Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C9 The Revival of Heavenly Emperor Ye
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C9 The Revival of Heavenly Emperor Ye
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C9 The Revival of Heavenly Emperor Ye

"You... Who are you?"

The man in black was suspended in the air, struggling futilely.

But no matter how much he fought, it was to no avail. Ye Feng's grip was like a vice, tightly clamping around his neck, rendering him immobile.

Ye Feng remained silent. With a forceful throw, the man in black was hurled through the air, traveling several meters before slamming into a pavilion pillar with a resounding crash.


A sharp crack echoed from his waist.


The man in black spat out a mouthful of blood and was flung to the ground, nearly losing consciousness.

"Please, save my grandfather, I'm begging you, save him."

Lau Yiyi knelt on the ground, clutching the old man's clothing tightly. She turned to Ye Feng, her eyes brimming with tears and a look of utter desperation.

Approaching the old man, Ye Feng observed a bloody wound in his abdomen.

Blood continued to seep out, and the old man had already gone into shock from the lack of oxygen and severe pain. Without immediate intervention, he wouldn't survive another minute.

"Master, please, I implore you to save my grandfather," Lau Yiyi pleaded urgently.

Typically, a gunshot wound to the abdomen is a death sentence, as the bullet would have already damaged vital organs.

But Ye Feng was no ordinary man.

"Call an ambulance," Ye Feng commanded.

"Ah, right away..."

Lau Yiyi fumbled for her pink phone.

Meanwhile, Ye Feng gently laid the old man flat and swiftly pressed on several critical acupoints, which significantly slowed the bleeding. However, this measure only extended the old man's life by a minute or two.

"Lau Zhongguo, the Lau family is now indebted to me."

A glint of determination shone in Ye Feng's eyes. He bit his fingertip, squeezing out a drop of radiant golden blood, and then administered it into the old man's mouth.

This was Ye Feng's Blood Essence, imbued with immense spiritual energy capable of miraculous healing. Yet, his current strength only allowed him to sustain the elder's life for half a day.

However, it wasn't enough.

To fully save the elderly man's life, two drops of Blood Essence were required.

The thought of parting with two drops of Blood Essence caused Ye Feng's face to lose most of its color, and he began to stagger.

But the elderly man's condition had stabilized.

"How is my grandfather?"

After ending her phone call, Lau Yiyi hurried back, her voice tinged with urgency. Yet, upon seeing her grandfather's serene demeanor, her heart leapt.

As if reading Lau Yiyi's mind, Ye Feng said calmly, "He's alive."

Relief washed over Lau Yiyi, but her anxiety remained palpable.

Soon, as Lau Yiyi waited with bated breath, the ambulance arrived, accompanied by members of the Lau family.

Only after her grandfather was safely aboard the ambulance did Lau Yiyi truly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Master," she said earnestly.

She had once dismissed Ye Feng as a charlatan with no real knowledge. Now, she recognized him as a true master.

His skill with the leaves was unmatched.

"Master, could I have your phone number?" Lau Yiyi asked as Ye Feng prepared to leave.

"Sure," he replied. After giving her his number, he added, "I have a name. You can call me Ye Feng."

He had never been fond of the title "Master," which to him sounded too much like a con artist. He preferred "Ye Feng."

"Ye Feng..."

As she watched Ye Feng walk away, Lau Yiyi's beautiful eyes shimmered with a peculiar light.

"Lau family..." Back at home, Ye Feng allowed himself a slight smile.

Having lived on Earth for decades in his previous life, he was well aware of the old man and the young woman's identities and the stature of the Lau family in Songjiang.

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