Immortal Rising In The City/C12 Money Could Make a Ghost Push a Millstone
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Immortal Rising In The City/C12 Money Could Make a Ghost Push a Millstone
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C12 Money Could Make a Ghost Push a Millstone

"Really?" Zhao Xiaoying was clearly skeptical of Wang Feng's claim.

"Why would I lie to you? Lying won't put food on the table or money in your pocket!" Wang Feng said, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

A big, sweet smile spread across Zhao Xiaoying's face. "That's a relief. By the way, how many people have signed up for the basketball competition?"

As soon as Zhao Xiaoying finished her question, Wang Feng's smile instantly faded.

Not even one!

Wang Feng truly didn't want to disappoint Zhao Xiaoying... The thought of upsetting such a beautiful girl made him feel uneasy.

Noticing Wang Feng's silence, Zhao Xiaoying pressed him, "Wang Feng, come on, spit it out!"

Wang Feng gave Zhao Xiaoying a meaningful look and replied with hesitation, "Dear class monitor, promise me you won't get mad first, then I'll tell you."

The smile slowly vanished from Zhao Xiaoying's face. She was no fool and could guess what Wang Feng was implying.

"Not a single person?" she inquired.

Wang Feng nodded. He was about to explain when Zhao Xiaoying cut in, "Why?"

"They say that every time they enter these competitions, they just end up as a backdrop for Shen Qingchen, the heartthrob from the class next door. He hogs all the spotlight, and they're tired of it..." Wang Feng's voice trailed off as he noticed Zhao Xiaoying's expression growing darker.

"So, what do we do now?" Zhao Xiaoying's face fell as she slumped into a classroom chair, her brow furrowed in worry.

"I might have a solution," Wang Feng said, his gaze mischievously drifting to Zhao Xiaoying's delicate pink lips.

At Wang Feng's words, Zhao Xiaoying's eyes sparkled with hope, and she turned to him eagerly. "What is it? Tell me!"

Zhao Xiaoying missed the fleeting mischievous glint in Wang Feng's eyes.

"If you agree to one condition, I can not only get them to join the competition, but I'll also ensure they win!" Wang Feng said, half in jest, as he pulled up a chair and sat down, a confident grin on his face.

"What's the condition? As long as it's reasonable, I'll agree!" Zhao Xiaoying said, assuming Wang Feng was just teasing and not taking him too seriously.

"Really?" Wang Feng's smile deepened.

"Go ahead, tell me!"

No sooner had Zhao Xiaoying finished speaking than a triumphant glint flashed in Wang Feng's eyes. "If I manage to do it, you have to kiss me on your own initiative."

Zhao Xiaoying was taken aback by Wang Feng's words, clearly not expecting such a bold request. A delicate blush spread across her lovely face.

"What do you say? Will you agree? Do we have a deal, my dear class president?" Wang Feng teased, his eyes brimming with an unshakable confidence that made him seem invincible.

Zhao Xiaoying looked up, locking eyes with Wang Feng. Their gazes intertwined in the air.

"Fine, I agree," Zhao Xiaoying was the first to look away, taking a deep breath as she consented.

Wang Feng was surprised by how readily Zhao Xiaoying had agreed, a flicker of astonishment crossing his face. But in less than a second, his expression shifted to one of amused satisfaction. "Really? If I pull it off, you'll kiss me willingly? Just don't back out later, okay?"

"Don't worry, when Zhao Xiaoying gives her word, she keeps it. I'm honest with both young and old! Of course, that's assuming you can actually do it."

Zhao Xiaoying had agreed so readily because she doubted Wang Feng had the capability to meet his end of the bargain.

"Alright, remember you said that." With the assurance secured, Wang Feng's smirk grew wider, his eyes radiating a mysterious confidence and a hint of determination.

Having struck their deal, Wang Feng quickly exited the classroom, parting ways with Zhao Xiaoying.

Once out of the classroom, he made a beeline for his dormitory. By chance, he bumped into Zhou Pangzi, who had just come back from the internet cafe.

"Feng, what a coincidence," Zhou Pangzi said, grinning at Wang Feng. His round face beamed, his eyes squinting into slits.

"Pangzi, where have you been? I haven't seen you all afternoon." Wang Feng playfully punched his shoulder, then wrapped an arm around him, still smiling.

Zhou Pangzi barely registered the punch, and with a grin, he hooked Wang Feng's arm, saying, "Off to the internet cafe for some gaming, huh? Must be bored out of your mind with no classes."

"You're always gaming. You'd be better off chasing girls with me."

As soon as Wang Feng finished his sentence, Zhou Pangzi's smile grew even broader. "Hehe, are you serious, Feng?"

"Yep, stick with me, and you'll meet plenty of girls," Wang Feng boasted, thumping his chest confidently.

"Great, let's happily agree on that!"


Laughing and slinging their arms around each other, the two made their way back to the dorm. On the way, Wang Feng filled Zhou Pangzi in on the basketball competition.

But he left out the part about his deal with Zhao Xiaoying.

"Hey, hey, hey, everybody up! You won't make any money lying in bed. Get moving, we've got things to talk about!" Wang Feng bellowed as they entered the dorm, with Zhou Pangzi yanking their roommates out of bed one by one.

Including Wang Feng and Zhou Pangzi, there were twelve guys in the dorm, all standing in a line, nearly all bleary-eyed with sleep.

"What's up? We're dead tired," they complained in unison, clearly annoyed.

Wang Feng and Zhou Pangzi exchanged a look.

"Here's the deal. Remember the basketball game I mentioned this afternoon? Is anyone interested in signing up? Let's win the championship and make our class proud!"

Wang Feng's announcement was met with silence, except for Zhou Pangzi's eager nodding.

"Who's up for the basketball game? Raise your hand! Let's make a name for our class and impress the others!" Wang Feng called out with undiminished enthusiasm.


It was to no avail.

Aside from Zhou Pangzi, who volunteered, everyone else just shook their heads.

Out of options, Wang Feng bit his lip and decided to dig deep into his pockets.

"Whoever joins will get five hundred bucks from me. Anyone interested?"

With that, Wang Feng pulled out his wallet, and in less than two seconds, a wad of cash was in his hand.

Upon hearing Wang Feng's proposition, everyone's sleepiness vanished in an instant, their eyes gleaming as they fixed their gazes on the cash in Wang Feng's grasp.

"Do you want this? Then join the competition," Wang Feng enticed, waving the cash in his hand, though the smile on his face seemed somewhat strained.

Damn it... His heart ached, as if it were bleeding!

What a massive loss!

You can't catch the wolf without risking the sheep! With this thought, Wang Feng consoled himself a bit. After all, it was only two thousand five hundred yuan—a mere trifle!

"I'm in!"

"Count me in too!"


True to the adage, money talks; it wasn't long before Wang Feng had successfully rallied five people together.

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