Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C12 Sympathy
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C12 Sympathy
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C12 Sympathy

"I'm sorry, but I'm not here for a job interview. Instead of wasting time chatting with me, you might want to go home and keep an eye on your girlfriend. Do you really think she's all that innocent?"

When Yaen Feilong caught sight of Huang Tianyun, a hint of sympathy flickered in his eyes. Huang Tianyun, Huang Tianyun, he and that woman were truly made for each other. Yet, their current situation wasn't likely to last. Suddenly, Yaen Feilong felt a twinge of pity for him.

Back then, that woman left Yaen Feilong because she thought he was broke, and without hesitation, she chose Huang Tianyun. Although she ended up with Huang Tianyun, wasn't it his position as a potential vice president that truly caught her eye?

Yaen Feilong struggled to imagine—if he weren't in line for the vice presidency, would she still be with him? With a helpless chuckle, Yaen Feilong shook his head.

A sneer spread across Yaen Feilong's face; he didn't take either of them seriously. As he was about to walk away, Huang Tianyun called out to him, fuming with anger.

"What, you think you can just say your piece and leave? How laughable. It's not that simple to walk away."

"Yaen Feilong, hold it right there. What's the matter? Do you think I need you to talk about my girlfriend and me?"

"Regardless, she's with me now. You're nothing but a loser who can't even keep his own woman in check. You have some nerve talking."

Huang Tianyun's voice dripped with scorn, growing louder and drawing the attention of onlookers.

Everyone in the company knew Huang Tianyun wasn't exactly upstanding. Hearing his raised voice, they all gathered around.

The secretary, witnessing Huang Tianyun's outburst, cautiously approached him with a suggestion.

"Maybe we should go inside? Everyone's waiting."

He hadn't given it much thought; he just wanted to offer a gentle reminder. But he hadn't anticipated Huang Tianyun's rage.

"Get out of my way. What makes you think you have the right to speak? You're nothing but a lackey to me."

After Huang Tianyun had given his assistant a dressing-down, the assistant immediately clammed up, not uttering another word. With Huang having made himself so clear, the assistant wouldn't dare to speak up again.

The assistant remained silent, not daring to utter another word, and Yaen Feilong found the scene unbearable.

Yaen Feilong had been about to leave when he overheard Huang Tianyun's harsh words. He turned his head to look at the person before him.

"Huang Tianyun, if you've got an issue, take it up with me. There's no need to take your anger out on an assistant. Do you think that makes you look capable? Let me tell you, any woman who can't see through you is simply blind," Yaen Feilong retorted, then made a gesture of disgust. His expression truly conveyed his revulsion.

"Who is this guy?"

"Oh my, this guy's in trouble. Just look at him; he's clearly here for a job interview, but now that he's crossed Director Huang, things won't be easy."

"Director Huang isn't someone who lets things slide easily. This guy? He's definitely finished."

"Yaen Feilong, who gave you permission to leave? Did you think you could just waltz into Jianhua Corporation? Where's security? Get him out of here, now!"

As the crowd grew, Huang Tianyun was not about to let Yaen Feilong just walk in, especially since his entrance had put Huang in such an embarrassing position.

Huang Tianyun was determined not to let Yaen Feilong off the hook without teaching him a lesson. No sooner had Huang finished speaking than several security guards in uniform appeared before Yaen Feilong, trying to drag him away.

"Get your hands off me. Chu Yue'er is the one who asked me to come. If you don't believe me, call her and ask if she's the one who sent for me."

Yaen Feilong faced the onlookers, who were unaware of the true situation, with a relatively good-natured attitude.

After explaining himself, he gave them a look of helpless resignation, reiterating that it was Chu Yue'er who had summoned him.

The security guards exchanged glances, hesitating to make a move once they heard the young lady's name, none daring to act.

No way. Since the young lady invited the guest, who would dare do anything to Yaen Feilong?

"What? You're saying Chu Yue'er called you here? Are you kidding me? Chu Yue'er is our young lady. Who do you think you are? Just because you claim Chu Yue'er sent for you doesn't make it true."

Huang Tianyun burst into laughter.

The laughter continued unabated, with everyone joining in, snickering under their breath. Did they really think someone like Chu Yue'er was so easily accessible?

Everyone thought it was just the ramblings of a delusional person, that his claims were entirely false.

Who did Yaen Feilong think he was? To suggest he had a connection with the family's young lady was laughable.

"This guy is living in a fantasy, it's ridiculous. How could he possibly know our young lady?"

"Clearly, this guy is full of it. Don't bother with him. I'm telling you, people like him are clueless about how they'll meet their end."

"Our young lady is busy working upstairs. Maybe we should wait a bit and call her down to see if she actually recognizes this guy."

Yaen Feilong listened intently, his ears picking up the scornful chuckles rippling through the crowd.

The group kept up their incessant chatter.

Yaen Feilong paid them no mind and was about to make his way through the crowd when suddenly, a figure appeared.

"Director Huang, what was that you were saying? Repeat it for me."

Chu Yue'er, dressed in her work attire, had descended from upstairs unnoticed and appeared silently before the crowd. Seeing the young lady actually come down, everyone's faces drained of color.

Could it be that this guy really did know the young lady? No sooner had they spoken than she appeared.

They exchanged glances, all at a loss.

Huang Tianyun, unfazed, acted as though he was on intimate terms with the young lady and approached her.

"You've finally come down, young miss. This man here was just claiming to know you. Can you believe the nerve? Do you recognize him?"

Huang Tianyun, eager to ingratiate himself, hurried to Chu Yue'er's side and pointed at Yaen Feilong with a mocking grin.

"I'm aware of who he is; he's my guest. So, Director Huang, what is it that you want?"

Chu Yue'er spoke without a hint of emotion.

A moment later, Huang Tianyun was taken aback. "What... Is he truly the individual you invited, Miss Chu?"

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