Immortal Rising In The City/C2 You Bastard!!
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Immortal Rising In The City/C2 You Bastard!!
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C2 You Bastard!!


In a matter of moments, the few dozen meters had closed, and he was plummeting toward the sea's surface.

Wang Feng, a top student at Zhogow University with stellar grades, knew that falling from such a height into the water was akin to hitting concrete. If the fall didn't drown him, it would surely kill him!

With a surge of defiance, Wang Feng roared inwardly, "I refuse to die!"

Stirred by his will, a white mist within his body coursed through him like blood.


Suddenly, the world became incredibly clear to Wang Feng.

Yes, crystal clear. His senses sharpened dramatically.

He could discern the path of the wind as it blew, and he could see every detail of the sea's droplets as they leaped up before merging back into the water.

To his astonishment, he found himself floating just a foot above the sea.

It was psychokinesis!

He had an epiphany; the visions in that space weren't mere fantasies. They were real, and he had received the legacy of the Mind Monarch!

These thoughts flickered through his mind in an instant. At that moment, another figure collided with him from above.


A delicate figure tumbled into Wang Feng's arms. Distracted, they both plunged into the sea.

The turbulent waters engulfed them, but Wang Feng quickly regained his composure and instinctively used psychokinesis to stabilize himself.

The terrified woman flailed in the water, crying out, "I can't swim!"

Wang Feng tried to grab her, but her silk dress was slippery in the water. A slight tug tore the dress from her shoulders down to her thighs. Her lower half had already been ripped, leaving her in just her underwear.

In her panic, she inhaled water. Driven by the instinct to survive, she allowed Wang Feng to hold her.

Once ashore, the woman slapped Wang Feng across the face. "You, you're a pervert!"

Wang Feng touched his cheek, looking bewildered. "After I saved you twice, this is how you repay me—with ingratitude and a slap?"

The woman's eyes blazed with fury. "Why did you strip off my clothes and then claim you're not a hoodlum? Okay, even if it wasn't intentional, why were you hugging and grabbing me earlier?"

Mid-sentence, she realized she was unclothed, her purple bra askew, inadvertently exposing herself.

Wang Feng protested his innocence, "It's not my fault your skin is so smooth; there was nowhere else to grab!"

Infuriated to the point of near unconsciousness, she snapped, "Jerk, stop talking! You, take off your clothes!"

Wang Feng was taken aback, "Why should I strip? I've always been chaste, not just any woman can have me."

"You jerk! When did I ever suggest I wanted to sleep with you? I meant for you to give me your clothes to wear!"

Wang Feng acquiesced, "Fine, but I don't have many clothes. Make sure you give them back after you're done."

The woman snatched his shirt and quickly donned it, shooting him a scornful look. "You're such a smooth talker, I doubt you're up to any good."

Wang Feng was at a loss for words. He truly didn't have many clothes; how had he earned the reputation of being slick?

Despite wearing Wang Feng's shirt, the seaside breeze was chilly, especially as evening approached, and the woman couldn't help shivering. Wang Feng had been aware of the psychokinesis within him from the start, realizing he could only harness a minuscule fraction.

He knew from the Mind Monarch's residual memories in his mind that he needed to practice relentlessly to amplify his psychokinesis.

The applications of psychokinesis were immensely diverse. It resided in his body, effortlessly enhancing his physical strength and speed beyond the ordinary.

Concentrating it in his eyes granted him x-ray vision. He glanced at the stunning woman beside him, instantly confirming his theory.

Noticing her shiver, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder. Enveloped by his psychokinesis, the temperature around them subtly increased, and the wind seemed to calm.

The woman felt the unexpected warmth from the man's hand on her shoulder. Initially resistant, she was suddenly enveloped in a comforting warmth and decided to let him keep his hand there.

After returning to where the Lamborghini was parked, the thugs had vanished. The woman climbed into the car, exhaling deeply, the fear still palpable. She glanced at Wang Feng, who stood outside, and spoke with softened tones, "You saved me, thank you. Come on, get in. I'll drive you home. Oh, what's your name?"

"I'm Wang Feng. No need for thanks. Just take off the clothes and give them back to me; my mom bought them for me."

Her face flushed at his words. If she undressed in the car, he'd see everything. What if he had ulterior motives?

After a moment's thought, she offered, "Here's my business card. Call me, and I'll make sure to return your clothes."

Wang Feng accepted her business card, which read: Hua Moying, CEO of Guardian Star.

Hua Moying offered to give him a ride, but Wang Feng declined with a shake of his head.

As he watched the Lamborghini disappear near the bridge, Wang Feng was still somewhat in disbelief. The vision of the woman's flawless figure danced before his eyes. He swallowed hard; she was an extraordinary beauty, truly captivating.

Back at his dorm at Zhogow University, his thoughts were a jumbled mess.

Suddenly, he noticed several guys crowding around his dorm door, kicking it and yelling, "Zhou Pangzi, you damn well better pay us back. That's our living money. If you don't, we're going to the resident advisor!"

Zhou Pangzi, his roommate, was also the only friend Wang Feng had among the other three in their dorm. They both came from impoverished backgrounds, unlike the other two, who always looked down on them and never spoke to them.

Wang Feng was puzzled. Zhou Pangzi was usually strapped for cash and didn't spend frivolously. Why would he owe money to several classmates?

Approaching the group, he inquired, "How much did he borrow from you all?"

"Seven hundred!"

"Four hundred!"

"And me, over nine hundred!"

"You've got the key to your room, right? Open up, quick!"

Wang Feng's brow furrowed. Why on earth had Zhou Pangzi borrowed so much? He called into the room, "Zhou Pangzi, are you in there?"

Zhou Pangzi's voice echoed from within, "Feng, please don't let them in, or I'm going to be in deep trouble."

Wang Feng turned to address the group of guys, "I'll cover Zhou's debt. You all should head out now."

The guys started to protest, "You don't have any money, we don't believe you!"

Feeling a flicker of irritation, Wang Feng pulled out his wallet and retrieved his salary card from the beverage shop where he worked.

"There's one thousand five hundred yuan on this card. Take it. The PIN is 123456. I'll get you the rest later, so stop making a fuss!"

In that moment, his voice carried an undeniable authority, prompting the guys to exchange uncertain glances. "Fine, but remember, you promised to pay us back. We're out of here!"

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