Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C8 The Blackclothed Man Who Was Scared Silly
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C8 The Blackclothed Man Who Was Scared Silly
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C8 The Blackclothed Man Who Was Scared Silly

"Tell me, how did you manage to deceive my grandfather?"

As they walked, Lau Yiyi fixed Ye Feng with her beautiful eyes.

No matter how she looked at him, Ye Feng didn't strike her as a grandmaster; he seemed more like a student in his early twenties. Curious, she pressed on, "Which school are you with?"

Ye Feng chuckled softly, about to respond, when he abruptly halted and turned to look towards the old man in the distance.

He sensed that the old man's life force was quickly ebbing away.

"We need to go back," Ye Feng commanded in a low tone.


"What exactly are you up to?"

Lau Yiyi demanded, her impatience clear. To her, Ye Feng was nothing but a charlatan. They had walked quite a distance, and now he wanted to turn back? It seemed like he was just making trouble for the sake of it.

"I really don't have time to entertain your games," she huffed.

Ye Feng threw her a glance but remained silent.

With a thunderous boom, he surged forward, his step so powerful that the stairs beneath him cracked.

In an instant, Ye Feng had dashed more than ten meters ahead.

Lau Yiyi's mouth hung open in astonishment, her intended words forgotten. It was only when Ye Feng's figure vanished from sight that she snapped to her senses, stamped her foot in frustration, and hurried after him.

"Damn it."

The middle-aged man guarding the old man clutched his wounded arm, blood streaming down his leg, his gaze locked on the two men in black closing in.

They were overwhelmingly strong.

He hadn't even seen the blow coming.

The old man had been shot in the abdomen and was now sitting on a stone chair, his breath growing fainter by the second. Without immediate medical attention, he wouldn't last much longer.

"Old Man Liu, you have only yourself to blame for crossing someone beyond your means," one of the assailants coldly stated as he aimed his gun at the elder's head.

But just then, a maple leaf, crimson as the dawn, spun past the gunman's face.


The man in black let out a scream of agony, clutching his bleeding, severed arm, rolling on the ground with a look of sheer ferocity.

The elderly man's eyes widened in shock as he watched the gunman's hand, spinning with the weapon, soar into the sky, blood spraying in all directions.

Ye Feng approached calmly from not too far away, stating, "His life is under my protection."

The old man's beautiful eyes sparkled with a glimmer of hope upon seeing Ye Feng approach. At that moment, Lau Yiyi finally arrived, and the sight before her left her frozen in disbelief.

"Grandfather!" she cried out, rushing toward the old man.

Upon seeing the gaping wound in her grandfather's abdomen, Lau Yiyi's composure shattered.

"You..." she began, her voice trailing off in shock.

Another assailant, dressed in black, was taken aback but quickly spun around, aiming his pistol at Ye Feng.

Bang! A burst of fire erupted as a searing bullet flew from the gun, aimed straight at Ye Feng's head. But in a mere blink, Ye Feng deftly threw out a maple leaf.

Swoosh! Clang!

The leaf collided with the bullet, sending it veering off course.

With a slight smile, Ye Feng seized the moment of the gunman's bewilderment to launch another leaf.

This leaf, sharp as any blade, sliced through the air, effortlessly severing the steel handgun as if it were cutting through soft tofu.


The leaf continued its trajectory unabated, striking the steel fence and embedding itself several inches deep.

The gunman examined the smooth, mirror-like cut on his weapon, then glanced at the maple leaf protruding from the steel pipe, swallowing hard as a wave of cold sweat tumbled down his forehead.

In the midst of Lau Yiyi and the others' stunned silence, Ye Feng advanced, swiftly grasping the gunman's neck and hoisting him into the air.

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