Immortal Martial Sovereign/C13 Red feathered bird
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Immortal Martial Sovereign/C13 Red feathered bird
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C13 Red feathered bird

On the other side of the dark forest.

A large bird with scarlet feathers continuously flapped its wings, appearing to be extremely angry. Its surroundings were filled with human blood and broken limbs, a bloody scene …

The monster wasn't particularly large, but it was very powerful, and the place it stayed at was the same one that Yi Hao had entered.

This bird was originally a spirit beast, but because of its ruthlessness, basically no one dared to attack it.

Furthermore, this bird is called the Red Feathered Bird. A Rank 8 Spirit Beast should be located in the depths of the dark forest. There shouldn't be any fierce beasts that would appear at the edge of the dark forest.

However, it just happened to appear. Furthermore, none of the humans that encountered it survived, and all of them died. At the most important moment of its advancement, someone took away the spiritual plant it bitterly protected.

A spiritual plant could help it break through in one fell swoop, but there was always a chance in this world!

The fierce beasts raged and roared for a thousand miles. The forest was almost completely surrounded by tragic roars mixed in with the lives of those unlucky ones. The smart ones couldn't wait to run far away, their lives were the most important.

Among those who escaped around the dark forest, some of the group began to become restless.

In these few days, in the dark forest, there were some grapes that were about to mature, and the medicinal value of these grapes were very high. A thousand gold was very hard to find, and a single grape could help a person who couldn't break through the peak of their cultivation, and if their talent was good, they would be able to continuously advance, so the number of people in the world who could not break through the bottleneck, the nobles, commoners, and even the wandering experts all wanted to obtain it.

Right now, the red grape was already ripe. Unfortunately, no one had been able to find it and it even angered a wild beast. Its life was constantly in danger.

These people were also from somewhere in the Tian Feng Empire. They looked like extraordinary people. They were dressed in silver and gold, and their clothing was exquisite. Luxury and luxury were all reflected in every detail.

The leading young master was bleeding profusely, followed by two other young masters, a few followers, and so on.

He couldn't move! Let's take a break and deal with the wounds.

A young master dressed in dark yellow sat down, panting heavily. It was obvious that he was dying, and the rest of the people had also started to set up camp.

Little Jian, let me bandage you up. Look at your arm.

The other man, who looked more composed, stepped forward. Thank you, Cousin.

The moment his hand was grabbed, a huge force came over, causing his injuries to increase …

It had already been five days since Yi Hao entered the cave!

Yi Hao's body slightly moved as he gradually came to his senses.

The moment he opened his eyes, he felt full of energy, as if he could smash open a mountain. This feeling was extremely exciting and incomparably refreshing.

Yi Hao stood up like a carp, he clenched his fists and adjusted his breathing. He was ecstatic, he had actually gotten something unexpected!

I, I, I actually reached the first step! It was simply daylight! "Yi Hao couldn't help but swear. He was first level one Foundation Establishment, a good-for-nothing, then level two Foundation Establishment after his hard work. He thought that he was going to take a bath and eat all sorts of drugs to improve his body, but who would have thought that he would receive such a harvest?

He only remembered that after eating that fruit, his entire body was engulfed by a wild burst of energy. He tried his best to control his breathing and digest it, but he was still unable to hold on!

What was that fruit?

Yi Hao scratched his head. Suddenly, he remembered. A super spiritual plant could directly help one to advance into the next level, but the lowest level was the bottleneck. Those with talent could continue to advance until the medicinal value of the spiritual plant ran out.

Oh my god, I can't help but to be glad that I have such good luck, but at the same time, I am afraid that those kinds of things are usually taken by powerhouses of the ninth step after they get stuck, and then advanced to the Heavenly Wheel Stage. My body can take it, but if a Foundation Establishment stage person were to eat it, his body will explode and he will die, and it will even be a waste.

If it wasn't for the help he received from Limitless' Limitless' in regulating his breathing and the help from that Spirit Sesame Grass, he would have been reduced to a pile of minced meat.

Furthermore, Yi Hao was slightly regretful. After eating a high-grade spirit item like the red cloth grape, he was only able to reach the first level and barely pass Foundation Establishment.

If the Heavenly Wheel Realm ate it, it would still level up, and so on. The value of that thing was linked to the body, no matter how strong you were, that thing would devour you. If you were weaker than it, then your body would still explode.

Let's say we regret, we have our own sect competition. Let's say we don't regret, but we're still a little unwilling!

The feeling of possessing power was different. Compared to that waste who had stopped at Foundation Establishment, his own strength was like a life-saving tool, and it was also a necessary weapon to defeat the enemy.

Right now, he had to cultivate well and find some spiritual roots to help him reach the Second Order. Only then would he have the ultimate goal of pursuing strength.

Therefore, those negative feelings could not exist. Only by being satisfied would one obtain more, and greed would never end.

Yi Hao had already thought about it and was prepared to sit down cross-legged to meditate. Who knew that the stench would cause him to vomit at midnight. Even though he was already starving and had nothing in his stomach, that didn't stop him from vomiting.

Weird, didn't I already cleanse my marrow last time? Why is it still the same this time? More dirt than the last time, and it stank.

Yi Hao felt that all the impurities in his body had been completely wiped out by the red grapes!

However, the first thing to do now was to quickly take a bath. The more it smelled, the more crazy he would get.

Yi Hao hurried out to find water. The sticky feeling from head to toe drove him crazy. This was the most insane time he had ever gone through his Purification in his previous life.

When Yi Hao heard the sound of flowing water, he immediately jumped in and took off his clothes to take a bath. He rubbed a handful of mud, and washed himself from head to toe!

The black water in the water slowly dispersed.

The clean skin was tighter and more powerful than before, and the skin was the color of wheat.

At this moment, Yi Hao's previously emaciated body had completely changed!

Miss, let's not go any further. If we go any further, we will encounter danger!

No, I haven't had a bath for several days. What danger would there be if I only found some water?!


The two women's conversation was heard by Yi Hao from far away. Now that his body had improved in all aspects, he could almost instantly sense any movement.

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