Indulgent Youth: Seductive Cousin/C5 Hero Save Beauty
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Indulgent Youth: Seductive Cousin/C5 Hero Save Beauty
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C5 Hero Save Beauty

From No. 4 High School to my home, if I wanted to take a shortcut, I would have to pass through a few alleys. Usually, I don't walk through these alleys. Because the alley was very deep and narrow, I heard that there used to be quite a few ruffian rogue who specifically stopped Student here to collect passage fees.

After all, I've only heard of this kind of thing before. I rarely walked here before, because the road here is really hard to walk on, so I can't go here. But today, I spent a little too much time with Sun Jing at school, so I took this shortcut.

However, I would never have thought that I would hear a terrible scream not long after I entered the alley.

This voice is very miserable and sharp. When I heard this voice, I immediately realized that this voice definitely came from a woman!

Could another woman have met little rogue?

Thinking of this, I didn't think of anything else and headed straight for the location where the sound came from.

When I was surrounded by those three bastards, if I hadn't resisted with my life on the line, I would no longer be the perfect sister I am now!

I really hate those rogue, especially those who attacked girls!

Just as I charged over, I can no longer hear the scream that came out of my mouth. I think that the owner of the scream was blocked by someone else.


As soon as I rushed over, I saw four people surrounding a girl in the middle school uniform. One of the men had already covered the woman's mouth with his hand. The other three men were still frantically stripping her clothes, trying to strip her naked!

The alleyway that the four of them chose is also an extremely hidden one in this alleyway. If I hadn't heard the voices earlier, I wouldn't have been able to find them.

"All of you, stop! "F * ck you!"

I shouted and flew forward. I rapidly picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it towards the guy closest to me.

At this moment, these four guys were extremely excited. When they suddenly heard my loud shout, they were immediately shocked. When the guy closest to me turned his head, I smacked him on the head with my brick, immediately knocking his head away!

"F * cking b * stard, you dare to f * cking attack laozi!" The bastard who had his head smashed by my brick shouted at me in anger.

Just when the grandson that I had just knocked down cursed out loud, I sent a kick flying and sent his body flying like trash towards the wall, smashing him ruthlessly there. The arrogant thing from before was now kicked by me. It could only fall to the ground and groan as it became impotent.

"Where did this reckless fool come from, daring to touch us on our territory!" When the two bastards who were taking off this girl's underwear saw me rushing over, they immediately stopped what they were doing and shouted angrily at me. At the same time, the two fellows closed in on me.

Amongst the four of us, one of us has already been beaten down and has no way to fight back anymore. Of the remaining three people, one of them wanted to cover the girl's mouth so she wouldn't make a sound, so only two of them walked towards me.

"F * ck, you want to die!"

The first man swore at me and rushed at me. I turned my body and with a flash of the brick in my hand, I was about to smash it down on him.

When the grandson saw that I was going to hit him with a brick, he quickly moved aside and tried to block me with his hand. At this moment, I was only swinging my gun, and suddenly threw the brick towards the other guy who was next to him. He was dodging, but he didn't dodge. I was just about to smash him on the waist, but I didn't expect that when he dodged, the brick in my hand smashed onto his thigh!

Suddenly, this grandson wailed and fell to the ground, almost crying like a ghost.

In less than a minute, two of the four guys have been dealt with by me. The other guy who was covering Student's mouth also let go of the girl when he saw this.

"F * ck, you don't want to live anymore!" "How dare you touch us on our territory!" This grandson has a shifty look. When I see him, I want to give him a few slaps!

"A bunch of bastards, they're actually still cheating! "Why don't you go to your mom?!" I shouted in anger, and my body suddenly rushed forward.

The brick in my hand was sent flying just a moment ago. I was now like an enraged leopard as I charged towards the two people in front of me.

The guy closest to me was charging towards me and waving his fist towards me. It's just that, although this grandson treated me as little rogue, he didn't have the strength to back it up.

You want to fight me at this speed? It was truly thousands of miles away!

Just as his fist was about to hit me, I lowered my body and crouched down. Suddenly, my speed increased dramatically. Before this little rogue could react, I kicked him down to the ground again. When the other person saw this and was about to attack me, I dodged and continued to rush towards the grandson that I kicked down.

I'll take your life while you're sick!

Since you have already been knocked down by me, I cannot let you get up! This is my usual fighting principle. I don't want to fight, just one fight and I won't give my opponent any chance to fight back!

The moment I rushed over, I clenched my hands into fists and fiercely punched rogue in the stomach. I know how strong my strength is, after punching out this punch, this little rogue immediately let out a blood-curdling scream, his entire body curled up like a small shrimp.

I kicked her again, hard in the ass. I originally wanted to viciously kick this grandson's thing, but his body is currently curled up as he left. My feet couldn't find the place under his feet, so I let him go.

"Ah, no!" At this moment, a wave of alarmed cries rang out.

When I heard this voice, my consciousness immediately stopped. At this moment, I forcibly twisted my body over half of my body. At this moment, I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder!

F * ck!

Suddenly, a sharp pain came from my Shoulder. My Shoulder was in excruciating pain, as though this half of my arm was being relieved of the pain!

"Damn it, you're courting death!" I shouted furiously. My right hand formed a fist and fiercely smashed into rogue's nose. Instantly, blood spurted out as though I was urinating.

I kicked again, and this kick landed heavily on rogue's groin. I told this bastard to wail like a ghost, I even started to suspect if I kicked his groin to pieces! His body fell to the ground and I sat on him. My right hand, palm, or fist continuously punched towards that bastard's face!

Very quickly, this bastard didn't have as much air as he already had, so he could only wail as he lay on the ground.

At this moment, I knocked down all four of them.

At that moment, a small hand suddenly caressed my arm. I was startled and almost instinctively swung my arm, but it was my left arm that was thrown out. Suddenly, another wave of pain came. My entire arm hurt so much that my face started to cramp up.

With a scream, I turned my head and saw that the owner of the small hand that was used to caress my body was actually this girl whom I had saved.

With Little girls's panicked expression and her pitiful eyes on me, I was able to clearly see her strength.

This girl is really pretty. Although her looks are slightly lacking when compared to my sister, she is definitely on the same level as Sun Jing, or maybe even prettier than Sun Jing! She had a slender and coquettish figure, fair skin, and an exquisite and flawless face. Her pair of large eyes seemed to possess a bewitching charm, making it hard for anyone to extricate themselves from her gaze.

"You're bleeding, I'll take you to the hospital now!" The girl looked at my injured arm and my body covered in blood.

I slightly raised my arm. My left arm was in excruciating pain. Just now, I was smashed ruthlessly onto my Shoulder by that little rogue's Brick, causing internal injuries. As for the blood on my body, it's actually not mine at all. It's those little rogue whom I viciously beat up a while ago.

"It's just a small wound, it's fine." I said nonchalantly. I've been hurt worse in fights before, not to mention a small one like this.

"Your body is covered with blood. You should go to the hospital to have a look!" As soon as Little Beauty stood up, a large area of snow-white was revealed under her skirt. The moment this skirt fell, her long snow-white legs, which were only wearing underpants, and the sparkling jade floor beneath it were all exposed to my eyes.

Little Beauty screamed as she hurriedly covered her skirt with her hands …

When those rogue were using violence on her, they were extremely rude and tore her dress. This time, Little Beauty had both her hands on her skirt. This action was really mesmerizing.

When you most like to refuse and welcome me, you still have to cover your face with your hands

When I saw this Little Beauty's white inner-small, my heart was also shocked, and my life force seemed to have unwittingly trembled …

Such a beautiful woman, and I can't resist her beauty in the slightest. However, I only met her by chance, that's all.

I took off my shirt and passed it to her. "Take it. You cover yourself!"

"But …" Little Beauty looked at me as if she didn't want to.

"Does your house live around here?" I asked.

Little Beauty shook her head. "No."

"Then why are you here?" I asked again.

"I came here today to visit my classmates …"

"Since your home isn't near here, do you want to walk home with your hands covered?" I said unhappily. If she were to walk home with this appearance of hers, she would probably become the focal point of the passersby.

At that time, even she would be embarrassed to death!

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