Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C2 Yellow Scarf of the Beginning War
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Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C2 Yellow Scarf of the Beginning War
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C2 Yellow Scarf of the Beginning War

In his previous life, even though he had watched the scene of the army moving forward mightily on television, when he saw it with his own eyes, his heart still wavered. On the eastern horizon, he saw the yellow tide rolling and approaching with smoke and dust, and from time to time, he would hear the sound of horns coming from the Yellow-hooded Army array.


The drummers on the turrets struggled to beat the drums, the drumbeats echoing like thunder in the distance.

Wu Tie covered his chest with his hands and felt his heart beating rapidly, as if it would be pulled out of his throat in the next second. The atmosphere was so heavy that he wanted to turn around and run, but he couldn't help but to look to his left and right, only to see that some of the prisoners had already gone limp from fright.

Liu Ye gritted his teeth and looked at the left and right of the Han pawns. He saw that they were not calm and collected either. Most of them had pale faces and thought that they had never seen such a formation before.

After they finished counting, the Yellow Turbans Army had already arrived at the bottom of the city and stood in a formation. At the same time, they separated into three armies and rushed to the other city gates, surrounding the Lee City so tightly that not even a drop of water could leak out.

Liu Ye clearly saw the banner of the yellow cloth. A big and burly Yellow-hooded Strong Man was leading the charge, carrying a large banner.

To the left and right were the Commander Flag, the General Zhang, the General Zhang, and the General Zhou. The meaning of the Flag was that the General Zhang Jiao's subordinate, the General Zhou, had an unknown name.

"General Lee City, listen up, I am General Zhou Jun, a general under the command of the Sky Sovereign. I have brought over 30,000 troops, please surrender quickly, otherwise, if the army attacks the city, not even chickens and dogs will be left!" Yellow Turbine Marshal, Zhou Jun, urged his restless steed to ride as he yelled towards the city. Accompanied by his words, the army of Yellow Turbans roared loudly as they charged towards the city.

What kind of concept was thirty thousand? Just what kind of concept was this, that even though Lee City had governed over twenty thousand citizens, the county order today had released all the prisoners and conscripted all the men in the city, yet the garrison troops had still managed to gather around three thousand. The Yellow-hooded Traitor's attack was ten times stronger, and the disparity in strength was too great.

It was fortunate that he knew the method of calculation, so he estimated the number of people in the Yellow-hooded Army to be no more than ten thousand. Adding on the people in the army, the total number of people that could fight was at most seven or eight thousand, which was no more than two to three times the number of people that could defend the city.

"Pui, you scoundrel, don't be so arrogant, I have 10,000 elite soldiers in my Lee City, what's there to be afraid of? If you know what's going to happen, quickly leave, or else when my various officers and armies arrive, you will definitely be beheaded!"

An old and bold voice was heard, and the defending army looked over. It was unknown when the county magistrate, Song He, had arrived on top of the city walls. He angrily rebuked while the defending army raised their morale.

Liu Ye grinned. In the past, he thought that the county magistrate Song He would be incompetent, but now that the Yellow Turtle Army had arrived and all the State County officials had fled, he actually kept his position as a parent, making others feel that he was a better person.

At this time, Liu Ye saw from the corner of his eyes that a few archers with strong bows were eager to fight, their target was Yellow-hooded Traitor's Vanguard Commander Zhou Jun. However, the bandits were not stupid, standing outside of the range of the arrows, if not for his astonishing arm strength, they would not have been able to do anything to the thieves.

The archer drew his bow several times and nocked an arrow, but in the end, he was unable to hit the target and gave up.

"Let me try." Liu Ye asked the archer for his bow and arrow.

The archer looked up and saw the prison uniform under Liu Ye's armor. He couldn't help but look down and said: "You are just a mere prisoner, don't be so presumptuous. I am a strong stone bow, can you pull it away?"

Liu Ye saw that Liu Ye was looking down on him, so he said in a tough tone, "A stone bow is nothing, but if you give me a three stone strong bow, I can still pull it open!"

The archer thought he was bragging and frowned, "Go to the side, delay your father's shooting. Be careful of your head!"

At this moment, Zhou Jun and Song He were in the middle of a battle. When the battle ended, it would be the time for the Yellow Mask army to attack the city.

It was Military Duke. He walked over quickly and urged the archer, "Lord is trying to attract the thieves. You all better hurry up and shoot them!"

The archers cried out, "Military Duke, the thieves are outside of the range of the bow and arrow, it's extremely difficult to hit the thieves. I'm afraid it will affect the morale of our troops."

What the archers said was the truth. An assassin was shot in secret at the city walls, raising the morale of the defenders and turning the morale of the bandits. However, if they did not hit the target, it would damage their morale, so they did not dare to shoot without permission.

Military Duke was about to get angry. The archer who was arguing with Liu Ye was afraid that Military Duke would scold him, so he quickly pointed the blame towards Liu Ye and said, "Military Duke, this prisoner just said that he could pull the Three Stones Strong Bow …"

Military Duke said angrily, "Do you think you're a fool? If it wasn't for Li Guang, who else could pull the Three Stones Bow and speak nonsense? Don't blame me for destroying your army."

Archers didn't dare to say anything, but Liu Ye looked at Military Duke and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Military Duke, please give me a strong bow. I'm willing to try."

Military Duke stared at Liu Ye and said, "If you fail to hit him, I will punish you!"

However, his arm strength was only enough to draw two stone bows. Earlier, he said that he could pull the Three Stone Bow by relying on the Bajie Fist he learned in his previous life, and when he used his inner strength, let alone the Three Stone Bow, he could even draw the Five Rock Bow. He said in a deep voice, "If you fail, you are willing to accept punishment!"

"Alright, bring me the three-stone strong bow!"

In fact, he had another thought in his mind. Right now, as the Yellow-hooded Traitor's troops were approaching the city walls, the morale of the defending troops was low, so they might as well kill those who are afraid of fighting. It was not bad if Liu Ye could hit, but if he missed, then it could be used to kill the head of those who are afraid of fighting.

Soon, a soldier came over with a bow in his hand. Military Duke handed it over to Liu Ye.

Liu Ye pulled on the bowstring hard. It was as tight as steel, so he couldn't help but call out, "Good bow."

Then he got the quiver from the archer and stood up. He held the bow in his left hand and the arrow plume in his right hand. He hid his movements under the battlements and stared at Yellow Mask Marshal Zhou Jun with a gaze as sharp as lightning.

At this time, the war of words between Zhou Jun and Song He had already ended. Zhou Jun's bickering could not compare to Song He's, who was full of energy. All eight generations of ancestors' ancestors were greeted by Song He, and they could not help but scream out in anger, raising their hands, ready to attack the city.

Seeing that, Military Duke panicked and urged: "Shoot!"

"Zhou Jun, do you recognize Lee City Liu Ye?"

Liu Ye suddenly shouted. He turned around and stuck his head out of the battlements. He drew his bow with his bent arm. The bow was like a full moon, and the bowstring let out a crisp creaking sound.

Boom! *

Liu Ye released the feathers on the tail of the arrow. The arrow was like a shooting star as it whizzed through the air and shot towards Zhou Jun.

Just as Zhou Jun was raising his eyes to see this scene, his pupils suddenly contracted, before he could even let out a scream of surprise, he shifted his body desperately, at the same time, he fiercely sat on his horse's abdomen, he heard a roar from his mount, and jumped out in shock. In that instant, an arrow flew past Zhou Jun's shoulder and nailed it to the Commander Flag behind him.

The formation of the Yellow-hooded Traitor soldiers was thrown into chaos.

On the city walls, when the defenders saw the scene unfolding before them, they were quiet at first before erupting into cheers that shook the heaven and earth. The eyes of the entire city were focused on the people that were shot out, filled with reverence.

"Which warrior shot the arrow?" The county magistrate Song He found it hard to conceal the joy on his face as he hurriedly asked left and right.

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