Immortal Rising In The City/C17 A Beautiful Woman
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Immortal Rising In The City/C17 A Beautiful Woman
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C17 A Beautiful Woman

A captivating woman...

"What are you looking at?" Suddenly, Hua Moying's voice rang in Wang Feng's ear.

"Nothing." Wang Feng shifted his gaze away from Zhang Ya and a mischievous smile spread across his face. "Little Huahua, I'm heading to the restroom. Care to join me?"

Upon being called Little Huahua, Hua Moying's face soured, her expression darkening considerably.

Wang Feng burst into laughter, unfazed by Hua Moying's sullen look. He took pleasure in seeing her upset.


If Hua Moying knew Wang Feng thought of her as 'adorable,' she would be livid and ready to tear him apart!

Wang Feng, still smiling, went to the restroom to take care of business. As he was returning to the hall, he bumped into Zhang Ya.

"What a coincidence," Wang Feng said with a slight smile, greeting Zhang Ya.

"Mhm," Zhang Ya nodded, not intending to engage in further conversation with Wang Feng, and walked past him.

As Zhang Ya passed by, Wang Feng, with his Mind Monarch legacy, detected a peculiar illness that had been troubling her for some time.

"Miss Zhang," Wang Feng instinctively called out, stopping Zhang Ya in her tracks.

Turning her head, Zhang Ya looked at Wang Feng, a question in her eyes. Her sensual red lips parted as she asked, "Yes? What is it?"

Wang Feng nodded, "You've been troubled by a strange illness for a while, haven't you?"

A flicker of astonishment crossed Zhang Ya's face. "How did you know?"

"Just a guess."

Wang Feng's terse response left Zhang Ya unsatisfied. She was about to probe further when she noticed someone entering the area and decided against it. Giving Wang Feng a lingering look, she entered the ladies' room.


Returning to the bustling hotel lobby, the banquet was in full swing.

"Why were you gone so long?" Hua Moying asked Wang Feng, her beautiful eyes reflecting a slight irritation.

"I stepped out for a smoke," Wang Feng replied with a suggestive look, his lips curving into a playful smile. "Why, did you miss me in the short time I was away?"

"Pah! In your dreams!" Hua Moying snapped back, her annoyance tinged with embarrassment. She furrowed her delicate brows and said, "I'm just worried you'll cause me trouble!"

Wang Feng's grin deepened, his fondness for Hua Moying growing with each passing moment. He remained silent, simply smiling.

Suddenly, a commotion at the hotel entrance drew the attention of both Wang Feng and Hua Moying.

Wang Jun and his son had arrived.

They quickly spotted Wang Feng amidst the crowd.

"Look at this poor sap. How did you manage to sneak in here? It's a miracle," Wang Jun jeered, his voice dripping with scorn and disdain as he looked at Wang Feng as if he were a mere jester.

Hua Moying's face darkened at Wang Jun's words.

"Wang Jun, I'd advise you to speak with more respect. He's my date! Otherwise, don't be surprised if I turn on you," Hua Moying warned through clenched teeth.

Wang Feng felt a surge of gratitude hearing Hua Moying stand up for him.

"Don't flatter yourself. You're with me, so you're my target for teasing—no one else's," she said.

But Wang Feng's fleeting sense of triumph vanished in an instant.

"Hua Moying, what makes you think you're so special? You think this loser is worth your time? Are you out of your mind? You'd choose this nobody over me? Disgusting!" Wang Jun spat out, pointing at Wang Feng with a sneer, his lack of class painfully evident.

Wang Feng bristled at the insult.

Insult him all you want, but slandering Hua Moying, his future bride, was crossing the line!

"Ha! Are you kidding me? Anyone with eyes can see I'm leagues better than you," Wang Feng retorted with a smirk, his arms crossed. "Ugly fool! You're so hideous, yet you still seek attention. If you're not embarrassed, I'm embarrassed for you. A decent face is a blessing, but sadly, you lack one."

Wang Jun's unremarkable looks had always been a sore point for him, and Wang Feng had hit the nail on the head.

Wang Feng briskly brushed off Wang Jun's hand, challenging him, "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

"Dad!" Unable to outmaneuver Wang Feng, Wang Jun cast a desperate glance at Wang Bowei for support.

Wang Bowei's face soured as he shot a dark look at Wang Feng before turning to Hua Moying. "Ms. Hua, don't you think you're taking this a bit too far?"

Hua Moying let out a derisive laugh. "Me, going too far? Who started this in the first place?"

A fierce glint flashed in Wang Bowei's eyes. "Isn't publicly humiliating Jun'er crossing the line?"

"Mr. Wang Bowei," a crisp female voice suddenly rang out from behind Wang Feng.

At the sound, all eyes turned toward its origin.

It was Zhang Ya.

"Ms. Zhang, good evening," Wang Bowei said, plastering on a sycophantic smile. "It's been a while. You're as radiant as ever, Ms. Zhang."

"Am I?" Zhang Ya's lips curled slightly as her gaze shifted from Wang Feng to Wang Jun standing before her. A deep displeasure flickered in her eyes as she sharply inquired, "Mr. Wang Bowei, would you care to explain why you've dared to insult my friend?"

Zhang Ya's words left Wang Feng and Hua Moying visibly taken aback.



That was the unspoken consensus between Wang Feng and Hua Moying.

Zhang Ya was a renowned powerhouse in Blirsall, a force to be reckoned with in the business world. No one dared cross her, and naturally, neither did Wang Bowei. He signaled to Wang Jun with a glance, suggesting he apologize to Wang Feng.

Wang Jun got the hint but was inwardly reluctant. With everyone watching, he couldn't afford the hit to his pride.

As he stewed over this, his animosity toward Wang Feng intensified.

It was all his fault for showing up out of the blue and snatching away the prize that was nearly in his grasp!

"Apologize or leave," Zhang Ya stated coolly, her smile exuding poise and grace.

"Wang Jun! Did you hear that? Apologize now!"

This time, Wang Bowei used Wang Jun's full name, his face contorted with displeasure. The Wang family's reputation was on the line, and they were close to losing it all.

"Dad, I haven't done anything wrong. Why should I apologize? It's his fault, not mine. He stole my wife and ruined our plan!" Wang Jun glared at Wang Feng, his eyes seething with resentment.

He wished he could kill him with his glare!

If looks could kill, Wang Feng would have been dead over and over again.

"Let me repeat myself: apologize or leave. Tonight's banquet is not a stage for you and your son's drama," Zhang Ya said, her voice low but laced with a thick layer of displeasure.

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