Immortal Rising In The City/C7 It Was the Land Rover
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Immortal Rising In The City/C7 It Was the Land Rover
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C7 It Was the Land Rover

Early the next morning, Wang Feng set off for the company in his "flashy" Santana. On the highway, thanks to his psychokinesis, he drove the car with such stability and speed that no one could guess it was an old clunker destined for the scrapyard.

*Beep! Beep!*

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

During the morning rush, traffic was dense. A Land Rover was making its way arrogantly up the right lane, overtaking other cars. It pulled up alongside Wang Feng's Santana and, seeing the congestion ahead, attempted to cut in front of him.

Wang Feng wasn't having it. The battered Santana chugged along, steadfastly tailing the vehicle ahead.

The Land Rover's window rolled down, and a young man with a gleaming bald head yelled at Wang Feng, "Move it, loser!"

Wang Feng simply extended his finger out the window, giving an OK sign.

The young man in the Land Rover scoffed, "Typical loser, scared stiff, hahaha!"

As the Land Rover tried to merge left, Wang Feng unexpectedly floored the accelerator, and with a loud bang, rammed into the back of the luxury vehicle.

Empowering the Santana with his psychokinesis, the impact was incredibly forceful. The Land Rover's bumper was smashed to bits, and the rear window shattered as if it were made of tofu dregs.

The man from the Land Rover emerged, disheveled and shouting, "Can't you drive? You hit me, you know? Damn, do you have any idea how much this Land Rover costs? The repair bill will give you a heart attack!"

The traffic cop, who had been directing the intersection, hurried over and asked, "What's going on here?"

Wang Feng replied with a harmless smile, "I was going straight; he tried to turn and ended up hitting me."

The young man from the Land Rover blustered, "The cops can't help you. Do you know who I am? You dare hit my car? You're asking for trouble!"

The traffic cop pointed at the young man and retorted, "It looks like you're the one asking for trouble. The provincial committee is in town inspecting, and even the mayor's son has to behave!"

That comment deflated the young man's bravado, but he continued to rant, "Regardless, my car is wrecked. You better be ready to pay up!"

The traffic officer inspected both vehicles, furrowing his brow. "Are you certain it was this Santana that hit you? What's going on here? Normally, the Santana would be the one with the damage. Your Land Rover isn't a counterfeit, is it?"

By now, a small crowd had gathered, and upon hearing the officer suggest the Land Rover was a fake, they couldn't help but laugh uproariously.

"Haha, seriously, could a real Land Rover get nearly wrecked by an old clunker like that Santana? It's got to be a knockoff!"

"The Land Rover might look the part, but who would've thought the quality was so shoddy? I bet even a bicycle collision would total it."

Wang Feng watched the young man with glee, feeling incredibly satisfied. How about that? You wanted to pass me, called me a pauper, and now look at you, speechless!

The young man was dumbstruck, unable to grasp what had happened. Hearing the bystanders mock his supposed fake Land Rover, he seethed with anger.

After surveying the scene, the officer issued two citations. "It's clear cut. The fake Land Rover is entirely at fault here. You'll need to compensate for the Santana."

Wang Feng spread his hands, "Time to pay up. These two Santanas are the '98 flagship edition. I've spent a fortune on upgrades and modifications. The car seems fine, except for some minor paint scratches on the front. How about you just give me five million as a gesture of goodwill?"

"Five million? You've got to be kidding me, that's extortion!"

"Now, now, what kind of talk is that? Officer, it seems to me this young man is trying to dodge his responsibilities for the accident."

The officer nodded in agreement. "If you can't settle this privately, the owner of the fake Land Rover should expect a court summons."

The officer's repeated references to the "fake Land Rover" twisted the young man's face with frustration. Pointing at Wang Feng, he spat out, "Fine, fine, you just wait!"

As the young man slunk off in his Land Rover, the officer turned to Wang Feng with a significant look. "Kid, that guy has some serious connections. You'd better watch your back from now on, in case he decides to retaliate."

Wang Feng was pleasantly surprised by the traffic officer's kindness. He flashed a grin and said, "Thanks, man. What's your name? I owe you a meal when I'm free."

"Enough of that, I've got to get back to duty. Goodbye."

Wang Feng took a quick look at the badge number on the officer's chest, committing it to memory.

He arrived at the company in his Santana, only to notice it was already past eight o'clock.

Hee Yunjie was waiting for him with an icy expression. "Great, you were supposed to start at five, and now look, you're over three hours late!"

"It's not my fault, there was a traffic jam. Plus, as you know, this car is just too slow!"

In truth, Wang Feng had only left at seven-thirty that morning and hadn't been delayed at all. But Hee Yunjie, unaware of his cunning, believed the CEO's orders had been effective.

"I don't care. It's company policy. You're being fined a hundred yuan from your salary!"

"Ah, come on, Yun, can't you plead my case? My wife and kids are all depending on my paycheck!"

Hee Yunjie paused, "You, aren't you the college graduate the CEO mentioned? Since when do you have a wife and kids?"

"Well, Ms. Hua is my wife. We're definitely going to have lots of kids in the future, that goes without saying. Also, I've been curious about something. They say women with larger behinds bear children more easily. Yun, between you and the CEO, who do you think has the bigger butt?"

Hee Yunjie rolled her eyes. "You're asking for trouble, daring to gossip about the CEO. I'll report this and have you fired!"

"Sure, but after you ask her, do tell me who's got the bigger one."

Hee Yunjie replied without thinking, "Obviously, it's the CEO..."

She suddenly realized he wasn't talking about their positions and her face turned red, realizing she was no match for this rascal in a war of words.

Her face broke into a forced smile, "The CEO needed the car at eight this morning. As her driver, you weren't here. You're definitely in for it now."

"Yesterday, the president didn't mention she'd be heading out so early. Where is she off to?"

Just then, the elevator doors slid open, and the formidable female president, Hua Moying, emerged, flanked by a slick-haired, heavily made-up young man.

Wang Feng caught sight of him. Wasn't this the same wealthy heir he had just run into?

The young man was at Hua Moying's side, incessantly talking to her, "Moying, join me for a meal. I've reserved a spot at Nine Tastes Cuisine tonight. It's a busy couple of days with many VIPs around, and getting a table there is no easy feat."

Hua Moying looked less than pleased, clearly annoyed by his persistence, "I've already told you, I'm busy tonight. Wang Jun, can you please stop bothering me? And stop calling me Moying, we're not on familiar terms!"

Seeing this guy hounding Hua Moying, who was, in his eyes, his exclusive wife, Wang Feng was immediately displeased.

He strode over and yanked Wang Jun back, "Hehehe, watch it. Who allowed you to get so close to our president?"

Wang Jun was taken aback, his face contorting into a peculiar expression upon seeing Wang Feng, "Damn, not you again. What, are you looking for trouble? Did you come here to shake someone down for money?"

When Hua Moying caught sight of Wang Feng, her eyes sparkled, then she spoke icily, "Extortion? He's my employee. Show some respect. If you keep insulting him, I'll have you thrown out!"

Wang Jun's face regained its smug superiority as he sneered at Wang Feng, "And here I thought you were someone of importance. Turns out you're just an employee under Moying. Do you even know who I am? I am Moying's fiancé!"

Hua Moying was livid, "Nonsense! That was your parents pushing their agenda, not mine. I never agreed to any of it!"

Wang Jun's smirk widened, "You don't agree? Fine by me. Then my father will pull his shares, and we'll see how Guardian Star fares then!"

The employees around, including Hee Yunjie, remained silent. The stakes were high; if Wang Jun's family withdrew their shares, it would deal a significant blow to the expanding Guardian Star.

Hua Moying fixed her gaze on Wang Jun with an intensity that was electric, remaining silent.


Wang Feng's sudden exclamation drew Hua Moying's attention. Noticing his expression unchanged, she couldn't help but chastise him. "I thought something was wrong with you. Why the outburst?"

"Sorry about that. It seems my leg got hit earlier, and now my knee-jerk reflex is off. Whenever I see a dog, I just have this urge to kick. I can't seem to help it!"

Wang Jun, sensing Wang Feng's ill intent, retreated a few steps. "What are you planning to do?"

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