Immortal Rising In The City/C3 I Want to Find Your Boss
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Immortal Rising In The City/C3 I Want to Find Your Boss
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C3 I Want to Find Your Boss

Upon entering the house and seeing Zhou Pangzi's dispirited demeanor, Wang Feng felt a surge of irritation. "What's going on with you? If you were short on money, you should have told me. Why go borrowing from those people?"

Zhou Pangzi, upon laying eyes on Wang Feng, burst into tears, his face scrunched up with emotion. "Feng, I didn't want to bother you with this. On my way back from the cafeteria one day, I ran into this really aggressive guy. He dragged me into the woods and gave me a beating, then demanded money. Where was I supposed to get that kind of cash? So, I borrowed it."

Zhou Pangzi was known for his straightforward and honest nature, and Wang Feng was fuming that someone had the audacity to lay a hand on his brother. He inquired about the assailant's appearance. Zhou Pangzi couldn't recall much, but he distinctly remembered a tattoo of a scorpion on the man's neck.

A plan formed in Wang Feng's mind, and he reassuringly patted Zhou Pangzi on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll get your money back."

Zhou Pangzi gave Wang Feng a doubtful look. "Forget it, Feng. With your build, you're just asking for a beating if you go."

Wang Feng chuckled. "Oh, someone's definitely going to get beaten, but it won't be me. Enough talk, let's go find that punk!"

The Grace and Belle Bar was the most renowned hangout spot near Zhogow University. Come nightfall, it was always pulsing with loud music and the lively presence of young men and women.

At the bar's booth, Zhou Pangzi nervously suggested, "Maybe we should leave. This place is full of tough characters. We're out of our league here."

Wang Feng paid no mind to Zhou Pangzi's timidity. With the description he'd been given, he zeroed in on a suspect. The guy was engrossed in a card game, raucously celebrating his apparent winnings, evidenced by the heap of chips before him. And there it was—the tattoo on his neck, identical to the one described by Zhou Pangzi.

Wang Feng delivered a firm slap to the back of the man's head. "Are you Hou Kun?"

The man spun around furiously. "Who the hell slapped me? Goddamn it, was it you, kid? Looking for trouble, are you? Don't you know who I roll with?"

He quickly took note of Zhou Pangzi standing next to Wang Feng and nodded with a smirk, "Oh, so you're the help this tubby guy roped in. Haha, amusing!"

Wang Feng's expression soured, "I'd suggest you watch your step!"

With a resounding thud, Wang Feng slammed his palm onto their table, causing the playing cards and drink cups to leap half a foot into the air. After hanging momentarily, they clattered back down onto the table's surface.

Wang Feng lifted his hand, leaving behind a distinct half-inch-deep palm imprint on the marble tabletop.

The group of blond punks seated at the table exchanged bewildered glances, suddenly finding themselves at a loss for words.

Hou Kun swallowed hard, "Please, take a seat. I wasn't aware that the big guy was your guy. About the money, I'll pay him back right now."

Zhou Pangzi was stunned, whispering to himself, "Feng, since when did you get so formidable? Who taught you those skills? I must be dreaming!"

Hou Kun hastily counted out several thousand yuan, not bothering with the total, and shoved it all into Pangzi's embrace.

Zhou Pangzi's heart pounded wildly, "Feng, we've got the cash. Let's make a quick exit."

He was still under the impression it was all a dream, even fearing that Wang Feng's impressive abilities might vanish any second, leaving them to face a beating.

Wang Feng let out a chuckle, "No rush. Your name's Hou Kun, right? Seems like you've had a good run of luck, winning a fair bit. Tell you what, I'll join in on the game."

Hou Kun internally scoffed, thinking if it came to a fight, he'd stand no chance, but in a game of chance, Wang Feng was the one who'd be out of luck.

The onlookers at the gambling table watched with keen interest. Wang Feng's previous display had been nothing short of astonishing, and they all speculated about his background.

Some murmured among themselves, "Hou Kun's known for his gambling streak. How can this guy think of challenging him?"

"You don't get it. Hou Kun's a cheat, just fooling you lot. Do you see Tiger and his crew here? Would Hou Kun dare to pull a fast one? He wouldn't have the nerve! This guy doesn't know what he's in for; he's likely to lose everything."

The two of them picked up where the previous players had left off, continuing their game of Blackjack at the table.

Wang Feng busted right out of the gate with three cards in his first hand.

Hou Kun looked tense as he asked, "I just won five hundred from you, right?" He was worried Wang Feng might suddenly deny the debt, and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

To his surprise, Wang Feng simply nodded with a calm demeanor, "Yes, you've won."

Relieved, Hou Kun let out a sly chuckle, "Well then, I won't hold back."

Wang Feng kept losing money, game after game. Hou Kun couldn't help but smirk to himself, convinced he'd found an easy mark.

By the eleventh round, Wang Feng raised the stakes dramatically, "Fifty thousand!"

Hou Kun paused, "Do you even have that much?"

Wang Feng gave him a chilly look, "Do you really think I'd stiff you?"

That look sent a shiver down Hou Kun's spine, and he quickly shook his head, "No, of course not. I'm in."

As the final cards were revealed, Hou Kun's smugness grew.

"Sorry, but I'm going to take you down this hand!"

With a snap, he tossed his hole card onto the table, only to startle himself.

The others were equally taken aback, "The hole card is a Queen? You busted on the second card, so why keep going?"

"Has Hou Kun lost his mind?"

"This guy, I swear there's something off with him."

Wang Feng laughed softly, "Are you shocked that after you busted on the second card and switched it for a five, it somehow changed back?"

Hou Kun was desperate for an answer, "Do you know why?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Hou Kun inadvertently confessed to his cheating.

Wang Feng pointed upwards with his middle finger, "The gods are always watching from above, understand?"

Defeated, Hou Kun slumped into his chair, "I've lost."

The bar erupted with the excited screams of many women, "Wow, he's so cool!"

"He wiped the floor with them. How could he be so bold in the last round? This guy is fierce; I'm a fan!"

"Hey handsome, got any plans tonight? How about joining me for a drink and some conversation?"

Zhou Pangzi was utterly flabbergasted. He had never imagined Wang Feng possessed such talent.

Just moments ago, he nearly passed out from shock at the sight of their final bet. Thankfully, Wang Feng came out on top.

"Feng, you're incredible! From now on, I'm sticking with you, hahaha! Oh, and Hou Kun, where's the money you owe Feng? 50,000 yuan initially, plus an additional 100,000 yuan, making it a total of 150,000 yuan!"

Hou Kun turned ashen. "I... I don't have that kind of money..."

Wang Feng gave him an icy stare. "Are you suggesting you're going to default on your debt?"

"No, no, no, that's not it at all. Look, Feng, could you let me speak to my boss to see if he'll lend me the money?"

The onlookers sneered in disdain, though none voiced their thoughts. Everyone knew Hou Kun's boss was a notorious thug in the area. Asking his boss for money? It was clear he intended to get Wang Feng dealt with instead!

Yet, Wang Feng seemed completely unfazed, simply nodding in agreement. "Fine, go ahead and call your boss over."

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