Indulgent Youth: Seductive Cousin/C7 Elder sister is so beautiful
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Indulgent Youth: Seductive Cousin/C7 Elder sister is so beautiful
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C7 Elder sister is so beautiful

I was so comfortable that I almost moaned. However, in front of my elder sister, I couldn't show any of it. Elder sister's chest was struck by my arm and she cried out in shock.

It felt so good to be soft, and I remembered once again the feeling I had felt on my sister's chest. However, at that time, I was still young and my sister hadn't fully developed yet. At that time, Elder Sister's jade milk was not considered small, but it was still incomparable to Elder Sister's now!

"Elder sister, what's wrong?" I pretended to be naive and ignorant as I looked at my sister.

The back of elder sister's hand lightly stroked her left chest. Perhaps she felt that it was too awkward, so she only rubbed it once before stopping.

"Why did you call me?" asked my sister, as if she wanted to avoid any awkwardness between us.

"Elder sister, I want to show you how I peeled the potatoes." I brought the peeled potato in front of my sister and asked with a smile.

"En, not bad!" His sister replied without any doubts.

Seeing this, I laughed in my heart. It was fortunate that elder sister didn't realize that I did this on purpose.

I looked at my sister, who was wearing a yellow T-shirt and white shorts.

It's summer now, so it's perfectly normal to wear shorts.

However, elder sister is really too beautiful. Her figure is extremely beautiful in just a second, and her pair of long and thin white legs are as beautiful as jade. My gaze fixes onto elder sister's legs that are as white as jade. His gaze naturally shifted to the spot between his elder sister's legs that was supposed to be a private place.

The big sister's private place has always been the place that I yearned for the most. I only had a vague look three years ago. And now, my sister's private place must be even more beautiful!

If I could just take off my sister's shorts now and see the view under them, how nice it would be!

Of course, I can only think about it. Elder sister would never ask me to do that, and I don't dare!

I helped my sister clean up the potatoes and other vegetables. While I helped my sister clean the vegetables, I walked around the kitchen and deliberately touched my sister's body with my legs, arms and lower abdomen. Especially the elder sister's soft and sexy butt, jade legs and elder sister's arms. Even though these interactions are extremely short, I am truly satisfied!

After dinner, I began to do my homework under my sister's supervision.

However, I have no idea what kind of homework this teacher has arranged, and how to do it? However, her sister had already taken out her schoolbag and all her homework from her room and began to write her homework at the dining table. I want to be together with my sister, I want to see my sister, I want to smell her scent, of course I pretended to take out my homework and then sat beside my sister and began to write my homework.

As I was doing my homework, my gaze unconsciously fixed onto my sister. I intentionally chose to sit opposite of her.

While Big Sister is doing her homework, her body sometimes bends down unconsciously. But when Big Sister bends down slightly, the ravine formed by her snow-white, proud and alluring breasts is completely exposed to me! Elder sister's body is very white, her jade milk s are also very arrogant, and her pair of gullies formed by jade milk s are also very beautiful. Although I can only see a few places, just this kind of white sunken snow makes my heart completely lost!

"Xiao Yu, have you finished your homework?" When my sister noticed that my gaze was fixated on her, she suddenly asked.

I thought that it was because I had peeked at my sister that she was found out. Thus, I hurriedly shrunk my head back. "Elder sister, I have a few questions that I can't answer … …"

"Come, I'll teach you!" My sister smiled at me and moved her chair towards me.

Seeing that my sister was smiling, my heart immediately became restless again.

My elder sister sat beside me. This time, I could smell her fragrance even more clearly. At the same time, my elder sister's snow-white skin seemed to flash with an alluring luster as she called out to me.

The elder sister came in front of me and took my homework from me. She asked, "Where can you not know this? "Tell sister!"

Her sister was very smart and very hardworking, so she did very well. As the younger brother of a smart sister, I'm certainly not stupid. It's just that I have my own thoughts. I don't really want to study in school. I want to go out to work early so I can earn enough money to raise my sister, so she won't have to work that hard.

Originally, when I graduated from junior high school, I thought about dropping out, but my sister wouldn't let me. Later, under my sister's insistence, I agreed to come to No. 4 High School. Fourth High School is the most chaotic school in F City. At the same time, the school fees that I came to are the cheapest.

At the beginning, elder sister didn't agree with my decision to go to No. 4 High School. After all, the reputation of No. 4 High School is well-known in the entire F City. But I told my sister that if I wasn't allowed to go to No. 4 High School, I wouldn't go there. In the end, my sister had no other choice, so I ended up in No. 4 High School.

Sister looked at me, a pair of large watery hazy eyes as if spiritual, looking into her eyes, my heart at this time a little restless.

Since I can remember, I have seen big sister. But, these ten years, I still can't see enough of big sister, because, big sister is really too beautiful!

"Xiao Yu, in the end, what problems do you not know?" My sister asked again when she saw me in a daze.

I recovered from my earlier absent-mindedness and replied, "Elder sister, this is the problem." I casually tapped on a question with my finger.

Hearing my words, my sister lowered her head and looked at the question that I had just pointed to. "This question is very simple. Let me teach you!"

As my sister spoke, she took a draft paper and started to carefully calculate for me. Being so close to my sister, the seductive ravine that was slightly revealed on her chest attracted my attention. My mind and attention was completely attracted by the seductive ravine that my sister was in!

My sister was giving me the topic very seriously, but my eyes were fixated on my sister's body. I know it's wrong of me to do this, but I really can't help but look at my sister's body.

My body was sitting very straight on purpose, and the more I sat, the higher my view became, so that I could see more of the scenery on my sister's chest.

I really want to see my elder sister's full face. When I was young, I touched and kissed my elder sister's jade milk, but now, three years have passed. I have yet to see what the jade milk looked like until now. Although I didn't see them, I knew that they were definitely very beautiful, more beautiful than anyone else!

Just like this, I kept looking at the tempting ravine my sister had created with her jade milk. On the other side, I was also listening to the topic that my sister had explained to me, but my heart wasn't on the topic at all. At the end, my sister was a little unhappy as well. Only then did I seriously listen to my sister's explanation.

Then she went back to her homework.

After doing my homework for a while, I shifted my gaze back to my elder sister. My elder sister's grades were already extremely good, so these homework were just a piece of cake in front of her. Very quickly, my elder sister finished her homework. After my sister finished her homework, I continued to pester my sister and let her teach me how to do my homework.

Elder sister completely didn't see through my evil heart and thought that I was finally willing to study hard. She taught me very seriously, but my attention was still focused on her soft and proud chest.

Just like that, I kept pestering my sister until around ten o'clock.

Sister still has to get up early tomorrow to make breakfast and still have to go to school, I don't want to let sister sleep too late, if I don't have enough rest, it's easy for me to get old.

When my sister returned to her room to rest, I returned to my room to rest.

The next morning, after breakfast, I rushed to school.

Once he arrived at the school.

I saw Sun Jing who was already beside my seat, and when she raised her head to look at me, her jade cheeks were completely red, it was truly a beautiful sight to behold.

"You're here." The moment I sat down on my seat, Sun Jing finally spoke to me in a low voice.

I pretended to sit down as if it were me. The moment I came over, a few of the male students in the class looked at me with abnormal jealousy.

With a beautiful and moving tablemate like Sun Jing, many boys would naturally covet her. I am more clear than anyone else about this point.

However, the moment I sat down, I purposely ignored Sun Jing. Seeing me ignore her, Sun Jing's brows tightly knitted together as though she was about to cry.

Just as Sun Jing turned her head back to look at me, I suddenly extended my hand out and grabbed onto Sun Jing's jade-like little hand.

Sun Jing's little hand was extremely soft and smooth, and the feeling of it touching her hand was truly comfortable as well. However, this feeling is still very different from when I touched her small chest. I played with her little hand, my fingers slowly pulling out between her fingers, and our palms came together.

When Sun Jing sensed my movements, she was initially shocked, but her charming face immediately blushed, and allowed me to hold her little hand.

"Brother Xiao Yu..." Sun Jing softly shouted at me. His voice was soft and gentle, but it really moved my heart and bones. Holding Sun Jing's small hand, I could clearly feel her small hand trembling. Maybe it was because I was holding her small hand in such a place with such a large crowd of people, making her feel very bashful.

However, thinking back to yesterday when I touched and kissed her proud little jade milk, the two of us can only hold hands now. It's much purer than yesterday!

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