Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C10 Acting Dumb
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C10 Acting Dumb
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C10 Acting Dumb

His ability to play dumb was quite remarkable.

Yaen Feilong cracked a smile. "I'm right here in front of you. Aren't you tempted to do something about it?"

"Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. If there's nothing else, I'd like you to leave immediately."

Yaen Feilong, of course, couldn't just walk away. He still needed answers.

"You've got some nerve."

"You!" Huang Yuntian's face quivered with anger, but his fear of Yaen Feilong's formidable strength kept him from making a move.

"I want you to leave; you're not welcome here."

Yaen Feilong shook his head, indicating that he wasn't particularly eager to see Huang Yuntian either. He simply had some matters to confirm and preferred that Huang Yuntian tell the truth.

Yaen Feilong got straight to the point, asking if Huang Yuntian had hired people to rough him up, maybe even break his bones.

"Ridiculous! You're spreading baseless rumors. Keep this up, and believe me, I'll sue you for defamation. You can't tarnish my reputation like this."

Huang Yuntian was visibly agitated.

Yaen Feilong couldn't help but give a sarcastic round of applause. The act was convincing; he had nearly been duped. Why wasn't Huang Yuntian pursuing a career in acting?

Yaen Feilong had no interest in listening to any more excuses. His time was precious.

Without further ado, Yaen Feilong laid out the evidence he had collected right in front of Huang Yuntian.

"Now, what do you have to say for yourself? Surely you're not going to claim that I'm framing you? Those were your employees just a moment ago."

"Yes, they were my employees, but they haven't been particularly loyal or diligent. I was planning to let them go. For all I know, this could be a ploy between you and them to blackmail me."

Yaen Feilong just laughed.

The next moment, he landed a solid punch on Huang Yuntian's nose.

Huang Yuntian was struck so hard by Yaen Feilong that he saw stars and crumpled to the ground, unable to rise.

He seemed unable to believe that Yaen Feilong had actually dared to strike him.

"Do you have any idea what the consequences of your actions will be?"

"I'm not sure what the consequences of my actions will be, but are you aware of what you're about to face?"

Huang Yuntian was in agony, clutching his nose with a pained expression. Panic flickered in his eyes as he looked at Yaen Feilong.

Before Huang Yuntian could brace himself, Yaen Feilong landed another punch.

"Do you have anything you want to say to me now?"


As he spoke, Yaen Feilong's fist, which Huang Yuntian had just noticed, readied itself once more.

"Stop, stop, I was wrong," Huang Yuntian pleaded, realizing his disadvantage and begging the man before him for mercy.

"Oh? You've confused me. What exactly is your mistake?"

"I sent those people after you."

See, if you had admitted it earlier, wouldn't that have saved us both a lot of time?

In pain, Huang Yuntian gazed at Yaen Feilong. Now that he had confessed everything, could he possibly leave?

No, Yaen Feilong couldn't trust someone of his character.

If Huang Yuntian left now, he would surely seek revenge later.

Why invite that kind of trouble?

"So, what is it you want? An apology from me? That's not a problem."

"The way you look now compared to your earlier bravado is quite a contrast. I'd love for those people to see you in your current state."

Yaen Feilong only said this because he hadn't yet done what he truly intended to do.

Observing the confusion in his adversary's eyes, Yaen Feilong decided it was time for him to take a long rest.

He must have been exhausted from all the work lately, probably not having had a proper rest in bed for quite some time.

After Yaen Feilong spoke, he swiftly broke one of Huang Yuntian's arms.

A cry of intense pain escaped from Huang Yuntian.

Pleased with the sight, Yaen Feilong snapped a photo.

"Now you can finally rest up. No need to thank me."

"You!" Huang Yuntian was in so much pain that sweat poured down his face.

"Consider this a little warning. Don't even think about crossing me again."

As Yaen Feilong delivered these words, his smile vanished, replaced by a chilling resolve.

Huang Yuntian was in so much pain that he didn't even dare to cry out.

As Yaen Feilong left their house, he was in high spirits. Humming a tune, he made his way back to his little store.

After a good night's sleep, he noticed an unusual number of unknown calls on his phone.

Could it be that those troublemakers were at it again? Without hesitation, Yaen Feilong blocked each number.

It felt like trying to find peace in the midst of an unrelenting storm, and Yaen Feilong couldn't help but reflect on the situation.

Then, his phone rang once more. Again, Yaen Feilong hung up.

This happened a few more times.

Who could it be, calling so persistently? Finally, Yaen Feilong had had enough.

"Hello? Look, I'm not interested in any sales pitches, thank you."

"It's Chu Yue'er."

"You?" Yaen Feilong was surprised, as he hadn't given her his number.

"You don't seem too thrilled to hear from me."

That wasn't the case. Yaen Feilong quickly clarified that he had woken up to a slew of strange numbers on his phone and thought he might have been targeted by some secretive group, which is why he had hung up on her calls repeatedly.

Chu Yue'er had forgotten about the call-blocking app she had installed.

She often received numerous nuisance calls, which was why she had to take such measures.

Yaen Feilong completely understood, but he was curious about what she wanted from him.

"It's about what you mentioned yesterday."

"What was that?"

"When I asked you to be my master."

In truth, Yaen Feilong hadn't given it much thought since leaving. He had assumed she was just joking and was surprised she took it seriously.

Embarrassed, Yaen Feilong admitted he had run into some trouble on his way home the day before.

"So you haven't made up your mind yet?"

The chill in her voice over the phone told Yaen Feilong that he had indeed upset her.

"The real reason I've been hesitant is because I know you're not in the best of health, right?"

"Yes, that's true."

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