Immortal Rising In The City/C6 I also Have a Car
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Immortal Rising In The City/C6 I also Have a Car
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C6 I also Have a Car

Her face turned icy. "Are you comparing me to a sow again? Are you looking for trouble?"

"That's a misunderstanding. There are plenty of beautiful sows in the world. How could you possibly know I was referring to you?"

"You, you're infuriating!"

With that, Hua Moying stormed out, hopped into her red Lamborghini, and was about to speed off.

But for some reason, that irritating fellow was sitting right beside her.

Startled, Hua Moying exclaimed, "Jerk, you gave me a fright! How did you get in here? I didn't see you follow me out!"

Wang Feng surveyed the interior of the car. "Nice ride. I've never been in such a fancy car. Oh, that reminds me, I know what I want now. Ms. Hua, could you arrange a job for me?"

"A job?"

Hua Moying's eyes darted around as she pondered. "Alright, you can be my driver. I'll pay you two thousand yuan a month. How's that?"

She had assumed the young man would never accept such a low salary. To her surprise, Wang Feng smacked his lips and replied, "Two thousand yuan isn't too shabby. I'll reluctantly accept. But let's be clear, I'm only driving for you, no one else."

"Fine, you start tomorrow. Yun from HR will sort out your paperwork in the afternoon. And if you can't handle the job and quit, don't blame me!"

Internally, Hua Moying smirked, thinking of all the ways she could make him regret this.

Wang Feng, having noticed the sly glint in her eyes, grinned. "I can handle it, no problem at all!"

"Quiet. Start driving now; I want to see what you can do."

They switched seats, and Wang Feng took the wheel of the red Lamborghini, driving her towards the corporate tower.

Hee Yunjie, the HR manager, was waiting downstairs to greet the CEO. She opened the car door, only to find a young man stepping out instead.

Meanwhile, CEO Hua Moying emerged from the passenger side, clutching the railing and retching. She shot Wang Feng a lethal glare. "You little punk, if you ever drive like that again, I swear I'll..."

Seeing the disheveled CEO, Hee Yunjie was utterly baffled. Was this dashing young man in jeans and a snug t-shirt really the CEO's new driver?

How aggressively must he have driven to make the CEO carsick to the point of fainting?

She had never encountered such a brazen driver before.

"Hi there, gorgeous!"

Upon laying eyes on Hee Yunjie, Wang Feng didn't hesitate to greet her, captivated by her stunning figure. Her 36D bust was barely contained by her white shirt, threatening to burst forth. The perfect shape of her hips and the seductive S-curve from her heels to her chest were accentuated by her office dress.

With a face as delicate as peach blossoms and her lips pursed in a playful pout, she radiated a mischievous charm. While she might not compare to Hua Moying, she was certainly a standout beauty.

Hee Yunjie was still processing the situation when it dawned on her – was the new driver hitting on her?

"Uh, hello there. Ms. Hua, are you okay?"

Hee Yunjie rushed to assist Hua Moying, who was still glaring at Wang Feng. "Yun, remind me, what's this kid's salary again? Two thousand, isn't it? Cut it in half; he only gets one thousand a month!"

Hee Yunjie could see that Ms. Hua was taking her frustration out on the young man. But it was odd – why not just fire him if she thought he was incompetent? Could there be some special connection between Ms. Hua and this guy?

Snapping out of her daze, Hee Yunjie quickly nodded and made a note: "Salary reduced to one thousand..."

Wang Feng protested, "That's unjust! I haven't even officially started, and my salary is already being cut? Plus, this is below the minimum wage standard. I won't stand for this; I'm going to file a complaint with the union!"

Eventually regaining her composure, Hua Moying pointed an accusing finger at Wang Feng, "You, you scoundrel, still claim injustice? Who drives like that? Speeding and drifting through the city intersections! Hmph, you want to complain? You're on probation, and that's the salary you'll get. If you don't like it, you can leave!"

Hee Yunjie looked at Wang Feng with a hint of surprise. Was this guy's driving really that impressive?

Wang Feng chuckled, "Well, guess you'll miss out on the thrill of flying from now on."

Hua Moying was visibly upset, her eyebrows quivering with anger. "Yun, help me upstairs. I can't stand to look at him any longer! And one more thing, Yun, I need to tell you..."

Their conversation was a whisper, but despite the distance, Wang Feng heard every word. CEO Hua Moying had tasked Hee Yunjie with playing a prank on him. Wang Feng smirked to himself, thinking, "Let's see if she's more cunning or if I'm more clever!"

After escorting CEO Hua Moying upstairs, Hee Yunjie returned to the entrance with an icy demeanor and gestured to Wang Feng. "Starting tomorrow, you're the CEO's trial driver. I'll brief you on the company's policies. Any infractions, and you'll be docked pay."

Wang Feng nodded eagerly, "Got it, got it. I'm all ears."

Finally, Hua Moying spoke sternly, "Be at the company at five in the morning to drive the CEO."

Wang Feng gasped, "Five o'clock? That's way too early. I'll barely have gotten to sleep!"

"It doesn't matter whether you've slept or not. This is your job. The CEO made it clear—if you're not up for it, you're free to walk away at any time."

Wang Feng's face fell, "But I live so far from here. There aren't any buses running that early."

Just then, Hee Yunjie's face broke into a mischievous grin. "Relax, the CEO has thought of everything and has even arranged a car for you. Come with me to the garage."

Minutes later, they stood beside a 1998 Santana.

Hee Yunjie giggled behind her hand, "Voilà, your very own CEO-provided ride. How do you like it?"

Wang Feng's eyebrows danced with disbelief. "This car's been decommissioned, hasn't it?"

"Yep, and if the cops pull you over, it's on you. Drive it if you want, or leave it if you don't."

Wang Feng clenched his jaw and declared, "Well, at least now I'm a man with a car!"

He drove his Santana back to school, chugging along and drawing stares from everyone he passed.

"Who's this kid, driving such a beat-up car? Has he lost his mind?"

"He's embarrassingly poor. Even if you don't own a car, you wouldn't catch yourself dead in that thing. What a disgrace!"

"Hold on, something's not right. Look at the guy in the car. Isn't that Wang Feng?"

The incident between Wang Feng and Hua Moying at the restaurant had already become the talk of the entire school.

So, it didn't take long for someone to recognize him.

"Wang Feng, of course. He's just being discreet. The CEO of Guardian Star, Hua Moying, is his significant other. Do you really think he can't afford a better car?"

"Absolutely. Hua Moying even gifted him the largest tea restaurant on campus. With that kind of wealth, driving this car is a statement of modesty. All of you flaunting your BMWs and Audis have nothing on him!"

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