Immortal Rising In The City/C4 Chase This Person Out!
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Immortal Rising In The City/C4 Chase This Person Out!
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C4 Chase This Person Out!

Hou Kun made several phone calls in a row, but the person on the other end just wouldn't pick up.

After persisting for several more minutes, an irritated voice finally came through: "Are you trying to kill me? I'm busy right now!"

Hou Kun's voice was hoarse as he pleaded, "Tiger, I—I've got a situation here. Could you possibly step in and help me out... Ah, I'll make it worth your while, rest assured. Uh, you really don't have a moment? Hello?"

*Beep beep beep*

The call was abruptly disconnected.

Hou Kun's face turned ashen. "Um, Feng, could you—could you give me a couple of days to pay you back?"

Wang Feng chuckled, "Of course, I'm not in a rush. Once you track down your big shots, everything will fall into place. As the old saying goes, 'a gentleman's revenge can wait ten years.' Haha, let's head out, Pangzi."

Hou Kun murmured to himself, "A gentleman's revenge..."

Zhou Pangzi followed Wang Feng out of the internet café, grinning from ear to ear.

He handed the wad of cash to Wang Feng, "Brother Feng, this is all thanks to your wins."

Wang Feng laughed and chided him, "Quit the act with me. You've had your tuition snatched away, and now you're borrowing money? Listen, if you want to roll with me from now on, you can't keep this up; it's just embarrassing. Use this money to pay your tuition and debts, and hand over what's left to me."

"Alright, Brother Feng! We've still got over four thousand left. Why don't we treat ourselves to a nice meal and fill our bellies?"

They made their way to the grandest and most opulent restaurant at Zhogow University, the Ocean Melody Tea Restaurant.

This place was typically frequented by students from wealthy families, where a casual latte could set you back over a hundred yuan.

Zhou Pangzi, unaccustomed to such extravagance, was eager to sample the fast food on offer. Wang Feng just smiled; to him, fast food was the same the world over, and the tea restaurant was simply a gimmick.

However, as they approached the entrance, they were taken aback by a familiar face.

"Wow, I thought I recognized that face! Isn't this our model student, Wang Feng?"

The voice dripped with unbridled scorn and mockery; it belonged to Xu Qian, who had recently ended her relationship with Wang Feng.

She scrutinized Wang Feng from head to toe and sneered, "Oh, struck it rich, have you? To think you can afford to dine here. Ha, you might as well leave; the cost of a meal here could cover the price of all the clothes on your back! A pauper like you shouldn't show your face in such places. It's humiliating! Only someone like Young Master Kay belongs here."

Wang Feng chuckled, "Since when is this restaurant your family's property? Why shouldn't I be here?"

Beside Xu Qian stood a man with gleaming hair, decked out in designer wear. He was none other than the wealthy scion, Young Master Kay, whom Xu Qian was now with.

Kay glanced at Wang Feng with a cold smirk, "I get it, you poor folks always resent the wealthy. Tell you what, I'll cover whatever you order today."

Zhou Pangzi, fuming, tugged at Wang Feng, "Let's just go, Feng. There's no point in tolerating insults from people like him."

Wang Feng responded with a serene smile, "No worries. That dog must be barking because it's hungry. Later, we can toss it some scraps from our meal. That'll shut it up."

Enraged, Kay snapped, "Who the hell are you calling a dog?"

Wang Feng ignored him and whispered to Zhou Pangzi, "Hear that? The dog's still yapping. Can't quite tell the breed, probably a mutt, which explains the nasty temperament."

Zhou Pangzi nodded in agreement, "Exactly. That kind of dog is only good for making dog meat paste, and even then, it's not meant for human consumption—it's dog food, hahaha!"

Aware of Wang Feng's capabilities, Zhou Pangzi was unconcerned about this so-called Young Master Kay.

Unable to contain his fury, Kay slapped Xu Qian across the face, "It's all your fault, damn it! You're the reason I'm being insulted!"

Stunned, Xu Qian knew better than to bite the hand that fed her. She quickly plastered on an apologetic smile, "Kay, why hit me? You should be going after Wang Feng!"

Kay gave Wang Feng a sinister look, "Oh, I will. Just wait until after the meal, I'll have someone deal with this punk."

Wang Feng heard every word the other person said, but in his mind, they were nothing more than a small fry. With his body now reinforced by psychokinesis, not even a sniper rifle bullet could penetrate his defenses – his body was enveloped in a shield of psychic energy!

As he entered the restaurant, Kay followed suit. Wang Feng and Zhou Pangzi took a seat by the window. To their surprise, Kay suddenly got an idea and bellowed at the waiter, "Hey, is anybody here? Come out and attend to the young master!"

The waiter recognized Kay as a well-known wealthy student from Zhogow University. Accustomed to receiving generous tips for his service, the waiter had already approached. "What can I do for you, Young Master Kay?"

With a smirk, Kay declared, "Today, I'm taking over this place. Everyone else, clear out!"

The waiter's face showed concern. "But there are customers already dining. To clear the place now..."

Kay interrupted with a smug grin, "I'll cover everyone's bill. They eat for free! But that guy over there and the fat one, kick them out now!"

With that, he pulled out five hundred-yuan bills as payment.

The waiter hastily accepted the money and approached Wang Feng and Zhou Pangzi. "You two, please leave. You're not welcome here."

Zhou Pangzi retorted indignantly, "So what if you have some money? What's there to flaunt?"

Kay boasted arrogantly, "Exactly, I am wealthy. What can you possibly do about it? Let me tell you, this restaurant isn't meant for riffraff like you. You don't deserve to dine here!"

Just then, a red Lamborghini pulled up outside the restaurant. All eyes turned towards the stunning woman stepping out of the car – Hua Moying.

She strode into the restaurant, and the manager hurried to welcome her. "Boss, what brings you here so unexpectedly?"

It turned out that the restaurant was actually a part of Hua Moying's assets.

Hua Moying's gaze was instantly drawn to Wang Feng, and she walked directly up to him. "What are you doing here?"

Wang Feng, somewhat taken aback, replied, "What do you think? I'm here to eat. But I'm surprised to see a CEO like you making a personal appearance."

She had considered asking her secretary to deliver the clothes, but how could she delegate such a personal task to an employee? Besides, that troublemaker, XX, might get the wrong idea and suspect she was keeping a boy toy on the side.

In the teahouse, a buzz of realization swept through the crowd of young men and women. "That stunning woman is the CEO of XX Corporation. She's our city's renowned ice queen CEO—wealthy, beautiful, and frequently in the news. And here she is in the flesh! Quick, let's snap a photo!"

Even the girls couldn't help but gasp, "She's so beautiful! A woman like her can really stir up envy!"

Hua Moying presented a shirt to Wang Feng, saying, "I stopped by your dorm, but they told me you weren't there. So, I thought I'd check this place out and, to my surprise, I ran into you. Here, I've already washed your clothes for you."

Her words left the entire restaurant in shock.

"What? CEO Hua Moying personally delivering clothes to Wang Feng?"

"And she washed them herself? Could it be that these two have a history..."

"Unbelievable, Wang Feng always claimed he had no connections. Turns out his girlfriend is the corporate CEO. He really hides his light under a bushel, so understated!"

Meanwhile, Xu Qian was gaping in disbelief, her mind racing with denial. 'Impossible, how could it be! Wang Feng, that pauper, caught the eye of Hua Moying?'

Kay scoffed, "I suppose you found an actress to play this part? Haha, but this lady is quite the looker. What do you say, sweetheart? Care to join me instead?"

Hua Moying's expression turned icy, her gaze cutting through Kay like a blade before she addressed the restaurant manager, "Please remove this man immediately."

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