Immortal Rising In The City/C5 I Want a Beautiful Pig
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Immortal Rising In The City/C5 I Want a Beautiful Pig
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C5 I Want a Beautiful Pig

Kay's face soured instantly. "Do you have any idea what my family is capable of? How dare you throw me out?"

Moying's expression remained icy. "Regardless of what your family does, there isn't a single person here I can't send packing."


Wang Feng was taken aback. He hadn't expected Moying, who appeared so beautiful and fragile, to speak with such authority. She truly lived up to her role as a corporate CEO.

The fat man stirred the pot, "Ms. Hua, this guy was bragging about picking up the tab for everyone here, except he specifically said my buddy Feng couldn't dine here!"

"Oh, really? Well, from this moment on, this restaurant is under Wang Feng's ownership. Whether he chooses to dine here is his decision, and no one else's."

Wang Feng was genuinely astonished. "This restaurant must be worth quite a bit. I really can't accept it."

Moying offered a slight smile. "Don't worry about it. Consider it compensation for last night."

Envy radiated from everyone around.

"Last night! Compensation! My goodness, how does Wang Feng have such incredible luck? To spend a night with such an exquisite woman and end up owning a high-end teahouse!"

"They rake in hundreds of thousands a month at least. I'm green with envy!"

"Forget the restaurant, if I could just touch that beauty, I'd die happy. Wang Feng, that guy, has the luck of the devil!"

The restaurant manager paused, "Boss, are you serious about handing it over to Mr. Wang Feng?"

Moying's voice was cool and detached, "Was I not clear? This restaurant is now Wang Feng's property. It has nothing to do with me."

The manager and the waitstaff quickly flocked to Wang Feng, eager to ingratiate themselves. "Congratulations, Mr. Wang! You're our new boss now!"

Wang Feng gestured grandly, "Kick that cur out. The faster you chase him off, the bigger your bonus!"

A collective gasp went up as the waitstaff charged at Kay, armed with brooms and trays.

Kay scrambled toward the exit, casting a venomous look back at Wang Feng. "You'll regret this, you little punk! And you, get moving! What are you standing around for?"

His second comment was to Xu Qian, who, at that moment, was beaming with a radiant smile as she approached Wang Feng.

She turned to Wang Feng with a changed demeanor, "Feng, how do you know this businesswoman? Introduce me, will you? Maybe I can land a job at Guardian Star someday!"

A flicker of barely perceptible annoyance crossed Hua Moying's face as she exhaled, "And who might this be?"

Xu Qian, clinging to Wang Feng's arm, declared, "I'm his girlfriend! We're absolutely smitten with each other!"

Kay was seething with rage, "You deceitful woman, didn't you claim you'd dumped this nobody for me? And now you're groveling back to him? Damn, you wretched bitch!"

Xu Qian regarded him with contempt, "I was with you just to irritate our Feng. What's so special about you, being a nouveau riche's son? In just a couple of days, you've only bought me gifts worth a few thousand yuan, which is nothing compared to the daily earnings of Feng's family restaurant!"

Kay was livid, ranting and raving like a fishwife. He could never have imagined that a nobody like Wang Feng could steal his woman!

Xu Qian continued to press her chest against Wang Feng, cooing, "Feng, I only wanted to make you jealous. You're not really mad, are you? I'll take good care of you tonight to help you cool off, okay?"

Wang Feng withdrew his arm and gave her a chilly glance, "Sorry, do I know you?"

Xu Qian's face froze, "But I'm your girlfriend, Feng."

"Ha, sorry, but I seem to recall having an ex-girlfriend who ran off with a dog, saying she never wanted to see me again. Could it be that I'm now facing a female dog?"

Xu Qian's face turned beet red, "You, Wang Feng, you jerk!"

"Who the jerk is, is crystal clear. Words spoken and water thrown can't be taken back. Since you chose wealth over love before, don't come back expecting second chances now. Get lost; I have no desire to see you again."

With those words, Hua Moying, who had been observing from the sidelines, let out a small sigh of relief. She couldn't quite understand why she was so invested in this man's every action.

The patrons and staff of the restaurant burst into applause, "Well said!"

"She's a gold-digger; it's only fitting she gets a taste of her own medicine!"

"She has only herself to blame for not recognizing a good thing when she saw it. She missed her chance, and now she's being shown the door. She got what she deserved!"

Amid the jeers and laughter, Xu Qian hurried out, her gaze toward Wang Feng filled with bitterness.

"That woman has no shame. I can't fathom why she ever left Wang Feng. If only I had met him sooner, I would have made sure to win him over."

"Get real. Have you seen the caliber of woman he's with? Hua Moying? You're not even in the same league."

Hua Moying, smiling, turned to Wang Feng. "Are you feeling a bit reluctant to see her go?"

Wang Feng narrowed his eyes. "No, I'm just wondering why it's so large."

It was then that Hua Moying realized Wang Feng's gaze was fixed on her chest.

"Ugh, you're such a creep! Keep staring, and I'll gouge out your eyes!"

"I can't help it. It's obstructing my view; I can't just ignore it."

Her cheeks flushed, Hua Moying retorted, "And here I thought you were a gentleman. I guess I was mistaken. Now, go sort out the paperwork with the manager to transfer this restaurant. We're even then, and I'd rather not see you again!"

Wang Feng replied firmly, "I don't want it."

Hua Moying was taken aback. "This restaurant brings in millions annually; it's a solid asset. If you don't want it, I can easily write you a check for ten million."

"No need to continue. I don't want any of it. You don't owe me anything. We never had anything between us. If it had been a sow lying next to me that day, I would've pulled her to safety too."

"You're comparing me to a sow?"

"Of course not. If you were a sow, then every man's dream would be to marry one."

Narrowing her eyes, Hua Moying huffed, "You have a way with words. Fine, if you don't want the restaurant or the money, what do you want? And just so you know, if you make any unreasonable demands, don't expect me to play nice!"

Ever since Wang Feng received the legacy of the Mind Monarch, his outlook on life had undergone a dramatic transformation. Gone was the timid, unassuming man he once was; in his place stood someone with a commanding presence that seemed to survey all before him. Consequently, his approach to life became much more confident and liberated.

For Wang Feng, desiring money or anything else was no longer a challenge. Following an awkward encounter with Hua Moying, he made a vow to himself: he would make this woman his wife, no matter what it took!

So, when Hua Moying inquired about his desires, Wang Feng responded with a sly grin, "Nothing unreasonable, absolutely nothing unreasonable. I want a sow with beauty and grace—the spitting image of you would be perfect."

Hua Moying's eyelashes fluttered as she pointed at Wang Feng, exclaiming, "You!"

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