Immortal Rising In The City/C1 The Inheritance of Mind Monarch
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Immortal Rising In The City/C1 The Inheritance of Mind Monarch
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C1 The Inheritance of Mind Monarch

Strolling across the seaside bridge, Wang Feng was overwhelmed with a profound sense of bitterness. Only moments before, Xu Qian, his girlfriend of three years, had called to end their relationship. Her biting words were still resounding in his ears.

"I've been with you for so long, what valuable thing have you ever bought me? Hah, Kay gifts me a single piece of clothing worth thousands, which is half your annual living expenses! Next to Kay, you're nothing but a pathetic loser, got it?"

"So what if you graduate from Zhogow University? What good will it do you? Will you ever be able to afford one of Kay's cars after a lifetime of hard work?"

"You disgust me. You're a worthless loser who can't even stand up straight. I never want to see you again!"

Haunted by these scornful voices, he reached the end of the bridge and took a swig from the beer can he was holding.

Just then, a red Lamborghini pulled up beside the sea barrier, and a statuesque woman stepped out. She was wearing high heels and a form-fitting white dress that highlighted her elegant and curvaceous figure. As the dress fluttered, it revealed her pale, smooth legs and ankles. With a flat stomach and a poised demeanor, her attire clearly indicated she was a well-to-do heiress.

When Wang Feng caught a glimpse of her face, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. She was breathtakingly beautiful. He had never before encountered such perfection; her features were as delicate as a Barbie doll's, and her deep eyes sparkled with an otherworldly radiance.

In that moment, his mind went blank, utterly captivated by her stunning beauty.

She glanced at him briefly before shifting her gaze away. Wang Feng sensed that she, too, was carrying burdens, as her eyes betrayed a certain solitude—a solitude that he, with his own heavy heart, recognized all too well.

A group of burly men, who had been enjoying a barbecue nearby, approached her.

"Hey, gorgeous, all by yourself? Why not join us for some barbecue?" they offered.

The striking woman gave them a frosty look and dismissed them curtly, "No thanks, get lost."

Taken aback by her rejection, the men's expressions soured. Their shoulders and arms were emblazoned with menacing tattoos, clearly marking them as troublemakers.

Four or five burly men approached and quickly encircled the stunning woman.

Wang Feng's heart lurched, sensing that the woman was in danger.

The leader of the group sported a menacing scar that ran from his forehead to the corner of his mouth. His neck bore a black scorpion tattoo, adding to his intimidating appearance.

He chuckled, "What's the matter, beautiful? Won't give me face? Just have a few beers with the boys!"

The woman's brow furrowed. "I've said it once, and I'll say it again: I'm not going. Move aside!"

Scarface grew irate. "Damn it, you'd rather face the consequences than show respect? Don't think you can get away just because you're pretty. Boys, tie her up and take her behind that rock!"

The woman, noticing their hostile demeanor, showed signs of panic and began to back away. "I have a weapon. I'm warning you, stay back!"

The men burst into laughter. "What's this, trying to scare us? You think you can escape from us big guys? What in the world is that? Ah!"

She swiftly pulled a small bottle from her purse and sprayed wildly at the thugs surrounding her. The spray was potent, causing the men to clutch their eyes and howl in pain.

The woman attempted to flee to her car, but the pepper spray wasn't lethal. She didn't get far before the thugs were hot on her trail.

In her high heels, she stood no chance of outrunning them.

Scarface bellowed, "Quick, grab her! We'll have our fun with her later!"

In her frantic escape, the woman's long dress tore, and one of her heels snapped off, leaving her in a disheveled state.

The thugs, howling with a mix of pain and excitement, eagerly pursued her.

The woman dashed towards Wang Feng, crying out, "Save me, save me!"

Wang Feng's heart pounded. He was no match for the thugs, but he couldn't just run away when a woman was pleading for his help.

As she reached his side, the thugs encircled them. "Sweetheart, you think this kid can save you? That's adorable. This loser? I could knock him out with one punch!"

Wang Feng's anger surged within him. Why should he be labeled as worthless by others? A surge of righteous bravery filled his heart; he was, after all, a man of valor.

Who doesn't harbor dreams of martial arts heroism in life? Who doesn't aspire to be the hero who saves the damsel in distress?

Moreover, he was a fine young man of the twenty-first century, fully embracing and adhering to society's core values. If everyone acted courageously in the face of injustice, society would become even more harmonious and beautiful.


He threw the half-empty beer can he was holding directly at the man with the scarred face.

The noise was loud, but the scar-faced man wasn't hurt. Instead, Wang Feng's action infuriated him.

With a wave of his hand, a group of thugs swarmed Wang Feng, pummeling him with punches and kicks.

Wang Feng had wanted to fight back and save the day, but he was outnumbered and outmatched. The thugs beat him until he was battered and nearly breathless.

The thugs stood over him with smug superiority. "Kid, did you really think you could play the hero in front of us? Hmph, you brought this on yourself. Don't blame us!"

Their expressions hardened as they hoisted him up and perched him on the seaside railing, ready to toss him into the abyss below.

The beauty, witnessing these villains about to cast him into the sea, became frantic. "What are you doing? Is this deliberate murder? You'll get the death penalty for this!"

The delinquents burst into cruel laughter. The scar-faced man sneered, "Brothers, we haven't spilled blood yet. Just so you know, we're desperados who've ended up here, long overdue for death. Now, you better worry about yourself. Your fate will be the same! One, two, three, let's go!"

With that, they released their grip, and Wang Feng's body plummeted into the churning sea below like a stone.

"No!" The beauty, driven by her own sense of justice, instinctively reached for his arm. After all, the young man had been attacked trying to save her. But the force of his fall dragged her down as well.

The thugs were taken aback. "Crap! She fell too? Boss, this is on you. If you hadn't scared her, she might not have jumped."

"How unlucky!"

"Let's get out of here fast, or we'll be caught on camera. We need to find a new place to lay low!"

Underneath the bridge, Wang Feng, in a haze, felt his body plummeting rapidly.

Suddenly, a white light flashed before his eyes, and an ancient voice echoed in his ear.

"Thank heavens, after four billion years, someone has finally arrived."

Wang Feng then realized he was standing on solid ground, but it was clearly not the same location as the bridge. In fact, it hardly seemed like ground at all, as white mist enveloped everything, obscuring all sight.

The aged voice continued, "Do not fear, I am one of the mightiest beings in the universe, the Mind Monarch. Alas, four billion years ago, I was betrayed by my adversaries and perished. You cannot see my form, for only a remnant of my psychokinesis lingers in this space."

"This is an extraordinary space where time stands still, designed to preserve my legacy. Once you receive my inheritance, I hope you will seek vengeance for me. That is my greatest desire."

"I am on the brink of fading away. You, young man, are commendable. Your courage and integrity are rare to find, and your potential is promising. Continue to uphold these virtues. In doing so, you will encounter profound destiny. Prepare yourself to receive the psychokinesis..."

The elderly voice grew fainter and eventually fell silent.

Wang Feng then felt the surrounding white fog streaming into his body. Quickly, he sensed an inexplicable, mighty force within him, as though he could shatter stars with a flick of his wrist or make the cosmos tremble with a mere gesture.

As this power flooded in, new memories emerged in his mind, those of the Mind Monarch from the fading voice.

When the last trace of white fog vanished, he found himself back in the real world.

And at that moment, he was plummeting from the sky toward the sea!

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