Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C11 Don't dare to Say It out Loud
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C11 Don't dare to Say It out Loud
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C11 Don't dare to Say It out Loud

Chu Yue'er hesitated, unable to bring herself to reveal her secret. Yaen Feilong had already been reluctant to take her on as a disciple, and if he discovered her poor health, he would surely keep his distance, let alone consider mentorship.

Few were aware of Chu Yue'er's health issues.

"I'm not refusing to take you as a disciple because I don't want to, but because you're unwell. You need to focus on healing first; that's the immediate priority," Yaen Feilong explained.

"What... cure my illness?" Chu Yue'er asked, taken aback. She had tried countless remedies to no avail; her illness was peculiarly stubborn.

No treatment or medicine had made a difference, and over time, Chu Yue'er had begun to lose hope. She had resigned herself to her condition, much like an apple slowly withering away.

Yaen Feilong's sudden offer left Chu Yue'er's mind reeling.

"Yes, I can treat you. I want to see if I can help you overcome this," he said.

Yaen Feilong's kind-hearted nature couldn't stand the thought of her suffering any longer. After some contemplation, he resolved to help her.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Chu Yue'er was skeptical.

Yaen Feilong was recognized for his talent in appraisal, but she had never heard of his medical expertise. Doubts swirled in her head.

"Mm-hmm, I've studied some medical techniques from others, using unconventional approaches. If you're willing to trust me, I'll take a look," he offered.

Sensing Chu Yue'er's skepticism and lack of trust, Yaen Feilong quickly concocted an excuse.

He even conjured up a mental image of himself learning medicine from others. Although it wasn't based on fact, Yaen Feilong believed it could become a reality through his imagination.

"Alright, then please do. I'm at the office right now. Could you come here to see me?" Chu Yue'er glanced down at the mountain of paperwork before her, uncertain of where to begin.

Wasn't Yaen Feilong supposed to come over? After much deliberation, Chu Yue'er decided that addressing the issue at the company was the best course of action. It would also be an opportunity to meet Yaen Feilong and have a serious talk with him.

Deep down, Chu Yue'er was eager to become Yaen Feilong's apprentice. She wasn't sure if he would accept, but she remained hopeful that he would agree.

"Alright, if that's the case, we'll see each other in a bit."

Yaen Feilong hung up the phone, quickly changed his clothes, and headed to Chu Yue'er's company. Upon arrival, he was greeted by the prominent sign of Jianhua Corporation.

The name struck a chord with Yaen Feilong. Wasn't this the company of Huang Tianyun, the current boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend?

No, to be more precise, it was where he worked. It seemed fate had a way of bringing adversaries together. With a resigned shake of his head, Yaen Feilong strode into the building.

In the conference room, someone reported to Director Huang, "This is the list of all our candidates for the job openings."

Director Huang gave a cursory nod and glanced over the documents spread out on the table, which contained the information of today's job applicants.

Huang Tianyun hadn't really wanted to come, but with the young lady present and his role as vice president, he had no choice but to show up in the conference room and feign interest. He wasn't particularly concerned about the outcome of the interviews.

"Alright, have the candidates get ready. We'll begin the interviews shortly," Huang Tianyun instructed, his mind elsewhere.

He was in a rush, looking forward to his date with his girlfriend that evening. The mere thought of her brought a smile to his face.

"The staff are all preparing; we'll start in half an hour. Maybe you could wait here in the meantime?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Tianyun grew impatient. What did they mean by asking him to wait? What was there to wait for?

Did I really come here just to wait another half hour for them? What a farce.

Huang Tianyun shot a fierce glare at the assistant beside him, but ultimately held his tongue.

The air in the meeting room felt stifling. Huang Tianyun stood up, deciding to take a stroll outside before returning.

As he stepped out, Huang Tianyun spotted Yaen Feilong hurrying in, clutching a briefcase, looking rather desperate.

"Hey, isn't that what's-his-name's ex-boyfriend? How did he end up looking so pitiful?"

Huang Tianyun couldn't muster any respect for him. Remembering the throng of applicants outside, it dawned on him that Yaen Feilong must be here for a job interview.

Yaen Feilong checked the time, not wanting to keep Chu Yue'er waiting any longer, so he quickened his pace towards the office. Little did he know, his hurried movements caught the attention of certain onlookers.

With ulterior motives, Huang Tianyun spread the word that Yaen Feilong was here for a job. Hearing Huang Tianyun's familiar voice, Yaen Feilong instinctively turned to look at him.

"You work here?"

Yaen Feilong asked Huang Tianyun, his tone uncertain. Despite his prior suspicions, he found it hard to believe in such a coincidence.

"Why does it matter to you where I work? I'll have you know, I'm the Vice President of Jianhua Corporation. You think you can just talk about me so casually? People like you are a dime a dozen," Huang Tianyun scoffed, looking down on Yaen Feilong's disheveled state.

Convinced that Yaen Feilong was here to apply, Huang Tianyun thought to himself that running into him was like signing his own death warrant. Huang Tianyun had no intention of giving Yaen Feilong a chance, let alone allowing him to work here.

As Huang Tianyun mused over this, a smirk crept onto his face. He felt a twisted sense of satisfaction that fate had delivered Yaen Feilong into his hands, and he relished the thought of dealing with him harshly.

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