Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C5 Dark Arrow
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Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C5 Dark Arrow
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C5 Dark Arrow

"Scram! Anyone who dares to take a step back will die!"

When the other prisoners saw this, they were shocked and stopped in their tracks. However, they then saw that Liu Ye was also wearing prisoner attire, not the uniform of a Han soldier, and the fear in his heart decreased a little. Someone recognized him, and with his red eyes, he shouted: "Brother Liu, the thieves are too ferocious, I'm afraid the city walls can't hold on, we can't just give our lives for nothing …"

Liu Ye held onto his lance, and his body was bathed in blood like a god of war, he coldly swept past all the prisoners: "Yellow-hooded Traitor doesn't have three heads and six arms, and each of them only have two shoulders and one head, what is there to be afraid of?

The prisoners lost their courage and naturally did not change because of Liu Ye's words. Many of them moved forward and still wanted to escape. Some of them even glared at Liu Ye, wanting to get rid of him.

He did not stop the prisoners because he was worried about the country or the people, but for the sake of survival. He was very clear that only by desperately defending the city could there be a chance of survival, and if anyone wanted to delay the defense of the city, that would be the end of his life. Naturally, he would not show mercy, he was confident enough to kill the prisoners in front of him, pointing his bloodstained lance at them.

"You straight mother thief! Who dares to lay a hand on Brother Liu? I'll hack him with my life!"

With a loud shout, Liu Ye looked over and saw a man with a head of a deer running over aggressively with a group of prisoners. It was Woo De, who had hidden himself just now.

Liu Ye did not let down his guard. He and Woo De had only met a few times, so it was not certain whether they were friends or enemies.

Woo De ran in front of Liu Ye, called him big brother, then shouted at the prisoners with his Falchion: "Let's see who dares to be rash!"

The people behind him were also scowling with anger. They brandished their weapons and nocked arrows with their bows, ready to fight with their lives on the line.

The escaping prisoners looked at each other in dismay, but they did not dare to make a move. After hesitating for a moment, they gritted their teeth and turned back to fight. It was better to die in the hands of the yellow cloth than in the hands of their own.

Liu Ye heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. After all, he didn't want to mess with Woo De. He turned around and cupped his hands towards Woo De, who was beside him, "Thank you, Brother Woo De, for your help …"

"Big brother's words are too harsh."

Woo De turned around and pointed at the crowd behind him and said, "These are my family's brothers, they have long admired big brother's prestige. As long as big brother asks, no one will dare to disobey!"

Liu Ye clasped his fists towards these people and thanked them, but did not take Woo De's flattery too seriously.

The battlefield was not a good place to talk, there were many yellow scarfed Infantry Ants surrounding the walls, everyone quickly spread out to fight.

Just as everyone was bathing in blood to kill the enemy, a cry of surprise came from the distant city wall: "Military Duke is dead!"

Immediately after that, the prisoners and brawny men who had just returned, as well as some of the soldiers, retreated in a flurry. Liu Ye was shocked and hurriedly stopped a soldier and asked, "What happened earlier?"

"There was a Yellow-hooded Traitor over there that was too fierce. More than a dozen of his brothers died by his hands. Military Duke was killed in one strike when he fought with him …" The soldier's face was filled with panic as he struggled free of the man's tug. Then, he retreated without even turning his head back.

Liu Ye looked towards the city wall and saw a black mass of yellow scarfed Infantry coming down from the wall. The defending army that couldn't retreat in time along the way were slashed down from the back, screaming as they fell to the city wall.

Liu Ye gritted his teeth, and under the surprised gazes of the defeated soldiers, he walked up to welcome him with his Long Lance clenched tightly.

"Crazy, crazy!" Someone looked at Liu Ye's figure and shouted.

Liu Ye, however, did not care that much. He dared to go up was not as brazen as he thought, in fact, the Li County's city walls were only 20 feet wide, they could only stand side by side for a maximum of 10 people, and the Long Lance in his hands was 2.5 meters wide, he could just barely hold the city walls. He had an estimate of his own martial arts skills, at least it would be enough to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

At this time, the yellow scarfed Infantry also saw Liu Ye rushing towards him with his Long Lance. His heart was startled, but he immediately smiled sinisterly as he gripped his weapon tightly and swung it over, wanting to chop this reckless enemy into mincemeat.

However, they had completely underestimated Liu Ye's martial prowess.

The Long Lance that was dragged behind Liu Ye suddenly swung out, and under the usual sharp whistling sound, the two foot long blade swept past like a waning moon, the tip of the blade slashing out a trail of blood. The four yellow scarfed Infantry s that were originally in the front fell back as if they had hit a wall, the cloth armor on their chest had a huge wound opened up, and the bone-deep wound displayed the power of the strike!

The yellow scarfed Infantry's formation crumbled, but the guards of the city were able to run away, these yellow scarfed Infantry s were all experienced fighters, they immediately reacted and charged towards Liu Ye with their shields raised, the blade wielding Infantry following closely behind them in a flurry, compressing Liu Ye's lance wielding space.

Once the long weapon lost its roundhouse space, it would only be able to draw the neck and kill the enemy.

However, Liu Ye's lance that he had practiced for twenty years in his past life was rather close and far away. Holding onto the tail of the Long Lance, he stabbed forward, and the heavy and clumsy Long Lance immediately shot out a few spears. When the lance arrived in front of the two shield bearers in front of Liu Ye, a big hole immediately appeared on the lance's wooden shield that was wrapped in metal.

In reality, this set of actions was completed in the blink of an eye. Without the protection of the shield-bearer, the sabremen who were jumping on the two sides of the road were instantly struck in the waist by the pike that had bounced back. The huge force of the pike easily swept them off the city wall, followed by a miserable cry as they fell heavily on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of yellow scarfed Infantry s died by Liu Ye's hands. The yellow scarfed Infantry behind them stopped in their tracks and looked at Liu Ye in bewilderment. No one dared to step forward.

They did not move, Liu Ye's movements did not stop, the Long Lance in his hands were like snakes that came out of a snake's lance. The lance flashed, and pierced through the body of a yellow scarfed Infantry in front of him, and he couldn't even let out a scream as he fell onto the ground.

The yellow scarfed Infantry bravely roared, and rushed over shoulder to shoulder.

Liu Ye did not use his arms to stab the spear, instead, he used one hand to hold the lance, which was like a liquid. The Long Lance suddenly moved forward, then suddenly moved behind, and in a short period of time, another dozen Yellow Turbine Infantry s fell, piling up corpses in front of Liu Ye that could drown his calves.

In his heart, he was amazed that the big spear was really a sharp weapon on the battlefield. No wonder there were many historical records saying that the good lance commander was able to lead a company of cavalry soldiers. Now, it seemed that as long as one had sufficient physical strength, the enemy would not have any crossbows to shoot at them.

Just as he was lost in thought, Liu Ye suddenly felt a chill on his back. His body that was rushing forward suddenly stopped, the veins on his hand holding onto the Long Lance bulged out, and he almost hastily swept to the side and behind.


A broken arrow slanted diagonally into the battlements, revealing half of its broken tail.

Liu Ye's palm became numb and the pike in his hand had a small opening. Upon closer inspection, the edge of the pike was still trembling and it emitted a slight buzzing sound.

Someone had actually shot an arrow!

Liu Ye felt a chill in his heart. The numbness in his palm reminded him that this arrow was at least two stone's worth of a hard bow. If it weren't for the fact that he had been practicing his spear arts in his previous life, he probably wouldn't have been able to dodge this arrow.

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