Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C20 Chop down the General to Seize the Flag
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Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C20 Chop down the General to Seize the Flag
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C20 Chop down the General to Seize the Flag

Zhou Wen's head fell to the ground, blood spurted out from his neck. After a while, the headless body collapsed onto the ground. The surrounding yellow scarf guards were all frightened, they didn't dare to get within ten steps of Liu Ye.

It had to be known that Zhou Wen was Zhou Jun's personal soldier, Military Officer. Normally, he was self-confident and brave, but now, his head had been beheaded in three moves and two moves by Liu Tie. Liu Ye didn't say anything else and rushed towards Zhou Jun.

"You were lucky enough not to get killed by an arrow three days ago. Do you think you can escape today?"

In the torrential downpour, Liu Ye held the Long Lance in his hands, the rain had already washed the blood off the Long Lance, but there were still faint traces of blood on it. Although Zhou Jun was wearing an armor, his hair was disheveled, and his five fingers were holding onto the sword hilt, trembling uncontrollably.

Zhou Jun trembled and said, "Liu Yuqing …" "I am Marshal Huang, Great Virtuous Teacher's direct disciple. If you join me, I guarantee that you will be the next Junior General. Since you shot me and killed me, you can let bygones be bygones."

Liu Ye couldn't help but laugh out loud: "As a man, you should lift the three-foot sword. You have done an unparalleled deed. With your life in my hands, how dare you order me to be a thief?"

Finished speaking, Liu Ye's face turned cold, and the Long Lance in his hand flew out. Zhou Jun pulled out his sword to block, but how could he block it? The force from the Long Lance sent the sword flying, and it went into his flesh. Even though Zhou Jun was wearing an armor of iron, with a flick of Liu Ye's wrist, the tip of his lance slightly rotated. This was an exquisite move passed down through the eight great spears, known as the "Spiral Spirit" Technique.

The spiralling force pierced through his body, instantly piercing through the Armor Leaf on the armor, and then effortlessly through Zhou Jun's body, going through Zhou Jun's back. This Long Lance had actually entered half of it, and the other half had been dyed in blood, and the distance between Zhou Jun and Liu Ye was only three steps, so much so that they could see each other's eyebrows.

Ka-cha! *

Everyone could not help but to look towards Liu Ye and Zhou Jun. They saw the Long Lance in Liu Ye's hand pass through Zhou Jun's body, and Liu Ye's eyes were like lightning, and Zhou Jun was vomiting blood, so it was obvious who would win.

"Marshal is dead?"

In the midst of the chaotic army, a weak voice rang out. The yellow scarfed soldier who was still in confusion immediately fell into a mess.

"The marshal is dead!"

"Liu Yuqing is a ferocious tiger in the mountains. Manpower cannot be matched against him."

As the saying goes, the three armies can seize the commander, but the average man cannot seize his ambition. As for Liu Ye, his heavenly might slashed Zhou Wen first, then killed Zhou Jun. The imposing aura of his Yellow-hooded Army was instantly seized, and he actually abandoned the weapon in his hand, running in all directions.

Liu Ye looked at the banner in front of him that was drenched by the rain. The Falchion slashed down onto the banner and a huge flag was snapped apart. With a creak, the huge flag fell and covered Zhou Jun's body.

At this time, one of his subordinates had already come forward and cut off Zhou Jun's and Zhou Wen's heads. He gave them up with both of his hands. Liu Ye tied his two heads around his waist.

At this moment, Woo De came over, laughed and said, "Big Brother, why are you hanging these two dead bodies?"

Liu Ye smiled slightly, "If these two dead heads are used properly, then it would be better than having thousands of men and horses. That's right, although Zhou Jun is dead now, but there are tens of thousands of people in Yellow-hooded Traitor, and they are, after all, bugs who are still alive.

At this point, the Yellow-hooded Traitor was fleeing in all directions. The yellow scarfed personal guard who was the first to run had already spread the news of Zhou Jun's death to more and more people's ears.

"Liu Ye killed General Zhou!"

"Three heads, six arms, and a fierce face, Liu Ye, kill General Zhou with one hand!"

"Liu Ye is the descendant of the Southern Dou Immortal. He wants to fight Great Virtuous Teacher. He used the yellow talisman to summon the lightning to kill General Zhou!"

The more they spoke, the more terrifying Liu Ye's description became, and some people even took the chance to use it to describe the lightning bolt that descended from the sky as Liu Ye's method of summoning it. Although Yellow-hooded Traitor was not fighting in a chaotic manner, it became even more chaotic, and everyone was terrified, and wandered around randomly.

Suddenly, someone from the south shouted, "Liu Ye is here!"

The gathered Yellow-hooded Traitor s numbered at least a thousand, but after hearing these words, they were all filled with fear, turned and ran. A group of Han army came over from the south, especially the leader, a Long Lance in his hand, two heads hanging from his waist. The keen-eyed Yellow-hooded Traitor recognized the faces of the two heads, and he became even more terrified.

"That's General Zhou's head, General Zhou's head!" Yellow-hooded Traitor trampled on himself, pushing against one another, the rain caused the soil to soften, some people even lost their footing, and were unable to pull them out, as a result, they were pushed down by the surging tide of people, and stepped on by who knows how many people, only to hear muffled sounds of people being drowned in the crowd, and Yellow-hooded Traitor's spine was crushed, falling straight into the mud, their noses were filled with mud, and no one could survive.

"Arrest two men and ask them where the food and siege equipment are." With Liu Ye's order, Wandering Hero and the other two who were in the front grabbed the arms of the Yellow-hooded Traitor and brought them in front of him.

"General Liu, please have mercy."

Yellow-hooded Traitor who was escorted to the front of Liu Ye knelt down weakly in the mud, right in front of the four eyes on Zhou Jun and Zhou Wen's head on his waist. Their eyes were all wide open, especially the rain and the night, which made them even more terrified.

Liu Ye said in a deep voice, "Let me ask you. Where are the provisions and siege equipment? If you bring me there, I will spare your life."

Yellow-hooded Traitor thought that he would definitely die, but who would have thought that there would still be a chance of survival?

With the Yellow-hooded Traitor leading the way, Liu Ye and the others easily found the location of the grains. At this time, the rain had already rained for a while, and the force of the rain was gradually decreasing, there were only a few drops on Liu Ye's shoulders, and it just so happened that the bloodstains on his body were washed clean.

There was a huge pile of grain in front of them. Although it had been raining before, it was still dried up after being properly stored in the Yellow-hooded Traitor, but the wheat straw was piled up like a mountain. Other than the food and fodder, there were also several tens of roughly made ladders piled up in other places.

Liu Ye looked at the food in front of him and waved his hand.

"Burn it."

"Burned? This is grain! "

Woo De roared loudly, feeling reluctant to part with her.

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