Immortal Rising In The City/C13 The Situation Was Not Good
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Immortal Rising In The City/C13 The Situation Was Not Good
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C13 The Situation Was Not Good

After reluctantly distributing 2,500 points among the five participants, Wang Feng commanded them to head to the outdoor training field!

With cash in hand, the spirits of the five were sky-high. Together with Zhou Pangzi, they made six. Zhou Pangzi was skilled at basketball, but his weight was an issue, so Wang Feng had him coach the five participants.

The participants, having received the money, dashed off to change, brush their teeth, and wash their faces. Ten minutes later, they were all set.

"GO, GO, GO! Brothers, follow me!" Wang Feng led them to the school's basketball court.

It was prime time for the young ladies to come and watch the boys play basketball, so the court was bustling, with the ladies making up about 70% of the crowd.

"Pangzi, see that? So many beauties. Give it your all, and you might just find someone falling for you at first sight," Wang Feng said with a mischievous grin, teasing Zhou Pangzi in a whisper.

No sooner had Wang Feng spoken than Zhou Pangzi began to chuckle, hand over his mouth, then responded with a dose of reality, "Feng, stop joking. With my looks, who's going to fall in love with me at first sight?"

"Hahaha, what's wrong with your looks? Shed some pounds, and you'll have a trail of young ladies behind you every day."

At that, Zhou Pangzi's face showed a hint of dismay, "Feng, asking me to lose weight is like asking for my life. 'Lose weight'—those words don't exist in my dictionary!"

"Is losing weight really that painful?" Wang Feng said with a chuckle, patting Zhou Pangzi on the shoulder, before turning serious. "Okay, enough joking. Let's get them training and work on the basics."

"Got it! Feng! You can count on me. I'll lead them, and we won't have any big issues. We're going to be the champions of this basketball tournament!" Zhou Pangzi confidently promised Wang Feng.

"Alright, give it your all!" Wang Feng nodded, and Zhou Pangzi and the rest hit the court to start their practice.

Unfortunately, the outcome was far from ideal. The five showed no sense of teamwork whatsoever; they were completely disorganized.

"Feng, they just don't have it," Zhou Pangzi panted, drenched in sweat after an hour of training.

Wang Feng handed him a freshly bought bottle of mineral water, casting a slight smile at the five still pushing themselves on the basketball court. "Don't worry about it. Keep training. We're going to make it."

Taking his cue from Wang Feng's lack of concern, Zhou Pangzi didn't press the issue. He downed the water and headed back to the court to resume practice.

These days, Wang Feng was something of a celebrity around school; he was a familiar face to many.

His recent breakup with Xu Qian was common knowledge, too.

Plenty of young women made a point of striking up conversations with him, but Wang Feng kept his focus on the basketball court, paying them little mind.

The school's basketball court was expansive and bustling with activity due to an upcoming competition. Players from various classes practiced their shots while onlookers occasionally erupted into cheers, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

"Feng, look at them. They're not taking practice seriously," Zhou Pangzi complained, his face twisted in frustration as he approached Wang Feng.

"I'm aware. It's only the first day; we'll ramp up the training tomorrow," Wang Feng reassured him, clapping Zhou Pangzi on the shoulder. He couldn't deny the sinking feeling in his gut—the team's skills were sorely lacking.

They were miles away from where he'd hoped they'd be.

"What's the matter? Are they not cutting it?" Zhao Xiaoying, the class monitor, had quietly sidled up behind Wang Feng.

Her long hair was neatly tied back, showcasing her clear, full forehead. Her delicate features were enhanced by subtle makeup, her eyes sparkled, and her lips were a soft red. The light pink denim dress she wore accentuated her figure perfectly.

Wang Feng couldn't help but be taken aback by Zhao Xiaoying's appearance—she truly was the belle of the school, with her stunning looks and elegant presence.

"Wang Feng?" Zhao Xiaoying waved her hand in front of his face, her expression one of confusion.

Snapped out of his reverie by the sound of his name, Wang Feng quickly responded, "No worries. Trust me, we're going to win!"

His voice brimmed with self-assurance.

No sooner had Wang Feng's words fallen than an unfamiliar male voice sounded from behind him: "Really? You think you can win with those skills? You must be dreaming."

Wang Feng, feeling slighted, was naturally not about to let it slide.

Turning around, he was met with a strikingly handsome face.

"Wow, it's the campus heartthrob! He's so good-looking!" an astonished voice echoed through the crowd.

Wang Feng immediately recognized the newcomer.

It was Shen Qingchen, the heartthrob from the neighboring class!

"You're Shen Qingchen?" Wang Feng rose from the steps and approached Shen Qingchen.

Shen Qingchen wasn't as tall as Wang Feng, and his skin was just a shade fairer.

"Yes, I am Shen Qingchen," he replied, stepping back slightly as if put off by Wang Feng's presence.

"Were you mocking me just now?" Wang Feng asked, his smile not quite reaching his eyes.

One was the campus heartthrob, the other a newsmaker on the rise. The prospect of their confrontation had everyone's eyes glued to the scene.

"And what if I was? Got a problem with that?" Shen Qingchen retorted, throwing a flirtatious wink at the girls nearby.

"Heh, looking for trouble, are you?" Wang Feng said through clenched teeth, his temper flaring.

The basketball players paused mid-game to witness the confrontation, joining the spectators.

"No, are you Wang Feng?" Shen Qingchen asked with a nonchalant smile that had won over countless young hearts.

Meanwhile, Wang Feng found himself on the receiving end of hostile stares. The girls who had been eager to chat with him had quickly become Shen Qingchen's adoring fans.

Shen Qingchen's reputation as the campus heartthrob wasn't for nothing. His popularity was undeniable, with legions of devoted fans. Anyone who crossed him had to be ready for a barrage of insults from his passionate admirers.

"Yeah, that's me," Wang Feng said, his gaze intimidating the onlookers.

Though Shen Qingchen's fans made up the majority, Wang Feng still had his own loyal following. They were a force to be reckoned with!

"Shen Qingchen, what's your deal? What does our class's business have to do with you? Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!"

Zhao Xiaoying's comments put Shen Qingchen on the spot, creating an incredibly awkward atmosphere.

"Xiaoying, you've misunderstood me," Shen Qingchen said, his handsome face breaking into a warm, spring-like smile. "I assure you, I had no bad intentions."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng felt an overwhelming urge to peel back Shen Qingchen's facade to see what he was really made of. The audacity! Wang Feng couldn't help but be impressed by his nerve.

Is this really happening?

"You just claimed that our class is subpar. I'm curious, Shen Qingchen, on what basis did you make that assessment?"

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