Immortal Rising In The City/C16 Show off Your Ugly Face
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Immortal Rising In The City/C16 Show off Your Ugly Face
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C16 Show off Your Ugly Face

"Haha, I feel the same way," Wang Feng chuckled with delight. But when his eyes caught the price tag, they bulged in shock!

Eighteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight!

This must be highway robbery!

"Uh, excuse me, beautiful ladies, I think I'm in the wrong place. Sorry, I've got to go!" Wang Feng hastily removed his suit jacket as he spoke.

No sooner had Wang Feng finished his sentence than Hua Moying appeared behind him. Noticing his hesitation, she furrowed her brow slightly. "What's with the dawdling? We're short on time!"

Startled by Hua Moying's voice, Wang Feng thought he was hearing things. He rubbed the back of his head and gave an awkward chuckle, admitting, "I can't afford this suit. I'm broke..."

Wang Feng's voice trailed off, his volume diminishing with each word. As a man who cared about his image, this was tough to admit!

What's worse, with so many attractive women nearby, Wang Feng certainly didn't want to expose himself as a penniless nobody.

"Who said you had to pay? I'm giving it to you for free!" Hua Moying raised her voice, arms crossed as she commanded, "You have five minutes to change. If you take any longer, you're on your own!"

"Oh, for real? You're not pulling my leg?" Wang Feng asked, skepticism lacing his voice. He doubted Hua Moying's generosity.

At that, Hua Moying rolled her eyes and snapped, "Just go and change already!"

The next moment, Wang Feng dashed into the changing room with the suit in tow. Meanwhile, Hua Moying clacked back to the women's section in her high heels to change.

Dressed to the nines, Wang Feng admired his reflection in the full-length mirror, feeling a bit heady. He nearly convinced himself he had transformed into a wealthy, dashing gentleman.

"Wow, he looks so dashing!"

Basking in the adoring gazes of the ladies, Wang Feng strutted out of the men's section.

Once out, he spotted Hee Yunjie at the entrance to the women's section and jogged over to her. Not seeing Hua Moying, he flashed a cheeky grin and asked, "Sister Yunjie, where's my dear Ms. Hua?"

Hee Yunjie's mouth twitched when she overheard Wang Feng's pet name for Hua Moying.

She could easily picture how Hua Moying would react to such words.

"Get changed!"

Before Hee Yunjie could finish, Hua Moying emerged, striding confidently in her high heels.

Wang Feng caught sight of Hua Moying and nearly drooled—she was breathtaking!

Hua Moying's makeup remained untouched, but she had slipped into a wine-red evening gown that made her skin glow even more. Her waist was slim, her legs long, her posterior pert, and her curves generous.

She was the embodiment of a tantalizing sprite!

Noticing Wang Feng's gaze fixed on her chest, a blush of embarrassment swept over Hua Moying's lovely face. She chided him playfully, "What are you staring at?"

Wang Feng felt a blaze ignite within him, spreading heat throughout his body!

"We should hurry. We're running out of time," Hee Yunjie interjected. Hua Moying shot Wang Feng a glare, snatched her purse from Hee Yunjie, and led the way in her towering heels.

Her sensuous, wavy hair cascaded over her shoulders, and the regal red dress elevated her to the stature of a queen, her presence commanding.

"Hehe, my future bride sure is stunning!" Wang Feng followed behind Hua Moying, his eyes glued to her, while still managing to converse with Hee Yunjie.

"My Moying, your wife? You must be dreaming," Hee Yunjie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Snap out of it. What's her status, and what's yours? You're just a driver."

Her voice dripped with undisguised contempt, a natural outpouring of her feelings.

"Don't worry, one day I'll be her equal!" Wang Feng declared without hesitation.

"Really?" Hee Yunjie dismissed his claim as mere boasting, shrugged her shoulders, and quickened her pace to catch up with Hua Moying.

Wang Feng trailed behind them, his gaze fixed on their retreating forms, silently vowing that one day, he would earn the respect of all who doubted him.

"Where are we headed?" Wang Feng inquired after settling into the driver's seat and starting the car.

"To the Huahui Hotel," Hee Yunjie responded, and a sudden hush fell over the vehicle.

The silence was eerie!

Twenty minutes later, they pulled up to the Huahui Hotel without another word.

The banquet required a male escort for entry, so Hee Yunjie remained in the car to manage various tasks for Hua Moying.

Feeling the jitters, Wang Feng was about to attend his first Mingren Circle Banquet in Blirsall.

He fretted over the prospect of encountering numerous beauties at the event, possibly tempting him...

"Just follow me," Hua Moying whispered to Wang Feng before entering the hotel.

Inside, the hotel lobby was abuzz with song and dance, bustling with attractive men and stunning women from all walks of life.

The moment Hua Moying stepped into the banquet, the energy surged to new heights.

"Ms. Hua, a pleasure to meet you, I've long admired your reputation," greeted a portly middle-aged man, his corpulent figure squeezed into a pink suit, a sight for sore eyes.

Wang Feng nearly retched at the sight, the previous day's meal threatening to make a comeback.

He was sorely tempted to approach the man and say, "Buddy, being unattractive isn't your fault, but scaring people in public is on you."

However, lacking the courage, Wang Feng resigned himself to follow Moying quietly.

As the evening wore on, numerous guests engaged Moying in conversation, mostly discussing business collaborations. Wang Feng, neither understanding nor interested, found himself aimlessly scanning the crowd.

The banquet was a gathering of Blirsall's elite, and Wang Feng pondered whether he should network with some of the influential figures present.

Caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice Moying calling his name.

It took a firm pinch on his hand from Moying to snap him out of his reverie.

"Ms. Zhang, my apologies. This is my companion, Wang Feng. He can be a bit slow on the uptake. Please, don't take it to heart," Moying said, introducing Wang Feng with a radiant smile to the striking woman.

Upon hearing Hua Moying criticize his slow wit and sluggish response, Wang Feng's expression instantly soured. It seemed the female CEO was looking for a little trouble.

"Hello." The glamorous woman reached out to Wang Feng, "My name is Zhang Ya. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Wang Feng, a bit bewildered, extended his hand and shook hands with Zhang Ya courteously. "Hello, my name is Wang Feng."

After exchanging pleasantries, the striking businesswoman Zhang Ya moved on to greet others nearby.

Wang Feng's gaze lingered on Zhang Ya, unable to look away for quite some time. Zhang Ya was indeed a woman of mature beauty and formidable presence.

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