Immortal Rising In The City/C20 Ms Hua Was Sick
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Immortal Rising In The City/C20 Ms Hua Was Sick
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C20 Ms Hua Was Sick

Wang Feng smirked with disdain. These people were clearly out of their depth!

Did they still think he was the same helpless weakling from before?

With the power of his Mind Monarch inheritance, Wang Feng effortlessly tossed them off the bridge like dumplings into a pot of soup, lining them up and dispatching them one after another.

Hua Moying stood by, her eyes wide and her mouth agape, utterly astonished at the sight of Wang Feng.

"Wang... Wang Feng, do you... do you know martial arts?" Hua Moying stammered, still in shock.

"Nope." Wang Feng brushed the dust from his hands and struck what he thought was a dashing pose, grinning at Hua Moying. "Ms. Hua, don't you think I look especially handsome tonight?"




"How can that be?" Wang Feng couldn't believe it. This defied all logic! Wasn't this the moment in TV dramas when he should be irresistibly charming?

Hua Moying gave an exaggerated eye roll. "Handsome for a mere three seconds. Shouldn't you be calling 110 right now? What if someone gets hurt?"

"Don't worry, those rascals are excellent swimmers; there's no need for concern."

Despite his words, Wang Feng still pulled out his phone and dialed 110, briefly explaining the situation.

"Ms. Hua, are you content now? Can we go? It's quite chilly with this wind."



Back in the car, Hua Moying removed Wang Feng's coat and handed it back to him.

Wang Feng said nothing, merely arching an eyebrow. "Where do you live?"

"Xishan Apartments."

"Nice, the affluent area."



Twenty minutes later, they pulled up at the entrance to the security area of Xishan Apartments.

"Do you... would you like to... come to my place for a bit?" Hua Moying finally managed to get the words out after much internal debate.

Wang Feng paused, taken aback.

Was he hearing correctly? The ice queen CEO was inviting him over?

"Sure!" Wang Feng quickly agreed, as if he was afraid Hua Moying might change her mind the next second.

"Alright." Hua Moying nodded and went to swipe her access card.

The car came to a halt in the underground parking lot, and Wang Feng followed Hua Moying to her place without uttering a word. Xishan Apartments was a well-known affluent neighborhood in Blirsall, where real estate prices were sky-high, reaching tens of thousands of yuan per square meter. It was clear that only the wealthy or the elite could afford to live here.

Upon entering Hua Moying's home, a pleasant fragrance wafted through the air, emanating from within, and it was delightful. "Your home smells amazing," Wang Feng remarked, unable to contain his admiration. It was a stark contrast to their male dormitory, where the concept of a pleasant scent simply didn't exist.

Without a response, Hua Moying reached out to switch on her home's crystal chandelier. As the light flooded the room, Wang Feng took in the layout of her home. It was impeccably clean and tidy, exuding luxury and sophistication—a clear sign of her affluent upbringing.

Curiously, Wang Feng asked, "Ms. Hua, do you live in this large house all by yourself?"


"Doesn't that get lonely?"

"It's fine. I've grown accustomed to it," Hua Moying replied with a soft laugh, though a fleeting shadow of sadness and solitude crossed her delicate features, all of which Wang Feng noted.

Internally, Wang Feng felt a wave of emotion. The loneliness of wealth without friends seemed profound, yet the sadness of having friends without wealth was equally poignant.

"What's on your mind?" Hua Moying inquired, having approached him while he was deep in thought.

Snapping back to reality, Wang Feng caught sight of Hua Moying's captivating face and involuntarily swallowed. "Nothing... just thinking," he stammered.

"Oh, would you like something to drink?" Hua Moying asked, seemingly oblivious to Wang Feng's momentary lapse as she took a seat on the sofa beside him. Her long hair was now elegantly swept up, showcasing her graceful neck and smooth forehead.

"Ms. Hua, has anyone ever told you how attractive you are?" Wang Feng blurted out, his gaze fixed on her face.

Taken aback, Hua Moying smiled and responded, "You're the first to compliment me so directly."

"Really?" Wang Feng's smile grew even broader.

Chuckling, the presence of just a man and a woman alone together seemed to invite mischief not meant for children's eyes.

"Would I lie to you and leave you hungry? How about a Coke? I'll grab one for you." Hua Moying gave Wang Feng a playful eye roll and headed into the kitchen to fetch two cans of Coke from the fridge.

After placing the Cokes on the coffee table right in front of Wang Feng, Hua Moying suddenly clutched her stomach, her delicate brows knitting together, her complexion turning ghostly pale.

"What's the matter?" Wang Feng noticed her distress and asked with genuine concern, "Are you okay?"

Hua Moying managed a weak smile and shook her head. "It's nothing serious, just an old ailment. Please, have a seat here; I need to go to my room for a moment."

"What kind of old ailment?" Wang Feng inquired, holding onto her hand.

No sooner had Wang Feng spoken than Hua Moying collapsed against him.

His hand, by sheer coincidence, landed right on Hua Moying's ample bust.

Hua Moying grimaced in pain, a fine sheen of sweat forming on her forehead, her face drained of all color.

At that moment, Wang Feng had no thoughts of taking advantage of the situation. He shifted aside to let her rest on the couch.

"Ms. Hua, what's happening? Please, don't frighten me; I'm not brave at all," Wang Feng said while pulling out his phone, ready to dial emergency services.

"I'm okay, it's just the old issue flaring up. My stomach hurts when I drink too much." Hua Moying's voice was faint and feeble as she reached out with her pale hand to stop Wang Feng from making the call.

Relieved by Hua Moying's explanation, Wang Feng's anxiety eased. Stomach pain was manageable...

He knew what to do!

Back in high school, he too had suffered from frequent stomachaches. While the condition could be minor, the pain could be excruciating, making one feel on the brink of death.

"There's medicine in my room. Wang Feng, could you fetch it for me? It's in the second layer of the nightstand drawer," Hua Moying said in a barely audible voice, yet Wang Feng understood her clearly.

"Alright, I'll go get it for you."

Wang Feng continued moving as he spoke, making his way into Hua Moying's room. Upon opening the door, he was greeted by a wave of sweet fragrance—a stark contrast to the clean and orderly hallway he had just left. Moying's room was somewhat disheveled.

The pink bed was in disarray, covered in a jumble of clothes. Wang Feng only spared it a brief glance before approaching the bedside cabinet Moying had mentioned and opening the second drawer.

It wasn't locked, and Wang Feng opened it with ease. Inside, there were numerous bottles and jars, all containing Western medicines with labels he couldn't decipher.

Now, Wang Feng faced a conundrum.

With so many bottles, how was he to know which one was the right one?

With no other choice, Wang Feng tapped into the legacy of the Mind Monarch, sifting through the myriad of medications to find the one that would alleviate stomach pain.

He picked up the small medicine bottle and examined it closely, over and over. Could this really be effective?

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