Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C14 I'll Never Let You Go
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C14 I'll Never Let You Go
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C14 I'll Never Let You Go

As they prepared to leave, Huang Tianyun turned to Yaen Feilong with a menacing glare. "We've got a score to settle now. You'll regret this; I won't let you get away with it."

Yaen Feilong, curious yet resigned, shook his head. How much guts did it take to make such a bold statement to him? But it wasn't worth dwelling on; he dismissed it as idle talk.

"I'm sorry, Yaen Feilong, for the unpleasantness you've encountered today. Please accept my apology. Shall we go now?" Chu Yue'er was worried that Yaen Feilong was upset and continued to apologize, even though he had already put the incident behind him.

Meanwhile, Du Qiuyue arrived at the company to deliver a lovingly prepared lunch to Huang Tianyun. She was initially delighted to bring him the meal, but her joy faded when she saw him looking so disheveled.

"What happened to you? It's the middle of the workday. Why are you carrying luggage?" Du Qiuyue asked, her eyes wide with shock and confusion.

She knew that carrying luggage like that usually meant someone had resigned, but she couldn't fathom it. She needed to hear it straight from Huang Tianyun himself.

Huang Tianyun, already agitated, couldn't understand why she kept asking such obvious questions. "As you can see, I've been fired," he bellowed at Du Qiuyue, frustration evident in his voice. The cardboard box he was holding tumbled to the ground, and Du Qiuyue's expression turned to one of dismay.

He had resigned from such an excellent company. Was he out of his mind? Where else could he find such a great job, with an annual salary of a million and a vice president position?

"Have you lost your mind? Why resign from such a good company? Don't you realize what you're giving up? What are you planning to do? How will you support me now?"

Du Qiuyue's mind reeled, feeling as if it had exploded. Her immediate concern was the bleak prospect of having no one to provide for her anymore.

Reduced to his current pitiful state, how could he possibly take care of her? It seemed utterly impossible.

The thought was overwhelmingly sad.

She couldn't help but think of her limited edition handbag and her collection of designer clothes. The idea of parting with these luxuries nearly shattered her heart.

"Enough already. Can't you stop making a scene here? Whatever you want to say, can't it wait until we get back? I'll explain everything to you properly then."

"Explain what? You're jobless now. What's there to explain? How do you plan to support me? Being with a loser like you has blinded me."

Du Qiuyue fumed with indignation.

The onlookers who had gathered inside the house rushed outside at the sound of the commotion, eager to witness the unfolding drama.

The spectacle outside was unexpectedly captivating, with the couple now openly quarreling.

Everyone was curious to see what would happen next.

"Oh, so you're his girlfriend? That's really unfortunate. I just told you, he was fired a moment ago."

A voice from the crowd jeered, followed by a chorus of mocking laughter.

Huang Tianyun's downfall didn't seem to elicit any sympathy. He was already so down on his luck that no one took him seriously anymore.

"What are you talking about? Shut up! Are you all upset because I haven't broken up with my girlfriend?"

Huang Tianyun roared back at the crowd, incensed by their audacity. It was outrageous how they reveled in his misfortune, especially since he and his girlfriend were still together.

"So, it's true then? You were fired by the company? Impressive. What did you do? What's the whole story? I need an explanation."

Du Qiuyue was in disbelief. She couldn't fathom how the "big tree" she had been relying on had toppled so suddenly and so swiftly.

Why did fate always deal her such an unfair hand?

Her previous boyfriend was a deadbeat, and now this one had been fired. What was she supposed to look forward to now?

"No, my dear, it's not as you imagine. Please, just listen to my explanation first, okay?"

Huang Tianyun was suddenly overwhelmed with anxiety. After being egged on by everyone, he found himself struggling to clear his name.

He knew he had to set the record straight and couldn't bear the thought of his girlfriend looking down on him.

Yaen Feilong and Chu Yue'er were alerted by the noise. Yaen Feilong slightly furrowed his brow and gestured towards the commotion outside, clearly puzzled.

"Did you hear that noise? It seems like there's even more excitement brewing outside."

Chu Yue'er had noticed the unusual disturbance. It was rare for such commotion to occur in the office building.

Today was exceptionally lively, with all issues coming to a head at once.

"Come on, let's go see what's happening. Let's find out who's causing such a fuss."

Having agreed, they headed outside together.

No sooner had they stepped out than Yaen Feilong caught sight of his very familiar ex-girlfriend.

The day had turned into quite the spectacle, with expected and unexpected faces all showing up.

His ex-girlfriend was being particularly thoughtful, delivering a meal to her new boyfriend. Yaen Feilong couldn't recall ever receiving such devotion during his time at work.

Yaen Feilong watched his once-intimate ex-girlfriend now fawning over someone else like a sycophant, a sight both laughable and ironic.

"See that? That's my ex-girlfriend over there. What do you think? Pretty ridiculous, right?"

Chu Yue'er was so astonished she was nearly speechless. No wonder Yaen Feilong had suggested they take a look outside.

He had simply run into his ex-girlfriend. No, to be precise, he had encountered all his ex-girlfriends, though upon closer inspection, they didn't seem all that impressive.

Chu Yue'er remained silent, observing how the situation would unfold.

"Enough, let's break up. I can't stand it anymore. Without money, how will you ever support me? And to think, I still brought you a lovingly prepared breakfast, or rather, lunch."

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