Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C15 Lovely Lunch
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C15 Lovely Lunch
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C15 Lovely Lunch

In the blink of an eye, Du Qiuyue transformed into someone entirely different.

He had made up his mind; he wasn't going to secure a perfect future for himself, so there was no point in further discussion.

Huang Tianyun let out a sigh, incredulously staring at the person before him. She was about to break up with him just like that.

It must be said, women are incredibly pragmatic, far beyond the ordinary.

He had barely handed in his resignation, and she was already ready to dump him.

"You're so pragmatic. I haven't even left the company yet, and you're already talking about breaking up with me. Just don't come to regret it later."

What was there for him to regret?

Even if he did have regrets, what good would it do? Things had already progressed to this point.

"You're really useless. You managed to lose a perfectly good job. What can you even do now? I must have been blind to end up with someone like you."

As Du Qiuyue spoke, she couldn't help but shake her head. She couldn't fathom how such a great person like herself kept ending up with nothing but losers.

She had never met a man who could provide for her; it was always one problem or another. They were utterly incompetent. Truly worthless.

"Du Qiuyue, that's not like you. Why do you think I've ended up in this mess? Why don't you ask your wonderful ex-boyfriend? If it weren't for him, would I be in this state? It's laughable."

The mention of this matter filled Huang Tianyun with rage.

He had already suffered enough humiliation, and now to encounter his girlfriend and be trampled upon again.

He really didn't take himself seriously. Now, he realized he must have been blind to have chosen her as a girlfriend.

If he could do it all over again, he would never choose someone like her to be his girlfriend.

"What are you saying? Who does this situation involve? It's related to Yaen Feilong. He's just as much of a loser. You two are cut from the same cloth. Let's not point fingers, shall we?"

The image of a familiar face flashed through Huang Tianyun's mind.

He had been with Yaen Feilong for a long time; it wasn't possible to forget him that quickly.

How could such a loser have caused Huang Tianyun to be fired from the company? It was an insult to his intelligence.

Du Qiuyue was convinced that Yaen Feilong had nothing to do with the mess she found herself in.

"Let me tell you something," Huang Tianyun said through clenched teeth, each word heavy with emotion. "The reason I'm in this pitiful state has a lot to do with your boyfriend. Got it?"

"You're nothing but trash, and you have the audacity to bring up others? My boyfriend is far better than you could ever be. You're the real waste."

"We're done."

With those words, Du Qiuyue was ready to turn on her heel and walk away.

But Huang Tianyun caught her arm, spinning her around to face Yaen Feilong and Chu Yue'er, who were spectating with interest.

"Look over there. Do you see them? They're right there, enjoying the spectacle of our argument."

"Yaen Feilong is now dating the heiress of Jianhua Corporation. Understand?"

Seeing Yaen Feilong and Chu Yue'er together, Du Qiuyue's world turned upside down.

She couldn't believe her eyes.

How could they be a couple? Sure, the woman was the daughter of Jianhua Corporation, but how did Yaen Feilong end up with her?

No, something was off. She must have made a mistake. Or perhaps she was seeing things.

"No, no, no, how could they be together? He's my ex-boyfriend, and she's their heiress. This is absurd."

The distance made it hard to see clearly.

Du Qiuyue had initially thought they were standing together like lovers, which infuriated her to the point of wanting to explode.

"I'm livid! Being with you, a total loser, I've gained nothing but mockery. I'm going to win back my ex-boyfriend. Someone like you doesn't deserve me."

Du Qiuyue ranted as she stormed off.

Huang Tianyun followed with a cold laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.

Today had been a rollercoaster for Huang Tianyun.

He'd been fired from his job and then dumped by his girlfriend.

What an irony.

And the reason for the breakup? Her former flame.

Huang Tianyun shook his head in disappointment, turned around, and, carrying his suitcase, slowly made his way out step by step. When he reached the parking lot and intended to drive away, it dawned on him that even the car belonged to Jianhua Corporation, which meant he had no right to drive it away.

Meanwhile, Yaen Feilong and Chu Yue'er witnessed this scene, prompting Chu Yue'er to shake her head. "It looks like your taste in women isn't too great. Haha, you really have poor judgment, falling for someone like her."

At the time, Yaen Feilong was down on his luck, and he couldn't quite explain why he had been attracted to such a woman—perhaps he had been bewitched. But now that Yaen Feilong had seen her true colors, just the sight of her filled him with endless irritation. It appeared his judgment was indeed flawed.

"Let's drop it and move on. I want to check out your medical condition," Yaen Feilong said, not forgetting the real reason for his visit—the illness that still needed treatment.

Chu Yue'er followed Yaen Feilong, and they entered the office one after the other. Once inside, Chu Yue'er suddenly felt somewhat embarrassed, unsure how to act face-to-face with Yaen Feilong.

"Go ahead and sit down, and I'll have the secretary bring you a glass of water," she said. But today, Yaen Feilong gestured that it wasn't necessary.

He was eager to get his medical condition checked out first. "It's okay, relax. Just take out your phone, and we'll see what's going on with you," he reassured her.

Following Yaen Feilong's instructions, Chu Yue'er dutifully extended her hand.

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