Immortal With Countless Treasures/C16 New discovery
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Immortal With Countless Treasures/C16 New discovery
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C16 New discovery

The room was instantly lit up, but …

In the empty room, other than the bracelet that he retrieved from the antiques market not long ago, there was nothing else. The only difference was that the black color of the bracelet was currently spinning very fast.

Jiang Liu'er stared at the black hole. She was afraid that she would miss out on every detail after the black gas rotated.

As time passed, the black gas was still rotating fast, as if there was an invisible force that was trying to stop him. However, this force didn't seem to have any signs of fatigue, which made Jiang Liu'er a bit puzzled.

He raised a hand and looked at his fingers. The corners of his mouth curled up. Smiling meant that he was not afraid of anything in the world, let alone this black gas that could make him shout.

He probed the black gas with his finger. As for the gas, of course, there was no reaction after he touched it. As expected, the black gas did not change from its previous state.

This unchanging response gave Jiang Liu'er the courage to do so. He couldn't help but want to investigate what was going on. He extended his hand and grabbed the rapidly spinning gas.

Jiang Liu'er's reaction shocked her. She felt a chill in the black gas. It was just that this black gas was too thick, she couldn't see through the black gas.

Jiang Liu'er used her palm to poke at the black gas, wanting to separate the black gas and get a better look at what was inside.

However, the black gas was being held back by a force. No matter how River Child waved her hand, the black gas had a core. All the gas revolved around this core and quickly revolved around it, making it impossible for River Child to do anything.

"What should I do?"

Jiang Liu'er was a bit anxious. Since there was no reaction to the black gas, he started to plan on the bracelet on the table.

Initially, he brought back the bracelet to feed the black gas. He never thought that this bracelet would give him such a big surprise. Today, he wanted to see what special abilities this bracelet had.

He probed the bracelet on the table with his finger. As expected, the black gas seemed to sense something and the power in the middle started to fluctuate. The black gas also seemed to be dispersing.


Jiang Liu'er raised her eyebrows. This small discovery really made him happy in his heart. Without waiting for the black gas to gather again, she grabbed the bracelet and started shaking it around her fingers.

The black gas seemed to have received some sort of shock as it crazily fled around the room. However, the room was only this big, plus the space was sealed, even if the black gas fled everywhere, it could only stay in the room.

The black gas was easily absorbed by Jiang Liu'er. The warm feeling flowed along his blood vessels and meridians, and it was as if a young girl was gently stroking his hands. This feeling was very familiar to Jiang Liu'er, and she also liked it.

The bracelet was spinning quickly on Jiang Liu`er's finger, and following the movements of his hand, black gas kept flowing out from the bracelet. This situation made Jiang Liu`er feel extremely flattered.

If he hadn't gotten used to such pleasant surprises, Jiang Liu'er probably would have long since been scared shitless by the black air coming out of the bracelet.

"You can still play like this?"

He knew that by doing so, the bracelet would produce black air, but he did not know the consequences. Or rather, this action increased the speed at which the bracelet produced black air, but it would not cause any damage to the bracelet.

If his greed had caused him to lose such a good treasure, then he would definitely not be willing to do so.

"Let me see."

From the initial worry and fear to the unexpected surprise, Jiang Liu'er felt that her life had become much more colorful ever since she met Xuanyuan Mingxue, but …

He hurriedly shook his head. Xuanyuan Mingxue's skills were so good, so there shouldn't be any mishaps, so he quickly stopped himself from thinking too much. This kind of crazy command caused him to be in even more trouble.

Jiang Liu'er sat in front of the desk. She carefully placed the bracelet on a white marble surface. The material on the surface of the bracelet was even more exquisite when compared to the white.

Jiang Liu'er couldn't help but shake her head. Honestly speaking, his luck wasn't just average. To be able to bring such a good thing home with him, he must have done something extremely touching in his previous life. The previous genius had given him such a great opportunity.

"But why does this thing make such a strange sound?" Jiang Liu'er could not understand. Although this treasure had an unerasable history and value compared to some modern handmade carving.

But why did this treasure make a sound like a human's cry in the middle of the night? Furthermore, there were a few other treasures in the room, so why did this bracelet …

"Could it be?"

Jiang Liu'er's eyes lit up. The events of the past few days flashed through his mind as he quickly thought about them. There must be an inseparable reason behind all of this.

For the first time, Jiang Liu'er had a bold hypothesis. The treasure itself was inextricably linked to him, which was why he was able to bring it back. As for the voice, could it be because the treasure could sense some thoughts within his heart?

"Xuanyuan Mingxue!"

As Jiang Liu'er looked at the treasure, she felt that her thoughts were becoming clearer and clearer. If a treasure could help the person he was worried about to comfort him, then wouldn't this treasure be able to help Jiang Liu'er find Xuanyuan Mingxue?

"Is that really the case?"

Jiang Liu'er said this to the bracelet. Never would she have thought that this treasure would actually emit the exact same moaning as what Jiang Liu'er had heard outside the door.

This moan caused Jiang Liu'er's heart to be filled with joy. He never thought that this treasure would actually be able to understand Jiang Liu'er's thoughts.

Jiang Liu'er didn't hesitate at all. Although a man with a bracelet might look like a sissy, if this bracelet could help Jiang Liu'er, Jiang Liu'er wouldn't care about a sissy, not to mention …

Jiang Liu'er carefully put away the bracelet. Just one second after it was placed, a black light emitted from the bracelet. When Jiang Liu'er regained her senses and looked at her wrist, the black bracelet had actually disappeared.


Jiang Liu'er thought that her eyes had been pierced just now, so she didn't see clearly. The bracelet fell to the ground, but after lying on the ground for a while, there was nothing there.

"It entered my body again?"

Jiang Liu'er raised her eyebrows. Previously, Xuanyuan Mingxue had already let Jiang Liu'er experience this kind of thing after entering her body, so he was not too surprised. "Since that's the case, we should make good use of it."

Jiang Liu'er closed her eyes and used her mind to feel the bracelet that had already entered her body. The reason why she could feel it was because even though the bracelet had entered her body, it was still unceasingly producing black Qi.

He followed the black gas and easily found the location of the bracelet. The bracelet was surrounded by the black gas that was emitting from Jiang Liu'er's body.

To be honest, Jiang Liu'er was a bit worried. After all, she had just started learning how to absorb these things. If she absorbed too much like last time, would it affect his health?

However, Jiang Liu'er had been worrying too much just now. The black gas seemed to understand his feelings very well. Since Jiang Liu'er's body lacked warmth, the black gas had rushed over to warm her up.

Jiang Liu'er enjoyed this comfortable feeling very much. She felt that she was walking with the warmth.

Jiang Liu'er was preparing some method to make the black gas produce a little more, but the black gas on the bracelet seemed to have some sort of strange reaction. Under her perception, it suddenly weakened quite a bit.

Jiang Liu'er's heart tightened. Could it be that she was being too hasty and had some sort of side effect?

The black gas surrounding the bracelet started to swirl around rapidly, just like what Jiang Liu'er saw when she first entered the study. This time, she had personally experienced it herself.

This feeling of spinning made his body feel a little uncomfortable. He frowned and tried his best to hold on.

The black gas wrapped around the bracelet, causing Jiang Liu'er to be unable to pinpoint the exact location of the bracelet. Suddenly, the black gas all stopped, and strands of it began to disperse.

To Jiang Liu'er's surprise, when the black gas was completely gone, he didn't sense the bracelet.

"What's going on?"

He suddenly opened his eyes. He was unable to accept this kind of disappearance without any proof.

Jiang Liu'er closed her eyes once again, following her senses. She searched her body for the location of the black gas, but it was exactly the same as before. She couldn't find the bracelet, it was as if it had never appeared.

"How could this be?"

Just as Jiang Liu'er was worrying about this, she suddenly felt a warm current from her dantian. Although this warm current was not very strong, it was neither warm nor hot and seemed to be able to meet Jiang Liu'er's requirements for absorbing the black gas.

Jiang Liu'er tried sensing it again. This time, he was relieved as the black gas was exactly the same as the gas from the bracelet. The only difference was that the black gas was created and didn't need to be attached to the bracelet anymore.

In other words, the bracelet had already been absorbed by Jiang Liu'er's body. The reason why there was black gas in his dantian was because he himself was like a treasure, so he was able to create his own black gas.

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