Immortal Rising In The City/C14 The Goddess' Emergency Order
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Immortal Rising In The City/C14 The Goddess' Emergency Order
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C14 The Goddess' Emergency Order

As Zhao Xiaoying finished speaking, Zhou Pangzi burst into applause, cheering enthusiastically.

A visible flash of anger crossed Shen Qingchen's handsome face. His lackey leaped out from behind him, sneering with biting sarcasm, "Did my boss say anything wrong? You think you can compete at this level? Seems like you're asking for trouble."

"Absolutely, absolutely," chimed in Shen Qingchen's adoring fans.

Emboldened by the chorus of agreement, Shen Qingchen's lackey pushed further. "Hear that? Everyone's on my side. Save yourselves the embarrassment."

The lackey's gaze was filled with contempt as he looked at Wang Feng, clearly not taking him seriously.

Zhao Xiaoying and Zhou Pangzi's faces flushed with rage at the insult.

Zhou Pangzi's fists tightened, ready to confront Xiao Le, Shen Qingchen's sidekick, but Wang Feng held him back. With a sardonic grin, Wang Feng stepped up to Xiao Le, arms crossed, and towered over him. "And who are you, exactly? You think you have a say here?" he said, dripping with scorn.

Xiao Le's face soured at the comment.

"Xiao Le, come back," Shen Qingchen ordered with a furrowed brow, his usually serene and handsome face clouded over.

"Right away, Boss!" Xiao Le shot a resentful glance at Wang Feng before retreating to Shen Qingchen's side.

Zhou Pangzi couldn't help but laugh. "True to form for a dog, so obedient."

Xiao Le shot Zhou Pangzi a furious look and barked back, "Whatever you say, you're all useless, worthless! If you disagree, come and challenge me one-on-one!"

Zhao Xiaoying bristled at his words and responded with a cold laugh, "Don't speak too soon, or you might end up eating your words."

"Oh, really? Care to wager on it? If my boss wins the basketball game, Zhao Xiaoying, will you dare to entertain his advances and become his girlfriend?" Xiao Le proposed with a sly grin, clearly up to no good. It was common knowledge that Shen Qingchen had his sights set on Zhao Xiaoying.

Standing up for everyone's honor, Zhao Xiaoying accepted Xiao Le's challenge without hesitation. "I accept! I'm not scared!"

As Zhao Xiaoying's voice dropped, Xiao Le burst into laughter, calling out to the onlookers, "Did everyone get that? Our campus beauty, Goddess Zhao, has agreed to entertain my boss's advances if she loses the basketball game!"

"I got it, I got it! I've got the recording right here on my phone," someone in the crowd yelled, his voice dripping with amusement.

"Boss, what are you up to?" Wang Feng asked Zhao Xiaoying, clearly baffled.

He just couldn't fathom why Zhao Xiaoying would make a wager with Xiao Le...

"Aren't you guys going to win?" Zhao Xiaoying asked with a slight smile that dazzled all who saw it.

Without hesitation, Wang Feng nodded.

Setting everything else aside, the bet between Zhao Xiaoying and Xiao Le alone was enough motivation for Wang Feng to ensure they won this game at all costs!


By the next day, the news of Zhao Xiaoying's bet with Xiao Le was common knowledge.

The school was split into two camps: one backing Shen Qingchen and the other Wang Feng.

Shen Qingchen's supporters outnumbered Wang Feng's by more than two to one.

Shen Qingchen was a renowned basketball ace, undefeated in every game he'd ever played!

"Feng, do you really think we can win this time?" Zhou Pangzi asked Wang Feng in the dorm, worry creasing his brow after the previous night's lackluster training session.

"Absolutely, don't sweat it. Get everyone up and training! We can't let our class president and goddess fall into that pretty boy Shen Qingchen's hands!" Wang Feng said with a dismissive roll of his eyes, lounging back with his legs crossed.

Zhou Pangzi's face broke into a grin at Wang Feng's words. "You got it, boss! Consider it done!"

By the afternoon, the showdown between Wang Feng and Shen Qingchen was the talk of Zhogow University.

The news sparked a flurry of underground betting, with the odds heavily favoring Shen Qingchen.

Wang Feng's odds were dismal, and those who doubted him were now even more skeptical.

With the basketball game looming, Wang Feng had no classes and spent the entire day sleeping in his dorm. It wasn't until Zhou Pangzi returned that evening and filled him in on the bets and the gambling that Wang Feng became aware of the full extent of the situation.

"Why are they getting involved in an underground gambling scene?" Wang Feng wondered, taken aback. It was supposed to be a trivial issue, yet it had blown up.

"I'm just as clueless. A bunch of people are backing that scoundrel Shen Qingchen, and it's infuriating to the point of chest pain!" Zhou Pangzi exclaimed, dramatically clutching his chest with his pudgy hand to emphasize his distress.

Wang Feng couldn't help but laugh at Zhou Pangzi's antics, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance. "You're such an idiot!"

"Come on, Feng, I'm famished. I've been training all day. Let's head to the cafeteria and grab some food," Zhou Pangzi pleaded, his stomach rumbling in agreement.

Without a second thought, Wang Feng accepted Zhou Pangzi's suggestion, playfully punching him on the shoulder. "You've earned it, buddy. Dinner's on me today!"

Zhou Pangzi's face lit up with appreciation, his chubby cheeks squeezing his eyes into mere slits. "Thanks, Feng!"

Having promised Zhou Pangzi a meal, Wang Feng stretched lazily before getting out of bed to brush his teeth, wash his face, and change clothes.

Once Wang Feng emerged from the dormitory bathroom, freshly dressed, Zhou Pangzi gestured towards his battered knockoff phone. "Feng, you got a call."

"Who was it?"

"I didn't answer; it looked like an unknown number," Zhou Pangzi replied earnestly. He had thought about playing a prank on Wang Feng, but he didn't dare...

He feared Wang Feng might change his mind about dinner!

Wang Feng felt a twinge of curiosity as he took the phone from Zhou Pangzi and saw there were indeed two missed calls from unknown numbers.

For some reason, Wang Feng had a hunch it was Hua Moying calling. After a brief hesitation, he decided to return the call.

The phone was answered in less than ten seconds.

"Hello, may I ask who's calling? What can I..."

Wang Feng began, but his words were swiftly cut off. "I'm Hua Moying. I'm attending a banquet, and I command you, Wang Feng, to be in front of me in twenty minutes. If you're late, you'll face the consequences!"

Hua Moying hung up before Wang Feng could get a word in.

"Hello?" Wang Feng was completely taken aback, his face a picture of confusion.

As the busy signal beeped incessantly through the phone's receiver, Wang Feng mentally unleashed a string of expletives.

"Feng, what's up? Who was that?" Zhou Pangzi, noticing Wang Feng's grimace, tentatively inquired.

"It's nothing, just something came up," Wang Feng exhaled deeply, his gaze settling on Zhou Pangzi with a hint of regret in his tone. "Pangzi, something's come up unexpectedly, so you'll have to grab a bite on your own. I'll make it up to you next time."

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