Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C10 Night Wars
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Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C10 Night Wars
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C10 Night Wars

Ni Liu yawned on top of the city and slowly squatted down. He was the famous Wandering Hero who was close to Lee City and was on good terms with Woo De, so he was assigned to watch over the second class. Seeing that an hour was about to pass, he couldn't help but blink and feel sleepy.

"Big Brother Liu used to punch and kick whenever he wanted to, but somehow he became so cautious today. Yellow-hooded Traitor is also a human, you have to sleep, right?"

Ni Liu thought that if there was no one around, he might as well close his eyes and take a nap.

Ta ta ta … A tranquil voice was heard, startling Ni VI, "Hmm? What is that sound so dense, it's more like footsteps, could it be? "

Suddenly! Countless torches lit up like a long line of burning dragons. Under the fire, there were rows upon rows of red-eyed bandits with gleaming swords in their hands. Five or six men holding ladders were running towards them.

Ni Liu was shocked. Just as he was about to shout, he heard a loud sound.


Archer s from the Yellow-hooded Traitor had already targeted the guards at the top of the city walls. In an instant, hundreds of arrows flew over, causing Ni Liu to roll off the city walls in shock. He only felt a wave of pain on his arm.

"Yellow-hooded Traitor, attack the city!"

This shout was really earth-shattering. Countless of Wandering Hero and the prisoners who had their eyes closed opened their eyes. Those who were still unconscious were pushed awake by their companions and opened their sleepy eyes.

"Wake up, the bandits are attacking the city!"

"Kill the thief, kill the thief!"

Liu Ye was the first to wake up after hearing the shout, he casually put the leather helmet on his head, the Falchion stabbed into his waist, he casually grabbed the Long Lance and was about to fight when Woo De ran towards him.

"Big brother, the thieves attacked the city. How did you know Yellow-hooded Traitor would come tonight?" Woo De's face was full of excitement. He looked at Liu Ye as if there was a ball of fire in his eyes, which scared Woo De.

A hand patted Woo De's shoulder: "Don't worry, what is so scary about a mere Yellow-hooded Traitor?"

Liu Ye's calm voice and calm face calmed Woo De down, and then the two of them arrived at the top of the city.

At this moment, the city was filled with the sounds of fighting and killing. The Yellow-hooded Traitor who were climbing up the ladder kept on coming up, and Wandering Hero and the other prisoners who were guarding the city were small in number. Adding to the fact that the Yellow-hooded Traitor had come prepared, it was impossible to see them clearly in the night.

Liu Ye did not have much time to think, he jumped onto the city wall and roared: "Lee City Liu Ye is here, who wants to die!"

Many rangers and prisoners cheered up when they heard this uplifting tiger roar.

"Hold on!" Big Brother Liu is here too! "

"Haha, you bandits, I'll let you know that there are men in Lee City!"

During the days when the Yellow-hooded Traitor was attacking the city, there were many people who witnessed Liu Ye's might with their own eyes, especially the scene where they killed Han Cheqi on the spot.

However, another Yellow-hooded Traitor came up from the Cloud Staircase. Seeing that he could take advantage of the situation, he grabbed his pike and rushed up, which changed the situation into two against one. That Wandering Hero staggered a little, and accidentally got stabbed in the leg.

Yellow-hooded Traitor's face was filled with joy: That man Wu, die!

The spear in Yellow-hooded Traitor's hands suddenly thrusted out, the two spikes on the Speartip were like the fangs of a venomous snake, aimed straight for Wandering Hero's vitals, and it looked like he was about to die.


A Long Lance suddenly attacked, hitting the Spear Stick and making a sound. Liu Ye struggled to lift it up, but Yellow-hooded Traitor held onto the Spear Stick tightly and fell to the ground together with him.

"Thank you, Big Brother, for saving us!" With a "En", the Long Lance danced and killed the Yellow-hooded Traitor with one lance. Hearing the sound of wind behind him, the other Yellow-hooded Traitor held onto his blade with both of his hands, and shouted as he slashed down.

Liu Ye seemed to have eyes in the back, he did not even turn around, and directly turned the Long Lance in his hand and ruthlessly flung it backwards, as the saying goes, inch by inch. The Long Lance pierced forward, but before it could slash down, the sharp point of the had already pierced through the thief's chest and waist. The Falchion also powerlessly drooped down.

Liu Ye had practiced martial arts for more than a dozen years, so he also had some training in night battles. Even if a famous martial arts master was blind, just listening to the wind to distinguish one's position was still an unstoppable move, and it was even more powerful than someone with eyes.

Although it was a night battle, it was always successful. In fact, ancient night battles were not common, because of the lack of productivity, many people suffered from night blindness, and Liu Ye was able to discern positions and see clearly, killing people would be easy.

The Long Lance swung its sword left and right, it was truly an unstoppable force, the two who were struggling to hold on on on on the city walls immediately became spirited, the Yellow-hooded Traitor was enraged, at the same time, Liu Ye had already killed 10 to 20 people, his entire body was covered in blood, when facing the enemy there was a strong stench of blood, the Yellow-hooded Traitor was unable to dodge in time, some of them were scared by Liu Ye and ran to the cloud ladder, in the end, they fell down in a mess, with their bodies smashed into pieces.

The defending troops at the top of the city wall had formed a triangular formation with Liu Ye as the arrow. The Yellow-hooded Traitor was in a state of chaos as the number of bandits on the city wall decreased.

"Scoundrel, don't get too ahead of yourself. My brother is here to capture you!"

One of them had a long beard, one had a short beard, and the other only had fur growing on his mouth. It seemed like the three brothers each held a weapon in their hands as they charged towards Liu Ye to surround him.

Liu Ye snorted, "There are a lot of people who aren't afraid of death."

Seeing the three of them surrounding him, Liu Ye yelled out, causing their eardrums to buzz. He stepped forward and stabbed forward with his lance. It was really fast and fierce, with a single glance he looked like a master.

The youngest thief among the three was so frightened that his courage weakened. The spear that was thrusting forward suddenly softened and Liu Ye, as per his agreement, stabbed into his chest. With a strong swing, he immediately became a corpse.


The two of them let out a wail. Their faces were ashen as they attacked from both sides. Who would have thought that Liu Ye would be standing with his feet planted firmly on the ground. The spear shadows were like the wind. This was called 'shaking the spear'. The two thieves were stabbed in the chest by Long Lance, how could they be a match for a famous family disciple like Liu Ye?

In a short period of time, the Yellow-hooded Traitor on the east side of the city were so scared that they did not dare to move forward.

Thump thump thump! The sound of rapid footsteps could be heard. Wandering Hero, who was covered in blood, quickly walked over and hung on Liu Ye's body.

"Thieves …" Surrounding the city … County Lieutenant Sun, for help! "

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