Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C13 Expel
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C13 Expel
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C13 Expel

Huang Yuntian was rooted to the spot, unable to shake off the shock. The young lady had just mentioned that this man was a guest he had invited. How could she possibly be associated with someone like him? That rascal, Yaen Feilong, what did he have to offer to be invited by her to the company? Huang Yuntian shook his head in disbelief. Maybe the young lady had mistaken him for someone else. Clinging to a thread of hope, he approached Chu Yue'er to clarify the matter.

"Miss Chu, please look closely. Where did this scoundrel come from? How could you possibly be acquainted with such a lowlife? He's my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend," Huang Yuntian pleaded, desperate to prove his point. Surrounded by employees who were witnessing the spectacle, he was anxious. If he had indeed made a mistake today, the thought of continuing to work at the company was unbearable. It was utterly humiliating. He silently hoped that Miss Chu would vouch for him.

"Director Huang, are you having trouble hearing at your young age? I've said that this man is a distinguished guest I invited. Did you get that? He's my guest," Chu Yue'er stated, her voice laced with frustration as she raised it a few decibels, ensuring Huang Yuntian could hear her clearly this time.

Earlier, Chu Yue'er had been organizing files upstairs when her secretary informed her that Yaen Feilong had been blocked from coming up. The news instantly infuriated her. Dropping her documents, she hurried downstairs. The sight that greeted her only fueled her anger further.

The audacity of someone daring to question her twice about whether the man was her invited guest was infuriating. She felt compelled to set the record straight. Without wasting another moment, Chu Yue'er strode over to Yaen Feilong's side, concerned he might have been harmed. She felt a surge of guilt towards him.

The bystanders, having heard their young lady's declaration, were taken aback. They began to silently edge away, giving space to the unfolding drama.

The young lady's temperament was notorious within the group; crossing her meant one had to be ready to pack their bags and leave. And now, Director Huang had landed squarely in her crosshairs. It looked like Director Huang's fate was sealed.

"Director Huang, it appears that the guest I've invited has inadvertently offended you. I'm not sure what they did to upset you, but please, feel free to express your grievances."

Though Tian Zi maintained a stoic face, his tone had begun to shift, making it clear to anyone that Chu Yue'er was gradually becoming angry.

"No, no, no, Miss, this is all a misunderstanding. How could there be any bad blood between me and your guest? Is this Yaen Feilong? Please, come upstairs, or else I'll have to carry you up myself."

Once Huang Yuntian understood their relationship, he quickly changed his demeanor, even offering to carry Yaen Feilong upstairs.

Those around had never seen Director Huang in such a state.

Moments ago, he was all bluster and bravado, but in an instant, he had transformed into a fawning sycophant, a sight that was truly ridiculous.

"Where did that imposing air of yours go? I had no intention of stooping to your level, yet you persisted in your aggression. Enough, I don't want to discuss this any further. It seems your company isn't exactly rolling out the welcome mat for me. Let's do this, Chu Yue'er, we can meet up some other time."

Yaen Feilong was feeling particularly frustrated at that moment. He hadn't wanted to come in the first place, only doing so out of concern for Chu Yue'er's deteriorating health.

But now, faced with this debacle and opposition, it had completely soured his mood.

Yaen Feilong realized that staying and talking was pointless and that it was best to leave this place of conflict quickly.

"No, hold on. The one who should be leaving isn't you, it's Huang Yuntian. Did you hear that, Huang Yuntian? As of now, you are dismissed. I don't want to see you again, nor do I want you stepping foot in the Chu Family Corporation ever again."

Upon hearing that Yaen Feilong was about to depart, Chu Yue'er lost her composure and raised her voice at the person before her.

"Miss, please forgive me once more. It was truly unintentional; I had no idea Yaen Feilong was a distinguished guest you had invited. I'm terribly sorry for disturbing your guest. You can do anything you want to me, just please don't fire me."

Huang Yuntian was in a state of panic, particularly when Chu Yue'er mentioned firing him. His immediate instinct was to plead for mercy. Huang Yuntian couldn't afford to be dismissed. He had a reputation to maintain, especially with the plants at Jianhua Corporation. Without that, he'd be nothing. No, that simply wasn't an option.

He had acknowledged his error. Was it so hard to give him another chance? Huang Yuntian was so desperate that he was nearly in tears. Yaen Feilong had never witnessed such a spineless man, kneeling so readily before someone.

Yaen Feilong remained silent throughout the ordeal, feeling it was not his place to intervene. He opted to stay out of the matter.

"Enough, just go. You've already upset my important guest. I don't wish to discuss this further. Considering your diligence while here, I'll still provide you with your final month's salary. But please, make yourself scarce at once. Don't let me see you again, alright? Your presence is becoming bothersome."

Chu Yue'er had extended all the courtesy she could muster. If Huang Yuntian didn't leave now, he'd even forfeit his last month's pay. This was something he needed to carefully consider. Chu Yue'er was only patient when treated with respect. Without it, she had no patience for these people.

Chu Yue'er wanted to dismiss Huang Yuntian as quickly as one would shoo away a beggar. Yet, Huang Yuntian stood rooted to the spot, unable to move on.

In that moment, Yaen Feilong gave him a cold, sidelong glance.

"Fine, I'm going. If you want me to leave, I'll leave. But remember, Yaen Feilong, this isn't over between us."

After Huang Yuntian spat out a sentence with fierce finality, he turned on his heel and left.

To be more precise, it seemed that someone didn't want him to remain there.

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