Immortal Rising In The City/C8 Why Not Make a Bet?
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Immortal Rising In The City/C8 Why Not Make a Bet?
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C8 Why Not Make a Bet?

"Young Master Wang, it seems your knockoff Land Rover has done a number on my leg. And now you're harassing my Yingying. My leg's acting up something fierce, like it's got a mind of its own and is itching to kick someone. How about you offer an apology to Yingying? It might just do the trick for my leg." Wang Feng said, casting a meaningful glance at the battered Land Rover in the parking lot.

Hua Moying and Hee Yunjie followed Wang Feng's gaze to see the Land Rover, which was in a sorry state. If it weren't for the intact front end, one might mistake it for scrap metal.

Hee Yunjie couldn't suppress a snicker. Wang Jun had always flaunted his family's wealth, driving his Land Rover recklessly around town. Countless times, his arrogance on the road had caused accidents, some even fatal. Now, his precious vehicle was nearly totaled by a Santana. It seemed like poetic justice.

"Xiao Jie, Young Master Wang is a notable figure in our city. It's not your place to mock him!" Hua Moying reprimanded Hee Yunjie, who quickly stifled her laughter. However, Moying's attempt to hide her own amusement was painfully obvious. Wang Jun felt like he was being made a fool of.

Wang Jun's face flushed with anger, turning from red to green. He had never been so publicly humiliated. "You jerk, you dare to mock me? Do you have any idea who I am?" he said, his nose in the air.

Despite her distaste for Wang Jun, Hua Moying was tactful and didn't want Wang Feng to be at a disadvantage due to ignorance of the situation.

"Wang Feng, this is Wang Jun of the Wang family, the family's heir. You didn't recognize him when you hit his car. Let's put this behind us for my sake. I need to head to a board meeting. Young Master Wang, I'll send you the invoice for the car repairs later."

"Wang Feng, let's get out of here."

Wang Feng's heart warmed at the realization that Ms. Hua, who seemed as cold as an iceberg on the outside, was willing to compensate Wang Jun with a Land Rover on behalf of someone like him—a poor kid. Deciding not to dwell on the issue any longer, he hurried to drive Hua Moying's car.

"Hold on!" Wang Jun abruptly stopped Wang Feng.

"Who is this poor kid, and why are you footing the bill for him?" Wang Jun was clearly green with envy.

"Wang Jun, the Wang family may be influential, but that doesn't give you the right to push around Guardian Star! I, Hua Moying, don't need your guidance on how to handle my affairs!" Hua Moying shot Wang Jun a frosty glare, living up to her reputation as an iceberg beauty.

"Hmph, everyone says you're an iceberg beauty, but it looks like you keep a male pet. And what poor taste you have—how can you find any passion in someone as scrawny as him? Perhaps I should step in," Wang Jun sneered, his face twisting into a lecherous grin.

"Hey, Wang Jun, are you itching to feel the force of my kick?" Wang Feng's fists were clenched, his stance that of a lion ready to pounce.

"Poor kid, you think you're something special just because a woman's got your back. Today, I'll show you what a real man with money looks like—not a woman's plaything like you," Wang Jun taunted.

With three sharp claps, over a dozen men dressed in black emerged from the parking lot outside Hua Moying's company, converging at Wang Jun's sides with military precision.

"Young Master!" they called out in unison, their training evident in their synchronized movements.

Wang Feng's brow furrowed.

Seeing Wang Feng's reaction, Wang Jun mistook it for fear and grew even bolder. "Scared now, are you? Haha, kneel down and call me 'grandpa' three times, and maybe I'll consider giving you a one-way ticket to a nice place."

Hua Moying's frown deepened, and she discreetly exchanged a knowing glance with Hee Yunjie. She was well aware of Wang Jun's reputation. Rumor had it that Wang Jun's interests extended beyond women; he was also well-versed in the preferences of Long Yang. He had amassed a circle of old, rich businessmen with similar tastes, to whom he often gifted good-looking young men, many of whom ended up broken by their cruelty.

"Hmph, Wang Jun, your Wang family may be powerful, but you can't rule the roost in Blirsall. You'd do well to show some restraint within Guardian Star territory," Hua Moying stated, her tone laced with impatience.

"Hua Moying, my marriage proposal was a courtesy to you, acknowledging your beauty. But make no mistake, I have plenty of ways to take over Guardian Star if I choose to," Wang Jun retorted.

Hua Moying shuddered, realizing the harsh truth. The Wang family's ambitions went beyond mere business rivalry; they were set on devouring Guardian Star whole.

"Wang Jun, watch your behavior in my presence," Hua Moying snapped, her anger palpable.

Wang Jun nonchalantly accepted a cigar from an underling, puffing away with a smug air of indifference towards Hua Moying. "Kid, I've come up with a perfect escape for you. Document every detail of your service to Ms. Hua and spread it through the streets of Blirsall. Do this, and I'll spare your life."

"Leave this place, now!" Hua Moying demanded, her lips turning a furious shade of purple, unable to tolerate such public humiliation and harassment from Wang Jun.

Meanwhile, Wang Feng kept his composure, noticing a suspicious white powder mixed into Wang Jun's cigar. After inhaling, Wang Jun's demeanor seemed altered. Could it be...?

By then, Hee Yunjie had summoned the company's security. A crowd of guards quickly encircled Wang Jun and his entourage.

Wang Jun let out a cold laugh. "Hua Moying, I didn't expect you to have such a gem among your staff."

He then made his way toward Hee Yunjie.

"Wang Jun, have you lost your mind? Xiao Jie, get them out of here!" Hua Moying exclaimed, sensing the situation escalating. Even someone as brazen as Wang Jun wouldn't dare such insolence at Guardian Star, especially not in broad daylight.

But Wang Jun's outburst was fierce. "Hua Moying, you dare to insult me? Don't forget the significance of the Wang family in Blirsall! Today's the shareholders' meeting, and without my father's backing, I assure you Guardian Star will no longer bear the Hua name. However, if you come to your senses now, I might still consider taking you into my fold."

Wang Jun snickered in a sleazy manner.

"The Wang family? Oh, you mean the Wang family who, back in the day, had your father begging on his knees in front of the whole village to raise funds for Wang Pharmaceuticals? He built his empire on the villagers' hard-earned money, and now that he's wealthy, he's the sole legal entity of the company. Hahaha, you've managed to drive your own kin out of Blirsall. Haha, the Wang family, you're truly the disgrace of Blirsall!" Hua Moying had been under relentless pressure from the Wang family lately. If not for that, she wouldn't have found herself out late at night, drowning her sorrows in alcohol, only to be harassed and then run into Wang Feng.

She had come to a stark realization: the Wang family had no compassion for her. It was time to tear off the facade.

Wang Jun nearly choked on his own rage. Since the Wang family's rise to power, it had been years since anyone dared to speak ill of his father.

"Oh, Hua Moying, if I don't take down Guardian Star today, I, Wang Jun, will wreak havoc on heaven and earth!" The confrontation seemed inevitable.

"Hold on a moment, Young Master Wang, Ms. Hua," Wang Feng interjected, grinning at Wang Jun and Hua Moying. He caught Hua Moying's eye and shot her a sharp glance.

She still had that fiery spirit!

"Young Master Wang is quite the celebrity here in Blirsall, always eager to prove himself against me. So, let's up the stakes. If I lose, I'm at your mercy. But if I win, I want your counterfeit Land Rover," Wang Feng said, his piercing gaze seeming to penetrate the very soul. In that moment, Wang Jun and everyone around were spellbound by Wang Feng's logic. This was one of the benefits of Wang Feng's mental discipline—swaying the subconscious.

"Fine, I've been meaning to get rid of that junker anyway. Let's do this—I accept your challenge, but I set the terms!" Wang Jun suddenly snapped to his senses.

"Wang Feng, don't gamble with him!" Hua Moying exclaimed, grabbing Wang Feng's arm.

Wang Feng gently patted Hua Moying's shoulder to reassure her, not missing the chance to be a little cheeky in the process.

Wang Feng whispered hotly into Hua Moying's ear, "So soft."

"Ugh, there's not one decent person around," Hua Moying huffed, storming off to the side.

"Ms. Hua, rest assured. Wang Jun is quite the charmer in Blirsall. Why would he stoop to deceit with someone as insignificant as me?" Wang Feng feigned innocence with his act.

Wang Jun had witnessed the entire exchange and was seething with anger.

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