Immortal Rising In The City/C15 A Small Accident
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Immortal Rising In The City/C15 A Small Accident
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C15 A Small Accident

"Oh, it's nothing." Zhou Pangzi said nonchalantly, chuckling with a hint of mischief. He nudged Wang Feng with his shoulder and teased, "Feng, did some gorgeous girl ask you out?"

"Judging by my face, do you really think that's likely?" Wang Feng gave Zhou Pangzi a deadpan look. Grabbing his car keys, he left the dorm, leaving Zhou Pangzi to stand alone, disheveled by the wind.

Was such a possibility really out of the question?


Nineteen minutes later, Wang Feng arrived at Hua Moying's company building one minute ahead of schedule.

It was quitting time, and many employees were leaving for the day. Despite looking around, Wang Feng couldn't spot Hua Moying anywhere.

After waiting nearly twenty minutes, Hua Moying finally made her belated appearance.

By then, most of her coworkers had already departed.

Upon seeing Hua Moying, Wang Feng's eyes sparkled with delight.

"What are you staring at? Never seen a beautiful woman before?" Hua Moying gave Wang Feng a disdainful glance, a flicker of discomfort crossing her exquisite features.

"Yeah, I've never seen such beauty, and with such ample breasts. Did you grow up eating papayas?" Wang Feng deliberately ogled Hua Moying's chest, his smirk betraying his playful intent.

"Wang Feng, you... don't cross the line!" Hua Moying glared at him, visibly annoyed and embarrassed, as if she wished she could blind him with a poke.

Wang Feng's grin only grew broader. Feigning ignorance, he replied with feigned innocence, "How have I crossed the line? I'm just looking, not touching..."

"Don't you dare look! Jerk! If you peek again, I'll take every penny you have!" Hua Moying's face flushed as she shielded her curves with her handbag.

Wang Feng realized he couldn't push his luck any further; crossing this lady's boundaries would spell trouble.

He would be the one to lose out in the end! He wasn't about to be that foolish.

With a wry twist of his mouth, Wang Feng was about to say something when he caught sight of Hee Yunjie hurrying out of Hua Moying's company. He enthusiastically waved and called out, "Hey there, Miss Hee Yunjie!"

Caught off guard by Wang Feng's greeting, the corner of Hee Yunjie's mouth twitched.

She knew better than to trust someone who is excessively attentive without good reason.

Hee Yunjie smartly chose to ignore Wang Feng, approaching Hua Moying instead. "Ms. Hua, we have an hour before 7:30. We still have an hour," she said.

"Right, let's head out now," Hua Moying responded, ostensibly addressing Hee Yunjie, but clearly her words were meant for Wang Feng.

Wang Feng, recognizing the situation, graciously bowed and said with a beaming smile, "Ms. Hua, Yun, after you."

Hua Moying cast a scornful glance at Wang Feng and strutted past him, her high heels clicking with confidence.

Wang Feng was enveloped in a captivating fragrance and couldn't help but look utterly enchanted.

But then, unexpectedly, an accident occurred.

Hua Moying stumbled in her high heels, toppling toward Wang Feng.

Instinctively, Wang Feng reached out to catch her, and his hands, quite unfortunately, landed on Hua Moying's ample chest.

They were quite large! Wang Feng was inwardly surprised, though it wasn't the first time he had "accidentally" touched them, and the feel was superb!

"Let go!" Hua Moying's face flushed with a fiery red as she shouted in a mix of anger and embarrassment, "Pervert!"

Wang Feng felt unjustly accused. What had he done wrong? He had merely tried to help her!

Such an ungrateful woman!

Hee Yunjie, momentarily taken aback by the scene, quickly rushed to Hua Moying's aid, helping her break free from Wang Feng's grasp.

"The feel is really nice," Wang Feng teased in a low, suggestive murmur near Hua Moying's ear, causing her face to flush with a mix of rage and mortification.

Hua Moying shot Wang Feng a venomous look and said to Hee Yunjie, "Little Jie, let's go!"

As Hee Yunjie walked past Wang Feng, he couldn't resist whispering, "Hee hee, Miss Yunjie, you look absolutely stunning today!"

No woman dislikes compliments on her looks. Hee Yunjie felt a surge of delight, yet she kept her composure, offering only a polite smile as she followed Ms. Hua into the car.

Wang Feng awkwardly touched his nose before climbing into the car.

As soon as they were seated, Hee Yunjie spoke up, "Let's head to the nearest mall to pick out a gown."

Wang Feng remained silent, opting to check the GPS for the closest shopping center instead.

Fifteen minutes later, the car came to a gentle stop at a bustling mall.

The ride had been filled with an awkward silence; none of the three had uttered a word.

Hua Moying's face was a picture of displeasure. It was no wonder, considering Wang Feng's earlier indiscretion.

They arrived at the nearest mall without exchanging a word.

"We're here," Wang Feng announced, breaking the quiet.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Moying followed up, "You'll be acting as my escort later. We'll go buy a gown together."

"Ah?" Wang Feng was visibly confused.

My escort? What is this about?

Seeing Wang Feng's surprised expression, Hua Moying mistook it for reluctance. Her already sour mood soured further. "You'll be my escort."

"Why? Why should it be me?" Wang Feng was genuinely taken aback.

"There's no need for so many questions. Are you unwilling?" Hua Moying huffed coldly. "Consider it an honor. Don't be unappreciative!"

Wang Feng was at a loss for words.

With a frosty demeanor, Hua Moying stepped out of the car. Wang Feng, however, was reluctant to exit so soon.

It was his first time driving such a luxurious car, and he hadn't had his fill of the experience yet!

"Aren't you coming?" Hua Moying's voice was icy.

Reluctantly, Wang Feng shook his head, retrieved the car keys, opened the door, and stepped out with a smooth motion, his hair swinging in a stylish arc.

Together, the trio entered the mall.

The clothing store on the sixth floor was in a prime spot.

Upon entering, they were immediately greeted by the staff, all impeccably dressed and radiating charm. "Welcome, how may we assist you today?"

As Moying's personal secretary, Hee Yunjie smiled and stated their purpose, "We're here to purchase a gown for a banquet."

As a corporate CEO, Moying had been to countless banquets and had an extensive collection of gowns. There was no real need for another, but since there was no time to go home and they needed to find something for Wang Feng as well, Moying decided to indulge in a new set.

After browsing for a while, Hua Moying couldn't find anything she liked, but with so much time spent choosing, she eventually picked something out of necessity.

Wang Feng was escorted by the sales associate to the men's section.

"Miss, how do I look in this outfit? Handsome, right?" Wang Feng asked earnestly as he stood in front of the mirror, not a hint of jest in his voice.

"Absolutely, very handsome! You're so handsome it's making me cry!" The sales associates exchanged glances and exclaimed in agreement.

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