Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C19 Zhou Jun Breaking Gallbladder
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Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C19 Zhou Jun Breaking Gallbladder
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C19 Zhou Jun Breaking Gallbladder

Relying on the splashing force of the Long Lance in his hand, Liu Ye forcibly killed his way through the encirclement, leading the remaining two hundred or so people to charge towards the middle, while the Yellow-hooded Army behind him was still in a chaotic battle, he did not care about them at all. The group of people actually had no one to block them, and shot straight towards the center like an arrow.

Even though they had failed a few days ago, the chess piece Wei Zheng, who was left in the city, was killed as well. However, according to the information that came from him, the County Magistrate Song He and County Lieutenant Suen Chang were all killed, so logically speaking, the soldiers of Lee City should not have any morale. So why did they still dare to fight their way out of the city? How dare you!

"Liu Yuqing, it must be this Liu Yuqing again. No one else would be so daring." Ever since his uprising, he had attacked seven counties, and among these seven counties, he had either surrendered or he had been killed. No one had ever dared to attack him from outside the city, and even if it was a well-trained officer of the Han Army, they could only urge the young and strong to defend the city.

However, ever since he met Liu Ye, Zhou Jun, the dignified Yellow Turbans marshal had been humiliated everywhere. His vanguard general, Han Cheqi, had been killed, and the rebellion within the city had been pacified. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

"No, no!"

Zhou Jun turned around and stopped. Under the dim light, his face turned from black to green, his eyebrows were full of sweat and his expression was extremely serious.

"Just a mere Lee City, don't bother about it, why would you want to fight to the death with this Liu Ye? "After the rebellion is over tonight, immediately turn around and go to Mt. Tai, go to Dongping. Even if you go to Linzi to that guy Xu Hee, you can't stay here anymore."

Zhou Jun had been scared out of his wits by Liu Ye. He was a dignified yellow scarfed marshal, a heroic group that had tens of thousands of supporters, yet he had to walk around a small county town.

Just at that time, a weak shout slowly rang out. Zhou Jun's heart couldn't help but be shocked, then he was enraged.

"He's rebelling! He's truly rebelling! He dares to cause trouble right under my nose?!"

Zhou Jun walked out of the camp and just as he was about to order his elite soldiers to go investigate, he heard a sonic boom.

Before Zhou Jun could react, a guard beside him was hit on the head by an arrow. The arrow was so big that it went straight through his head and came out the other side. How could the guard still be alive? His body staggered and he immediately fell to the ground.

"Marshal, be careful!" On the side, the janissary Military Officer, Zhou Wen, quickly supported Zhou Jun. He was Zhou Jun's younger brother, and was appointed by Zhou Jun to be his janissary Military Officer's bodyguard.

This arrow was released by Liu Ye, and within the Lee City, he was the only one who could pull the three-stone bow. He saw Zhou Jun's tent from afar and the shadows of people moving about in the light, and without hesitation, he nocked an arrow and shot a yellow scarfed soldier.

Liu Ye shook his head and casually hung the longbow on his chest. With the Long Lance in his hand, he summoned his Qi into his Dantian and let out a long roar.

"Kill Zhou Jun, Broken Yellow Mask!"

With that, Liu Ye rushed over to kill him. Although there was no horse running under his legs, but he had the martial arts grandmaster's knowledge, and Li Shuwen's godly spear, so he had no idea how long he had been standing there.

Liu Ye's subordinates also did not want to be outdone. After a bloody battle, they were full of courage and started shouting in unison.

"Kill Zhou Jun, Broken Yellow Mask!"

"Kill Zhou Jun, Broken Yellow Mask!"

More than two hundred people rushed over in one breath. The guards beside Zhou Jun immediately raised their axes and sabers and went forward to face the incoming attack. The personal guards were truly worthy of being Zhou Jun's elite soldiers. Each of them was tall and fat, plus they had the advantage in numbers, five hundred of them were more than twice the number of people on Liu Ye's side.

However, Liu Ye's more than two hundred men under his command had experienced a bloody battle and all of them were full of spirit. Therefore, they were not at a disadvantage even when facing the siege of enemies that were twice as powerful as them.

Liu Ye roared, the Long Lance in his hand stabbed with it, killing a yellow scarfed personal guard, while the other raised his axe and aimed it at Liu Ye's head, then dropped down. Liu Ye held the Long Lance with one hand, and with his free hand, he pulled out the Falchion from his waist, and with a clang, he blocked the incoming axe, and the fist that grabbed the hilt of the blade rushed forward, instantly hitting Liu Ye's throat, causing the two yellow scarfed elite soldiers to die.

Liu Jun thought to himself: The Yellow-hooded Traitor has a large number of people, fighting for a long time is unfavorable, I must kill Zhou Jun and make a plan.

"F * ck off! Where's that Zhou Jun, why aren't you all coming out to die!" The Gun Barrel waved its spear to block, the pike pierced and killed whenever it met a person, even if it hit a person with the pike, it would ricochet them far away, as the saying goes, an inch longer than normal, the density of the swing of the Long Lance was such that no one could approach it in a short period of time.

Just then, a strong gust of wind blew over. This move was extremely powerful, Liu Ye had just killed a Yellow-hooded Traitor, and the old power was gone, so before the new power could come out, he had no choice but to dodge to the side.

After he stood still, Liu Ye took a closer look and saw a dark burly figure facing him. The axe and knife in his hand were about the size of a human head and seemed to have great arm strength. However, this person's face was quite similar to Zhou Jun's. However, Liu Ye's eyes were as sharp as lightning, so he could see everything clearly.

"Hmph, everyone knows that you, Liu Yuqing, are the number one warrior in Lee City." He usually protected Zhou Jun, so it was rare for him to participate in the battle. In truth, even Liu Tie's most powerful general, Han Cheqi, might not be able to match up to Zhou Wen.

Liu Ye raised his spear: "Cut the crap. Let's see the real deal."

The wind was strong, but Liu Ye did not dodge. The long spear in his hand turned into specks of cold stars, and in an instant, the tip of his lance clashed with the axe who knows how many times, creating sparks. Although Zhou Wen was quite powerful and heavy, he was still struck by the heavy axe and the spear's tip. For a moment, his hands were weak and numb, and he could only barely hang on.

Suddenly, he saw a gap, the tip of the lance clanged into the gap of the axe, both of his arms raised a thousand jin of godly strength, falling down like a mountain, immediately pressing the axe into the ground. Zhou Wen's face was flushed red, he could not pull it out no matter what.

Liu Ye did not give Zhou Wen a chance to react. He gripped the pike tightly with one hand and repeated the technique with his right hand. The Falchion was unsheathed and a flash of bright blade light instantly blossomed.

With the sharp blade entering the flesh, the Falchion was sliced into iron like mud by Liu Ye. Liu Ye used his strength to lift the Falchion, causing the big head to shoot up into the sky as blood spurted out of its neck. It took a while before it fell onto the ground, turning into a pile of mud.

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