Immortal Martial Sovereign/C2 Powerful blue light
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Immortal Martial Sovereign/C2 Powerful blue light
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C2 Powerful blue light

The corner of Mao Fei's eyebrows twitched as a hint of a smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

However, Yi Hao had already noticed all of this.

Someone must have come from outside as well to make this fellow so happy.

At that time, once they saw the Star Crystal Lamp beside their pillow, even if they had a hundred helpers, they would still be unable to do anything.

Now that he had all the witness and evidence, the crime of stealing the core disciple's possessions was pinned on his head.

Yi Hao thought about the Limitless Sword Arts he had cultivated in his previous life. This was a top tier cultivation technique that was created by the ancestors of the Everlasting School. Even in the entire continent, there weren't many that could compare to it.

The spirit energy quietly gathered at Yi Hao's side. It peeled off the cocoon and merged it into his body, and then, with the help of the Limitless Bursting Codex, it started to circulate around his body.

His body did not train very often, and many of his meridians had already been blocked by the miscellaneous objects in his body. Fortunately, Limitless was not a cultivation technique of the Flying Star Valley, and with the circulation of the cultivation technique, his spirit energy gradually became more stable, flowing in all directions.

Feeling the spiritual power in his body, Yi Hao felt the oil under his feet as he turned around and ran out of the window. Before he left, he didn't forget to throw the blanket into the bucket and mock him.

Mao Fei, since you like this place so much, help me look after it.

When Mao Fei came back to his senses, besides him, there was no one else here.

Just as Yi Hao left, someone from the back rushed into his room.

A group of sect law enforcers came to the front of Mao Fei. A few seconds later, an old man with a white beard slowly came to Mao Fei.

Elder, prisoner … He ran away. Mao Fei looked at the empty bed and was also surprised at how Yi Hao managed to leave so quickly.

Wasn't his cultivation a level 1 of Foundation Establishment?

How could he be so fast?

He ran away? Then what are you doing! A youth standing behind the old man jumped out. Seeing that there was no one in the room he wanted to see, his face immediately darkened.

Being stared at by the teenager felt like being stared at by a wolf in the dark. Mao Fei could not help but shiver.

Glancing at Yi Hao's clothes, Mao Fei suddenly remembered that this was Yi Hao's residence. He only needed to say a few words to guide him, and with Lan Qing's help, he would definitely punish Yi Hao for his crimes.

Elder Brother Blue Light, this is the prisoner's residence. We only need to touch his bed …

Mao Fei pointed at the empty bed. His glasses immediately went stiff as his mouth dropped open, unable to say a word.

Looking at the wet sheets and quilts in the bucket, Mao Fei finally understood why Yi Hao did this before he left.

Originally, he had already guessed that he would use the warm blanket as an excuse to prove himself. However, from the looks of it now, the blanket and the others were all wet. If he were to continue making evidence, it would be insufficient.

Elder, we caught a fugitive! The next moment, the voice of a disciple of the enforcement team sounded from outside the room.

Blue Light and Mao Fei walked out together, and they saw that the person who was caught by the law enforcement officials was Yi Hao, who had just left.

However, the current him was carrying a bunch of wild vegetables.

Yi Hao! You actually dare to steal from the core disciples of a sect! Catch him! Hua Rong's expression turned cold as he ordered the disciples he had brought to arrest Yi Hao.

He was the Law Enforcing Elder of the Flying Star Valley, and although he appeared to have a high position in the sect, he still didn't dare to offend the Sect Master's only disciple, Blue Light.

Before coming here, Bluelight had already colluded with him. He was well aware of what was going to happen today.

Little Hao, you and I have known each other since we were young. If you really like that Flying Star Liu Li Lamp, then tell me directly, even if my master is unable to give it to you because of the sect's rules, I can give it to you! Sigh. The blue light looked at Yi Hao with an incomparably lost expression, as if he was the one being held.

Yi Hao frowned, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He had been convinced by this blue light and had even arranged for people to frame him. But now, they were actually acting as if there was something amiss.

Hold on! Yi Hao shouted to the incoming enforcement team.

What else do you have to say? Hurry up and admit your mistakes!

First of all, I was out picking wild herbs in the mountains just now. I presume that everyone should know that my life is a little unsatisfactory, so eating some wild herbs isn't wrong. But when I returned here, I was inexplicably caught? You say that someone reported me stealing something, then I want to ask, since you can say with one sentence that I was the one who stole something, why can't I say that it was this guy who broke into my place to frame me!

Yi Hao raised the wild vegetable in his hand and asked everyone present what evidence you have! Could it be that the disciples of the enforcement team and the sect master had to listen to an outer court disciple?

Blue light's face instantly darkened. He slightly turned his head and glared at Mao Fei.

If he could catch Yi Hao holding the Flying Star Glazed Light, this matter wouldn't be as troublesome as it was now.

Mao Fei was also dumbfounded. He had never thought that Yi Hao, who dared not to provoke trouble at all, would suddenly become so aggressive. For a moment, he didn't know how to refute.

The blue light quietly cast a meaningful glance at Mao Fei, who nodded in understanding.

Elder Hua and the other senior brothers, I am willing to use my life as a guarantee that this thing was really stolen by Yi Hao. When I shouted for everyone, he took advantage of me and jumped out of the window. The way Mao Fei swore caused everyone to turn their gaze back to Yi Hao.

Enough! Little Hao, you've really disappointed your brother! The only way to do so was to plead guilty as soon as possible. Blue light took a step forward and stared at Yi Hao.

Senior Brother, are you trying to force the confession? Yi Hao looked at the people in front of him. Naturally, he knew that they had planned this out long ago.

Forcing logic! Elder Hua, Yi Hao is my master's martial nephew. Seeing that he is unrepentant now, I, as his senior, am also responsible. I hope that Elder Hua can give me face and let me personally punish this stubborn junior!

The blue light bowed towards Hua Rong as he cupped his fists in front of his chest and commanded.

As expected of the disciple of the sect master, even I am unable to compare with him. This is great, since the one who was stolen is you, then, I will let you solve this trouble. Hua Rong stroked her beard with one hand and put her other hand behind her back. Her expression did not hide her admiration for Blue Light.

Murderous intent flashed through Lan Jue's eyes. He struck out with his palm. The wind generated by his strike was overflowing with murderous intent.

Yi Hao frowned. This situation wasn't about punishing him, it was about killing him!

It seemed like a simple palm strike, but there was a huge difference in their strength. He wasn't able to withstand a palm strike alone.

However, how could they have thought that the trash that was as weak as a chicken was an existence that once shook the world. This palm was full of loopholes in Yi Hao's eyes. There were too many ways to break it.

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