Immortal Rising In The City/C19 The First Man Who Touched You
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Immortal Rising In The City/C19 The First Man Who Touched You
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C19 The First Man Who Touched You

"Moved, my foot!" Hua Moying, her face flushed with anger, slapped Wang Feng's shoulder and hissed, "You jerk, taking advantage of me!"

Her slap was unforgiving, and Wang Feng winced, taking a step back. "Why so heated? It was just a little touch."

"No man has ever dared to do that to me! If it weren't for the fact that you saved my life, I would have knocked you out by now!"

As Hua Moying finished her tirade, a sly grin began to spread across Wang Feng's face.

"So, I'm the first man who's touched you?"

"What if you are?" Hua Moying shot Wang Feng an uncomfortable glare and snapped, "You shameless scoundrel!"


"How am I shameless? It wasn't intentional!"

Wang Feng felt incredibly wronged. It was an accident, wasn't it?

"Hmph! Hypocrite!" Hua Moying snorted disdainfully, turning her head away petulantly.


"What's hypocritical?" Wang Feng was baffled. What had he done wrong now?

Out of nowhere, Hua Moying's temper flared. She glared at Wang Feng, her annoyance palpable, "Everything about you is fake! Get lost! I don't even want to see you!"

Wang Feng stood there, utterly perplexed. What had he done to upset her this time?

"Hey, hey, Ms. Hua, what did I do to offend you this time? Is it really necessary to be so harsh with me? You've wounded my fragile heart! Look at me, I'm so adorable. How can you bear to be angry with me?" Wang Feng pleaded, grabbing Hua Moying's arm to stop her from leaving, his face plastered with a pleading smile.

Wang Feng had already decided that Hua Moying was his future bride. Hearing that he was the first to touch her in such a way filled him with joy. Seeing his future bride upset, he was determined to cheer her up by any means necessary.

But Hua Moying was no ordinary woman, and she wasn't swayed by Wang Feng's antics.

At a loss for what to do next, Wang Feng scratched his head in frustration.

Hua Moying walked to the other side of the bridge. She didn't understand why she had suddenly become so irate, and she felt terrible about it.

Yet, being the proud person she was, she couldn't bring herself to lower her guard and apologize to Wang Feng. It just wasn't in her nature.

Hua Moying was waiting for Wang Feng to strike up a conversation with her...

As time ticked by, the evening breeze felt cool against his skin. Wang Feng watched Hua Moying from a short distance away.

Today, Hua Moying was wearing very little...

Feeling a stir in his heart, he walked over, removed his suit jacket, and placed it over her shoulders.

Suddenly feeling the extra layer, Hua Moying's face showed little change as she politely said, "Thank you."

Her tone was courteous yet distant.

Wang Feng, feeling somewhat helpless, silently sighed to himself and suggested, "It's getting late. Let's head back. I'll take you home."

"It's still early. Let's stay a bit longer."

"Okay." Wang Feng nodded.

"I'm sorry."

Those words from Hua Moying took Wang Feng by surprise, his eyes widening in astonishment.

What on earth?

The usually haughty CEO was apologizing?

That can't be right!

Wang Feng couldn't help but think that Hua Moying had been replaced by someone else!

"Ms. Hua, has the wind addled your brain?" he asked as he pinched her cheek.

Not bad, he mused to himself about the sensation.

"What are you doing?" Hua Moying frowned and pushed Wang Feng's 'wandering hand' away.

"Ahem, you had something on your face," Wang Feng lied with a straight face.

Upon hearing this, Hua Moying touched her own pristine, smooth cheek, finding nothing.

"I just removed it," Wang Feng said, a bit sheepishly.

If Hua Moying realized he was taking liberties with her, he'd surely be in for a scolding.

Hua Moying was no fool and certainly didn't buy Wang Feng's tall tale. Feeling a mix of irritation and an inexplicable sentiment towards Wang Feng, she refrained from scolding him and instead remarked, "You're still in university, aren't you? Must be nice."

Caught off guard by Hua Moying's melancholic tone, Wang Feng paused, then smiled, "Is it really that nice?"

"Yes, it's very nice. By the way, do you have... a girlfriend?"

"No," Wang Feng shook his head, then boasted with a grin, "I'm too handsome. No one's quite up to par."

At that, Hua Moying couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What's so funny?" Wang Feng's face turned sour in an instant.

Is that supposed to be funny?

"I wasn't laughing, just wondering where you get your confidence from," Hua Moying said, her smile waning as she delivered a no-holds-barred rebuke to Wang Feng.

Wang Feng gave Hua Moying a wounded look and replied, "Why wouldn't I be confident? I'm not bad-looking, right? It's just that I'm a bit poor! Isn't this the age where looks are everything?"


Hua Moying rolled her eyes, speechless. As she was about to respond, her gaze lifted, and she spotted the group of men who had tried to harm her a few days earlier.

"Wang Feng," Hua Moying called out, her voice laced with sudden panic.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Wang Feng, oblivious to Hua Moying's distress, maintained a slight, teasing smile.

"Those men from the other day…" Hua Moying's voice shook.

The men from the other day? Wang Feng was puzzled. What men from the other day?

Before Wang Feng could make sense of it, a sinister voice rang out from behind him, "Boss, it's that chick!"

The speaker was a yellow-haired country bumpkin with a nasally, duck-like voice.

Behind the yellow-haired bumpkin were five or six cronies, led by a fat man with a large, round face.

Wang Feng recognized them.

They were the ones who had attempted to assault Hua Moying a few nights ago!

"Hahaha, talk about easy prey. She got away that night, but now she's come right to us!" The fat man bellowed with a deafening laugh, his yellow teeth bared.

A few days ago, Wang Feng might have been scared of them.

But things were different now. Wang Feng knew he could handle them without breaking a sweat, making them kneel and call him daddy in no time!

"Kid, you again?"

"Yes, it's me!" Wang Feng said with a grin, protectively pulling Hua Moying behind him.

"Heh, so you've realized your mistake and decided to deliver this lady to us as a peace offering?"

"Go to hell!" Wang Feng spat in the face of the fat man.

Seeing this, the fat man's henchmen clenched their fists, ready to give Wang Feng a harsh lesson.

"Damn it, guys, take him down!" bellowed the gang leader, his face turning a furious shade of red. His glare bore into Wang Feng with murderous intent.

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