Immortal With Countless Treasures/C17 Assimilate into body
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Immortal With Countless Treasures/C17 Assimilate into body
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C17 Assimilate into body

However, this was only a small part of it. It was only enough for Jiang Liu'er to absorb as much as she could. To be satisfied, he would need to absorb more treasures, or more accurately, more black qi.

"I 'ate' the treasure just like that? I've become a monster? "

Obviously, Jiang Liu'er still couldn't accept the fact that his body could absorb treasures, but that wasn't important, because he had decided to absorb some treasures so that the black gas in his dantian would become more plump.

This way, he would be able to grow even faster and help Xuanyuan Mingxue.

"Phew …"

After the commotion caused by the small handchain in the middle of the night, it was already 3 in the morning. A drowsiness swept over Jiang Liu'er's head and he yawned. He quickly turned off the lights in his study before returning to his bedroom.

Just as he lay down and closed his eyes, he entered the embrace of Eunuch Zhou. He dreamt the entire night until the next morning.

The morning breeze brought down the malnourished leaves from the books, forming a unique morning scene that was enjoyed by many of the elders of the morning training.

Jiang Liu'er turned her body over on the soft bed and moved her eyelids, but she still didn't wake up. Suddenly, her brows locked together, as if something was bothering him.

"Xuanyuan Mingxue, be careful!"

Jiang Liu'er couldn't see where she was with her naked eyes because of the large black patch. The cold feeling made her back turn cold.

"Drip, drip, drip." This seductive voice kept repeating in Jiang Liu'er's ears. This kind of disadvantageous environment left him with no confidence at all in his heart.

"Jiang Liu'er, don't be afraid. I'll be right in front. Come quickly."

"Xuanyuan Mingxue's familiar voice suddenly drifted over from the darkness. This voice is like a clear spring in the desert, instantly giving Jiang Liu'er strength and courage."

Regardless of the direction, Jiang Liu'er felt the direction of the sound and slightly stretched out her arm to protect herself from the sudden danger.

Suddenly, a blinding light lit up the darkness. Jiang Liu'er covered her eyes with her hands. When she finally regained her senses, the scene in front of her was completely different from the darkness from before.

The gurgling brook, the vast grassland, and the snowy mountain in the distance, all of this scene was so beautiful, as if it was the world depicted in the painting.

Not far away, Xuanyuan Mingxue was wearing a pink dress. As she stood there, the scene was so beautiful, so captivating.

Xuanyuan Mingxue seemed to have felt that someone was behind her. When she turned around and saw Jiang Liu'er, her lips curled up into a charming smile. This smile was like the gentle caress of a spring breeze, warming the softest spot in Jiang Liu'er's heart.

He seemed to have forgotten that he was in an unreal world. Step by step, he walked into Xuanyuan Mingxue and he couldn't even control his own body.

Xuanyuan Mingxue just smiled like that. Her shallow dimples and curved eyebrows, it was as if Jiang Liu'er had drank too much and was intoxicated by it.

Just like that, Jiang Liu'er extended a hand to Xuanyuan Mingxue and gently leaned on her shoulder. Jiang Liu'er lowered her head and saw Xuanyuan Mingxue's big eyes, which were twinkling with long lashes.

Xuanyuan Mingxue raised her head and her watery eyes met Jiang Liu'er's deep black colored gaze. "Ding." There was a sound, as if something was frantically growing inside Jiang Liu'er's body.

Jiang Liu'er suddenly felt a little nervous. Other than his secret crush on Yang Xiaotong, she was the only girl he had ever met.

Xuanyuan Mingxue's appearance could definitely be considered one of the top, but now, she was in Jiang Liu'er's embrace with her tender lips just a hair's breadth away. If he didn't kiss her now, he would truly feel sorry for himself.

The faint fragrance from Xuanyuan Mingxue's body made him a little flustered, and the touch of her lips caused his body to suddenly feel numb. He couldn't help but open his eyes and look at Xuanyuan Mingxue, who was still immersed in his embrace with her eyes closed.

"Xuanyuan Mingxue!"

With just a gentle peck, they separated. Jiang Liu'er couldn't help but call out Xuanyuan Mingxue's name. He really couldn't hide the feelings that had been buried in his heart for the past few days.

"Do you know how worried I am about you?"

Xuanyuan Mingxue shyly nodded and leaned against River Stream's chest again.

Jiang Liu'er tightened her arms. He held Xuanyuan Mingxue even more tightly in his embrace.

"I never felt that you were very important. I even felt that it was good that you disappeared from my life. After all, after you came, my life … "It's a bit chaotic."

Jiang Liu'er felt that she had no clue what she was saying, but this was definitely the most truthful and truest feeling she had. Xuanyuan Mingxue's arrival had thrown his life into chaos, but at the same time, it was also due to this unusual mess that he had begun to clearly understand his own inner world for the first time.

"But it was also because of this that I saw you clearly. Just like that, you suddenly disappeared for a few days, and only then did I discover that the days you spent by my side were the days that made me the happiest, and also the days that made me the most at ease.

Xuanyuan Mingxue pursed her lips and gave a shallow smile. Her smile softened Jiang Liu'er's heart. If possible, Jiang Liu'er would rather stay at this moment because this moment was so beautiful.

"I'm very worried about you. I'm afraid that you'll be tortured by bad people. I'm afraid that something might happen to you, but …"

Saying this, Jiang Liu'er's heart was filled with guilt.

I don't know anything about you. I don't even know where I should go to find you now that you're missing. I just don't know what I should do, and I can only wait.

Xuanyuan Mingxue suddenly raised her hand and pressed a finger to Jiang Liu'er's lips, making a silencing gesture. Jiang Liu'er forced a smile and nodded.

Beep, beep, beep.

Suddenly, this strange sound broke the sweet atmosphere between the two of them. Rivers looked around to find the source of this sound, but they were surrounded by the number of grasslands and rivers. How could there be such a strange sound?

Beep, beep, beep.

His voice suddenly became anxious. Jiang Liu'er frowned and suddenly felt that Xuanyuan Mingxue, who was in her embrace, had broken free from her embrace and was walking in the opposite direction from her.

"Xuanyuan Mingxue!"

Jiang Liu'er called out, but Xuanyuan Mingxue didn't even turn around. Jiang Liu'er wanted to give chase, but these beeping sounds kept on ringing in his ears, causing him to feel extremely frustrated.

"What the hell!"

He suddenly shouted and sat up from the bed. Looking at the familiar environment, he realized that it was all just a dream.

Beep, beep, beep. The annoying voice was still ringing. Jiang Liu'er took a glance at it and impatiently took the phone. She pressed the alarm, causing it to ring. Then, she collapsed onto the bed.

"Bloody alarm."

Just now, that dream had allowed Jiang Liu'er to see the deepest part of her heart. Although she normally felt that Xuanyuan Mingxue was wandering around the room blindly, following beside her like a shadow, now …

"Get up."

Jiang Liu'er stretched lazily and got up to wash up. The new day was about to begin again, and before Xuanyuan Mingxue returned, he had to make full use of this opportunity and time to properly cultivate himself.

"Gu gu gu." Jiang Liu'er rummaged in the fridge for a while, but she still couldn't find anything that could satisfy her stomach, so she could only take her wallet out.

It wasn't too early or too late, but at the same time, he arrived at the relatively late morning market stall. He ordered a tofu brain and was just about to eat it quietly when he suddenly heard a piece of news that made Jiang Liu'er happy.

"That little girl said something about what kind of descendant she is. She seems really amazing."

"That's right, that's right. Those youngsters thought that this little girl was bragging. Who knew that once she attacked, she would actually …"

"Hahaha, you're still talking about it. Yesterday, I almost couldn't hold back my laughter. I was afraid that I would laugh out loud about the trouble that those few guys are causing us."

When Jiang Liu'er heard their conversation, she could immediately tell that the protagonist of their conversation was definitely the Xuanyuan Mingxue that she had been trying to find these past few days.

He simply ordered a few snacks and wiped them all over the table.

"Grandfather, I'm treating you guys to this food. I just heard from you guys that you met a little girl who was very powerful. Can you tell me about it?"

The few old men looked at Jiang Liu'er and then looked at each other. They lowered their heads and looked around before lowering their voices and asking.

"Young man, you want to be his boyfriend for a girl like this? You're a bit lacking, right?"

Jiang Liu'er almost spurted a mouthful of blood to her death. Needless to say these few old men, their mouths were quite sharp.

"Grandpa, I know this little girl. A few days ago, she said that she would be betrothed to me. I already bought a new wife and was ready to marry her. This girl ran off. I can't even find a place to get angry at her."

"Oh, young man, are you trying to make a fool of yourself with a little girl?"

Of course not, I'm afraid that this little girl is too naive and met a bad person. No matter what, our family knows each other, even if she doesn't want to be engaged to me, I have to act like a man.

The few old men had to meddle in other people's business. They muttered a few words to each other before opening their mouths.

"Actually, this little girl is quite impressive. Those hooligans have been making a ruckus on this piece of land for many years. It seems like they have some kind of government or police background and no one dares to offend them."

"It's fine if you ask for money or not from us little old geezers. Even if we were robbed, they wouldn't have much interest in us. However, we little geezers love to gossip about the affairs of these young geezers, haha."

"Of course, these guys really have some of the courage of us when we were young, don't you think?"

Jiang Liu'er felt a little embarrassed. Why did these few old men talk so much about her?

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