Immortal Rising In The City/C9 Show off Your Skills
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Immortal Rising In The City/C9 Show off Your Skills
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C9 Show off Your Skills

A malevolent glint shone in Wang Jun's eyes as he sneered, "Haha, you little fool, you've sealed your own fate. You boasted about the power of your legs—now let's see what your fists can do. Are, take him on. No holds barred, fight to the finish!"

Wang Jun appeared utterly confident in his victory over Wang Feng. With a casual flick of his wrist, a man dressed in black stepped forward. Towering at 1.9 meters, he shrugged off his suit jacket, revealing a physique that seemed to double in size, his muscles rippling beneath his skin.

Are limbered up, his joints popping audibly. His hands were wrapped in layers of medical tape, a clear sign of a professional underground boxer. Despite the ban on such brutal fights, they persisted in remote areas, with no referees and stakes as high as life or death—making them among the toughest opponents.

Standing before him, Wang Feng's 1.74-meter frame seemed frail by comparison, his outstretched hand barely reaching Are's waist.

Hua Moying's anxiety was palpable; her fingernails dug into her skin.

Are charged like a tempest, his fist aiming straight for Wang Feng's face. His right fist, however, was a feint, clenched at his abdomen as the real threat—the left—spun towards Wang Feng's midsection. But in Wang Feng's eyes, the scene played out in slow motion, the feigned punch leaving Are's defenses open.

A slight smile played on Wang Feng's lips as he effortlessly twisted aside, avoiding the punch and countering with a knee to Are's side. The force sent Are flying over five meters before Wang Feng's feet even touched the ground.

"No, it's impossible to dodge that," Are gasped in terror, his shock outweighing the pain. As he struggled to rise, the reality of his shattered ribs hit him, and a gush of blood preceded his collapse into unconsciousness.

"Wang Jun, you've lost," Wang Feng declared, advancing step by step towards the stunned Wang Jun.

Snapped back to reality, Wang Jun's panic took over as he barked orders, "All of you, get him! Kill him!"

Despite their trepidation, the group of men in black, about a dozen strong, charged at Wang Feng, compelled by Wang Jun's command.

Wang Feng executed a perfect split kick, striking a man nearly two meters tall squarely on the chin. His opponent was sent spinning through the air, completing a full 360-degree rotation before crashing to the ground. Wang Feng then whirled around, knocking three others to the ground with a sweeping windmill kick, snapping their leg bones like twigs!

The remaining assailants scattered, all but Wang Jun, who collapsed onto the ground, utterly defeated.

"Young Master Wang is our god of wealth; we can't have you sitting on the ground," Wang Feng said as he hurried over to help Wang Jun to his feet, causing him to shiver in fear.

"What do you mean?" Wang Jun was confused, having expected a beating, not assistance from Wang Feng.

With an obsequious smile, Wang Feng propped up Wang Jun and spoke in a gentle tone, "Young Master Wang, you're truly bold and generous. Even knowing you'd lose, you raised the stakes. Not counting those who fled, I've calculated that you've upped the ante fourteenfold. Unfortunately, Young Master Wang, you only have a Land Rover to your name. Would you mind writing an IOU? You still owe me thirteen more..."

Wang Jun's world went dark as he fainted to the ground. Wang Feng had him revived, and the trembling Young Master Wang scrawled out the IOU before making his escape.

Hua Moying's eyes glittered with a frosty light. Could this young man really be just an ordinary college nobody? With such finesse and sharp wits, he ought to be destined for greater things. Clearly, her investigation of him had been insufficient.

"Ms. Hua, it's time for our meeting," Wang Feng called out, snapping Hua Moying from her reverie as he pulled up in the car. She turned to find him eyeing her with a voracious gaze, as if he could devour her on the spot.

"Drive the damn car," Hua Moying snapped, her face flushing as she ducked into the back seat to avoid being seen in her embarrassment.

"Wang Feng, who are you, really?" Hua Moying asked with sudden gravity.

"Ms. Hua, there's no need to rush. If you want to know who I am, you'll have to wait until tonight," Wang Feng replied nonchalantly, taking a drag from his cigarette before executing a sharp drift that left Hua Moying feeling faint.

Wang Feng grinned slyly to himself, thinking he'd reveal everything to her once he had won her over.

Before Hua Moying awoke, Wang Feng had already organized the documents that were strewn about the car. He had glanced over them and noticed that Guardian Star had undertaken a round of financing during a period of financial difficulty a few years back. On the surface, the Wang family appeared to be seeking a partnership, but in reality, they harbored ulterior motives.

Several months prior, the Wang family had abruptly purchased a significant number of shares from Guardian Star's individual investors, securing the support of a few minority shareholders. They had managed to gain control of 40% of the shares, leaving Hua Moying with only a 5% lead.

Hua Moying had inquired about any information on the Wang family's similar tactics used to take control of other companies. The print date revealed that she had begun investigating the Wang family three months ago, but it was already too late.

"Jerk! What are you staring at?" Hua Moying suddenly snapped awake to find Wang Feng leaning over the back seat, his gaze fixed on her chest. She quickly sat up, shielding herself.

"I was just looking at the documents. They happened to fall next to you on the seat..." Wang Feng, mistakenly accused of being a hooligan for the first time, wore an expression of helpless resignation as he hurriedly exited the car and opened the door for Hua Moying.

As they walked past the board of directors' building, the staff greeted Hua Moying with deference. They were astonished to see Wang Feng at her side.

The notoriously unapproachable CEO had a man with her!

"Hey, who's that guy? Why is he with the CEO?" the female employees whispered among themselves.

"I heard from my sister that the CEO went to their school to meet a male college student yesterday. That might be him."

"Unbelievable, a male college student? The CEO is actually interested in a student?"

"Yes, I heard the CEO even gifted him a restaurant. Who would have thought she had such a taste? Life is full of surprises."

"Gosh, if I were rich, I'd have Yi Yangqianxi as my..."

Her colleague quickly checked her forehead, teasing, "Get back to reality, it's time to work!"

The conference room was on the fourth floor. Wang Feng could feel Hua Moying's presence intensifying with each step toward the meeting room. By the time they entered, her demeanor was so icy that even Wang Feng felt a chill.

The meeting room doors swung open, and all the shareholders had arrived. Their gazes collectively turned to Hua Moying, who, unfazed by the sea of faces, made her way to the CEO's chair as if she were walking past empty tables.

"Moying, are we ready to begin?" inquired the vice president seated to Hua Moying's left, identified by the nameplate in front of him as Lee Da.

"Yes, Lee Da, we can start now," Hua Moying responded.

Suddenly, from a corner of the room, a shareholder stood up to speak. "Hua Moying, arriving late to the shareholders' meeting? It seems you don't take the development of Guardian Star seriously."

It was 9:31 AM, and the meeting had been scheduled for 9:30. Even if she was a minute late, which could arguably be considered punctual, this shareholder wasted no time in using the opportunity to accuse Hua Moying of negligence towards the company's growth.

Wang Feng, familiar with the shareholder profiles, remembered this man as a minor shareholder, owning merely a 4 to 5 percent stake. His bold confrontation with the CEO suggested he was either acting recklessly or being manipulated by someone else.

"Wang Bowei, you accuse me of not caring about Guardian Star's growth? Then answer me this: when I came upstairs just now, I noticed that out of all the elevators in the building, the A, B, and safety elevators were functioning, but the freight elevator was out of order. And isn't that your responsibility? According to our shareholders' agreement, if a shareholder fails to meet their responsibilities, the CEO has the authority to revoke their rights, and the transfer of their shares must be approved by the CEO! Wang Bowei, the elevator has been broken for nearly 12 hours. Your time to resolve this is running out," Hua Moying said with a cold smirk.

Wang Bowei slumped back into his seat, visibly deflated.

"Ms. Hua, I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm still feeling groggy. Thank you for the wake-up call. I'll immediately see to the elevator repairs so as not to hinder the company's operations," he stammered.

With a nod from Hua Moying, Wang Bowei scurried out of the room.

The remaining shareholders were left in a silent turmoil. Most of them continued to watch Hua Moying, while a few shifted their attention to the man on her right. He appeared to be in his sixties, balding, yet dressed in a sharp Armani suit, adorned with a thick gold chain and a jade ring, exuding opulence. This was none other than Wang Jun's father, Wang Baicheng.

Wang Feng stood behind Hua Moying, noticing tears welling up and dampening the nape of her neck. Wang Bowei was merely a pawn, sent to gauge Hua Moying's reaction. The adversary likely hadn't anticipated her to be so formidable, uncovering such a significant vulnerability while ascending the stairs. If she weren't invested in the company's growth, she wouldn't be concerned with something as trivial as the operation of the elevators. With this realization, Wang Feng saw through the facade and shattered Wang Bowei's role as a pawn.

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