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C7 The Willful Young Miss of the Lau Family
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C7 The Willful Young Miss of the Lau Family
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C7 The Willful Young Miss of the Lau Family

The elderly man was an exception; the spiritual energy within him had reached a level where he was a cultivator capable of drawing Qi into his body.

Ye Feng chuckled and shook his head. Witnessing the cultivation methods of an Earthling for the first time left him somewhat underwhelmed. His head-shaking went unnoticed by most, but not by the young girl practicing her boxing. She had already been irritated by his persistent gaze during her training, and his dismissive gesture seemed to belittle her technique.

A fire of indignation flared within her. She abruptly ceased her movements and, with an icy expression, approached him to confront his behavior.

"Why are you shaking your head? Do you even understand?" she demanded.

Heavenly Emperor Ye, renowned for his valor over a millennium of warfare, had encountered the myriad laws of the cosmos. None were trivial; each was a marvel of complexity. How could her technique possibly compare?

To him, her boxing was as child's play compared to the grandeur of the universe.

"If you don't get it, stop shaking your head..." she began, only to be interrupted by a middle-aged man calling out from a distance, "Yiyi, come back. What kind of behavior is this?"

"Alright, Grandpa," Yiyi replied, turning back and casting a fierce glance from her beautiful eyes at Ye Feng.

"So be it," Ye Feng uttered abruptly.

Rising to his feet, he moved to an open area under the watchful eyes of the old man and Lau Yiyi. He began to demonstrate his own version of the boxing technique. It bore similarities to the girl's, yet it was distinctively different. Ye Feng's movements lacked her fluidity, replaced by a robust and powerful style, each punch resonating with boundless strength.



His strikes seemed to reverberate through the air itself.

The old man rose, mouth agape, astonished by Ye Feng's display.

Completing his sequence, Ye Feng turned to the stunned Yiyi with a casual smile. "What do you think?"

"Hmph, imitation is hardly impressive," she scoffed.

"You've been spying for quite a while, only to learn that much? Truly shameful."

"Yiyi, show some respect."

The elder dressed in a Zhongshan suit sharply reprimanded her before swiftly approaching Ye Feng and bowing deeply.

"Master, please accept my bow."

"Yiyi was impolite just now; I hope you can overlook it."

The elder was profoundly shaken.

The boxing technique Ye Feng had just demonstrated was unmistakably that of the Lau family, yet it was more refined. In comparison to Ye Feng's technique, the Lau family's seemed inferior.

Moreover, each of Ye Feng's punches appeared effortlessly perfect.

Such skill could not be achieved without decades of practice.

Even he himself doubted he could match Ye Feng's prowess.

Ye Feng was undoubtedly a master.

The scene left the young girl bewildered.

"Grandfather, what are you doing?" She hurried to assist the elder to his feet.

Then, she fixed Ye Feng with an indignant stare.

"Why are you paying respects to him?"

Before the elder could respond, Ye Feng gestured dismissively and said, "I must be going."

Having observed their training, Ye Feng had lost interest in Earth's cultivation practices. Staying any longer served no purpose.

The elder paused, then let out a wry smile and spoke gently, "Yiyi, please escort the Master on his way. And about earlier, I hope the Master won't take it to heart."

Ye Feng remained silent, but Lau Yiyi was not pleased. "Grandpa, he looks even younger than me. How is he a Master? He's probably just a charlatan."

"Yiyi," the elder said sternly.

Reluctantly, Lau Yiyi clamped her mouth shut and glowered at Ye Feng.

"Until next time." Ye Feng ignored Lau Yiyi's scowl, bid the elder farewell, and walked away. Lau Yiyi shot a glare at Ye Feng's retreating figure and quickly caught up to him.

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