Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C7 Chopper Riding
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Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty/C7 Chopper Riding
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C7 Chopper Riding

The Northern Fist Art's most lethal Half-step Collapsing Fist was naturally not something that a human could withstand. Let alone this man, even his physique was extremely strong …

Wu Zhuang was strong and sturdy, and he didn't have any hard body skills. Even a blind bear with rough skin and thick flesh would die on the spot if punched in the chest by him.

Liu Ye withdrew his fist and grabbed the steel saber with a wide and narrow blade. He was afraid that Liu Ye would be scared if he were to grab it with his bare hands …

It couldn't be more than ten pounds. It would be perfect to chop off a person's head.

At this moment, everyone was shocked by Liu Ye's bravery. That man who was arrogant and valiant in the military just now was actually beaten to death by Liu Ye with his bare hands. Who would dare to easily step forward with the remaining yellow scarfed guard?


From the ladders at the top of the city came a burst of aggressive sounds, as if someone was climbing the ladders. Moreover, every step caused the ladders to vibrate, and the people who came seemed to have ill intentions.

Just as Liu Ye turned his gaze over, he saw a hairy hand suddenly grabbing onto the top of the city wall. A burly man with a naked upper body and a yellow scarf wrapped around his head had arrived at the top of the city.

"Son of the Han Army, kill my soldiers! Eat this blade!"

The one who came was Han Cheqi, he was appointed by Zhou Jun as the first general so he was naturally the first class warrior in the army. At this moment, he was brandishing the Falchion in his hand, and before the blade even arrived, a strong wind blew over.

Liu Ye didn't have enough time to think. He circulated his energy and also slashed with his hand. The blades made a metallic clanging sound as they clashed. Both of them stepped back at the same time as their arms turned numb.

"Good scoundrel, no wonder you could kill so many of my soldiers. Come again!" As a butcher, Han Cheqi was used to slaughtering pigs and dogs. Thus, he was able to control his blade technique freely, while Liu Ye frowned. In his previous life, he had studied spearmanship, so his attainment in sabresmanship was far inferior to Han Cheqi.

The most important thing was that although Liu Ye looked like he was cutting grass when he killed 30 to 50 Yellow-hooded Traitor s, it was actually very tiresome. Furthermore, Han Cheqi had been supervising the battle below the city the whole time, so he was now completely full of energy.

Han Cheqi roared every time he cut, but Liu Ye's arms gradually became numb. The more Han Cheqi fought, the braver he became, and the blade suddenly made Liu Ye unable to defend, causing the Falchion to fly out of his hands and fly into the sky.

Han Cheqi was overjoyed. Would he not kill this kid now? Who would have thought that Liu Ye, who had lost his weapon, would advance instead of retreat, jumping into Han Cheqi's embrace all of a sudden. It was as if his entire body had turned into a fist that struck out along with the violent wind!

The Eight Extreme Divine Spear's Li Shuwen, both fists and spears were absolute. The spear was the Eight Great Spears, and the fist was the Eight Extreme Gods Fist. There was a saying that one could not go out for ten years, and could only die in one year for the Eight Level Fist skill. This showed how powerful the Eight Level Fist skill was, but in Liu Ye's previous life, he had studied the skill of the Eight Level Fist skill and one of it was called "Leaning on the Mountain".

The training method of leaning against a mountain was very simple. It was to continuously collide with a tree. In his previous life, Liu Ye had knocked down countless trees and smashed apart several concrete walls. The power of this collision could even break a wall, let alone Han Cheqi's flesh and blood.

The meat he ate from the wine at the feast yesterday was going to spurt out on the spot. Luckily, he was born with a robust physique, so he managed to endure it. Otherwise, wouldn't he lose the face of a vanguard general in front of everyone?

However, after this collision, Han Cheqi's five fingers loosened, and the Falchion he held in his hand also left.

Seeing this, Liu Ye chuckled. This Han Cheqi was really smart in return, he would feel much better if he spat out a mouthful of blood. Forcefully enduring it would feel much worse, and that was what inner sect experts often said about internal injuries.

While he was sick, he had to take his life!

Now that the Yellow-hooded Traitor had climbed up the wall, the regular Han army did not have many people, and the majority of the people who helped to defend the city were released prisoners and strong men who had been brought here, so they did not dare to go against the Yellow-hooded Traitor head on.

If... Liu Ye stared at Han Cheqi as a cold light flashed across his eyes: If he could kill this member and ascend to the rank of Great General first, his Yellow-hooded Army morale would be demoralized and Han soldier would be encouraged. It would be much easier to defend the city as time went by.

Without saying anything further, Liu Ye picked up Han Cheqi's Falchion from the ground.

Han Cheqi slashed horizontally with his knife. His eyes were wide open. He did not have a weapon in his hand, so he instinctively raised his arm to protect his head. As the Falchion slashed horizontally, its blade carried traces of cold air, shocking Han Cheqi so much that his eyes almost popped out, the veins on his face and neck were popping out.


The sharp Falchion cut off Han Cheqi's arm, and without slowing down, slashed Han Cheqi's thick neck. His head rolled a few rounds on the ground, but his eyes were still wide open, as if he died with grievance.

Liu Ye didn't have time to think as he grabbed Han Cheqi's hair bun and lifted Han Cheqi's head with one hand. His dantian exerted force and roared like a tiger's roar and a dragon's roar.

"With the enemy general's head here, who would dare to fight me?"

On top of the long and narrow city wall, the strong men, who gathered a thousand Yellow-hooded Traitor s and retreated before the battle, were all attracted by Liu Ye's loud roar. They couldn't help but look towards Liu Ye's direction.

Liu Ye lifted up Han Cheqi's head with one hand. The Falchion in his left hand slowly drooped down, and the blood that dripped from the tip of the blade was probably Han Cheqi's neck. Tens of thousands of rays of sunlight shone down and attached themselves to his back, as if it was a painting drawn by a famous expert.


The Falchion in one of the Yellow-hooded Traitor's hands fell to the ground, producing a clear sound of impact.

"Then... Is that Han Cheqi's head? "

"NO!" Impossible, our army is unhindered in Qi Lu, attacking and defending everything, and Han Cheqi will be the first to reach the city walls in every battle! "

"Enemy of all people … An enemy of ten thousand, this is an enemy of ten thousand! "

The reason why the Yellow-hooded Traitor was able to attack and defend within the borders of the Qing Prefecture was because of a wave of spirit. At the moment, the city was empty, but there were no more than a few hundred people in the battle, and even if they were to temporarily activate their prisoners and strong men, there were only a few thousand. The momentum of the Yellow-hooded Army was surging, and many victories caused them to be unable to see anything.

Looking at the mountain of dead bodies behind Liu Ye, Yellow-hooded Traitor finally started to be afraid. Each and every one of them were pushed back, but due to the large number of people, there was not much movement.

Liu Ye sneered. He looked at Woo De and the others behind him and said loudly, "A man should be named after his achievement. Those who are not afraid of death should follow me!"

Woo De was the first to react. He raised his spear and shouted, "Kill the thief!"

Hundreds of people were shocked by Liu Ye's bravery and shouted in unison.

"Kill the thief!"

The brawny man who had an imposing manner, followed behind Liu Ye and rushed towards Yellow-hooded Traitor. The leading man, Liu Ye, was even more unstoppable as he conveniently hung Han Cheqi's head on his waist. The Long Lance in his hands attacked left and right, killing like cutting grass.

"Han Cheqi is already dead, let's retreat!"

Each of them wished that their parents would not have two legs left, and that they could climb the ladders that they used to attack the city. Because there were too many people around, many people were immediately pushed down from the top of the city walls, and before they died, they screamed and fell to the ground.

This was the importance of the generals of the army. In fact, there were very few duels between two armies. The true role of a general was to serve as an arrow in the Ten Thousand Military Array.

Therefore, when Liu Ye killed Han Cheqi, the high morale of the Yellow-hooded Traitor immediately dropped. Instead, it was the retreating prisoners and strong men that boosted the morale greatly. In the history of the Yellow-hooded Traitor, it was such an army. When the rebellion started, they used their numbers to plunder the State County, without fail.

When the Han Dynasty Division truly began to take them seriously, and sent Loo Zhi, Zhu Jun, and Huangfu Soong San Great General out to suppress them, the defeated Yellow-hooded Traitor would usually guard the city and would not dare to rashly fight.

These were all the equipment that they had taken out from the arsenals of the previous few counties, and also the cloud ladders used to attack the city. Otherwise, the Han Army would not have had to go through so much difficulty to defend the city.

Woo De, who was at the side, excitedly rushed forward. Earlier, he also took advantage of the chaos to kill three Yellow-hooded Traitor s: "Big Brother is indeed worthy of being called the number one warrior in Jinan Country. This Han Cheqi is a bandit general.

After killing Han Cheqi, he became the number one warrior in Jinan Country. This Han Cheqi was not famous in the history of the three countries, which meant that he was not a brave general, and the true valiant ones were naturally the flying generals like Lvh Bu and Zhang Zhao, who were unstoppable heroes in the army. Thinking about this, Liu Ye felt a surge of fire in his heart.

There weren't many famous generals in the history of Jinan Country, but there were a few famous generals within the Qing Prefecture realm. The most famous of them all was naturally none other than Northern Sea County's Taishi Ci.

Liu Ye had mustered up his courage to kill Han Cheqi, scaring away the Yellow-hooded Traitor in the east city. The Yellow-hooded Traitor in the other cities were inevitably affected, and with the help of the strong men in the east city, they slowly retreated.

Liu Ye let out a sigh of relief, casually threw the Falchion to the side and sat on the ground. Before the bloody battle, he didn't feel anything, but now his muscles felt sore.

"Big brother, big brother!"

Woo De ran over excitedly and said with a face full of joy, "The county magistrate wants to see big brother!"

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