Immortal Rising In The City/C10 He Ruthlessly Exposed Her
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Immortal Rising In The City/C10 He Ruthlessly Exposed Her
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C10 He Ruthlessly Exposed Her

Wang Feng offered a slight smile, realizing that his wife was no ordinary woman. As he ascended the stairs, he noticed several workers hauling bags of rice up the employee elevator. This minor observation quickly led him to deduce that the freight elevator was out of order, and it had been for twelve hours. Companies typically purchase ingredients for the following day in the afternoon, so the fact that they were moving rice today indicated that the elevator had broken down yesterday afternoon.

"My niece truly is a formidable woman, reminiscent of Brother Hua's glory days."

Wang Baicheng rose and respectfully bowed to everyone present.

"Twenty years ago, when I, Wang, was peddling medicine through the streets, I held the greatest admiration for Ms. Hua of Guardian Star. She alone established the largest enterprise in Blirsall! It was her example that inspired me to endure all hardships and reach where I am today. Yet, times have changed, and Ms. Hua is no longer with us. Guardian Star has since lost its dominant status. However, we all still need to make a living. While Ms. Hua's niece may have some insights, the rough and tumble of the business world is better suited for us men. Today, I've brought a business opportunity for everyone here."

Wang Baicheng's statement sent shockwaves through the boardroom, stirring interest in the business opportunity and the prospect of change.

"Wang Baicheng, what are you trying to pull? Guardian Star isn't a place for an outsider like you to call the shots!" Lee Da stood up in a fury and lashed out at Wang Baicheng.

"Ha! Uncle Lee, why be so obstinate? What's your annual take? Ten million? A billion? Ha, that's the extent of Guardian Star's reach. But consider the smallest shareholder in the Wang family, who rakes in a billion a year! Tell me, why would anyone want to turn their back on money?"

"Hmph, Wang Baicheng, what's this act you're putting on? You think I'm unaware of how you've amassed your fortune? Every company under your thumb has been covertly absorbed into your own conglomerate. If you keep trying to deceive everyone here, do you really think I won't toss you out on your ear?" Lee Da's gaze was menacing.

Lee Da was once the bodyguard to Hua Moying's father and is now her staunchest ally. Moying's ability to hold her position with forty-five percent of the shares is due in no small part to Lee Da's five percent stake and his unwavering support.

"Now that Mr. Wang Baicheng is a shareholder, he naturally has the right to speak at the meeting, but he remains silent. Lee Da, please take a seat," Hua Moying instructed Lee Da.

A glint appeared in Wang Baicheng's eyes. He had intended to provoke Hua Moying into a heated dispute over shares, hoping to covertly secure fifty percent for himself, thus matching her stake. His plan was to call for a vote for the presidency, believing he could easily outmaneuver an enraged young woman against his seasoned business acumen. However, Hua Moying's strategic finesse took him by surprise.

"Mr. Wang, now would be a good time to share your journey to prosperity," Hua Moying stated, seemingly unfazed by the undercurrents swirling around her, maintaining her cool demeanor.

Wang Baicheng rose to his feet: "As you all know, my business began with medicinal herbs. The market for these herbs has been exceptionally strong lately. I propose that Guardian Star Group invest in this sector. I'll provide the formulas, and Guardian Star will bring the financial resources. Together, we'll aim for mutual success, with all profits going to the company."

The shareholders' eyes practically sparkled at the prospect; the profit margins in the medicinal herb market dwarfed those of the food and beverage industry!

"Mr. Wang, you speak of mutual success, yet you say the profits will go to the company. What about your own earnings?" Hua Moying inquired, having already sensed from the shareholders' reactions that the Wang family was now in a dominant position. She was quietly formulating a strategy.

"Haha, Ms. Hua, your insight is unparalleled. I, Wang, am wholeheartedly committed to the business and would never double-deal. I will simply take part in the profit-sharing. However, the formula represents significant capital, and we must recalculate the shares accordingly. The formula should equate to a fifty percent shareholding," Wang Dongcheng announced, plunging the room into silence once more.

With Wang Dongcheng's new shares factored in, Hua Moying's stake was effectively diluted. Everyone's shares would need to be adjusted to 95% of their current value, leaving Hua Moying without enough to secure her re-election as president.

The rest remained silent, each absorbed in their calculations, weighing whether their diluted shares would ultimately mean more or less profit for themselves.

Wang Feng shook his head. He was familiar with the Wang family, but was it the same esteemed Wang family spoken of by the elite, or the one associated with the unscrupulous businessman Wang Baicheng?

At the university, half of the products being peddled were from Wang Baicheng's enterprise—cosmetics, health supplements, outrageously priced yet utterly worthless. These products not only trapped numerous students in debt but also shattered countless lives.

"Mr. Wang, which health supplement's formula are you referring to?" A young man emerged from behind Hua Moying, his youthful appearance belied by his piercing gaze, hinting at his student status.

"It's the Phoenix Heart, our Wang family's best-selling product. But rest assured, since we've sold it to Guardian Star, my family will cease its production," Wang Baicheng declared confidently.

Wang Feng smirked. "What a coincidence, Mr. Wang. I happen to know the secret formula of the Phoenix Heart as well."

The room fell silent at his words. How could he possibly possess the Wang family's guarded secret?

A spark of realization flickered in Hua Moying's eyes, though she composed herself quickly.

Wang Baicheng's eyes twinkled as he let out a dismissive laugh. "Perhaps this young man has had one too many? He seems to be spouting gibberish."

Undeterred by the mockery, Wang Feng continued methodically, "Polygonum multiflorum, Angelica, sweet potato flour, Bletilla striata, licorice, lotus seeds—I won't divulge the precise measurements, but I'll mention one: Bletilla striata, precisely 32 grams."

Wang Baicheng's complexion drained of color, speechless for a moment. The formula was a fabrication, a marketing ploy leveraging celebrity endorsements to gain traction. It was a secret to the world, unknown even to his own son. How could Wang Feng be privy to it? The revelation left Wang Baicheng visibly shaken.

Wang Feng gave Hua Moying a subtle nod, signaling her to maintain her composure.

He had only discovered the truth yesterday. In a moment of parched desperation, he had grabbed a cup of water in his dormitory, only to be met with a bitter taste. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was the Phoenix Heart his roommate had purchased. That's when he remembered a fellow student who had been lured into the pyramid scheme.

Driven by curiosity, Wang Feng used his mental abilities to analyze the pill's composition. Astonishingly, he could break down the substance into particles, perceiving nuances imperceptible to the average person. After reviewing the data, the so-called secret formula became crystal clear to him.

"So, Ms. Hua has already secured the formula. Could this be the pharmaceutical expert she's brought on board?" The shareholders quickly caught on. If Hua Moying had the formula, there would be no need to dilute her shares to enter the pharmaceutical industry, and she could effortlessly expand into Europe.

"I am indeed the one Ms. Hua has taken under her wing," Wang Feng said unabashedly, placing deliberate emphasis on "taken under her wing," which sounded remarkably similar to "hired." Hua Moying clenched her teeth in frustration.

The shareholders' meeting concluded successfully, with Hua Moying's reappointment and Wang Feng's employment contracts signed. Only then did Wang Baicheng snap out of his daze, his gaze fixed on Hua Moying and Wang Feng like a serpent's.

This was the first time Wang Baicheng had faced resistance in his expansion since becoming the dominant force in Blirsall. It seemed he would hold a grudge against Wang Feng from now on.

After the meeting, Lee Da cautioned Hua Moying to stay vigilant around Wang Baicheng, who held a significant 40% of the shares—a potential threat. The company's second-largest shareholder was known for being contrarian.

"I blame myself," Hua Moying lamented, a chill settling over her expression. "My father entrusted the company to me, and I mistakenly placed my trust in the wrong person."

Wang Feng stepped forward nonchalantly, "Lee Da, rest assured, with me here, no one will harm our Moying."

Lee Da's eyes sparkled, having witnessed Wang Feng's conduct firsthand. "Young man, look after Moying well. Uncle Lee is counting on you," he said, giving Wang Feng a knowing glance before bidding Hua Moying farewell.

After parting ways with Lee Da, Wang Feng's hand mischievously found its way to Hua Moying's waist. "Yingying, do you think Lee Da could be in danger for confronting Wang Baicheng at the meeting?"

"Get away from me!" Hua Moying's rage erupted, as Wang Feng's hand had already inappropriately crept higher.

Wang Feng sheepishly withdrew his hands. After ensuring Hua Moying's safe arrival at her home, he set off for school in his battered car. The school's security guards were well-acquainted with Wang Feng by now. Spotting his jalopy, they promptly raised the barrier.

"Brother Wang is back!"

"Back again. Thanks for your hard work today," Wang Feng replied, unconcerned with how the guards had come to know him so well. He greeted them warmly, much like a leader visiting a local village.

Throughout the journey, many of the male students couldn't help but feel envious upon seeing Wang Feng's clunker. They looked up to him with great respect; he was the only man who could make a heap of junk feel like a Lamborghini.

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