Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C16 Treatment
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C16 Treatment
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C16 Treatment

Yaen Feilong squinted his eyes as he took Chu Yue'er's pulse. Upon examining her, he had an immediate realization of her condition. Chu Yue'er was suffering from a serious illness, one that had plagued her since childhood. It seemed almost impossible to cure.

"Chu Yue'er, how did you come to have this illness? It's known as Invisible Skin Disease," Yaen Feilong expressed, his face etched with concern, revealing the conclusion of his assessment.

Seeing the worry on Yaen Feilong's face, Chu Yue'er grew anxious. She feared the worst, even though she had long been aware of her affliction. Confronted with the reality, she found it hard to come to terms with her condition.

"So, how should my disease be treated? At times, I experience such severe itching that it becomes incredibly embarrassing, especially during important occasions," Chu Yue'er confided, her anxiety reaching a fever pitch. She had yet to find an effective treatment for her symptoms.

No matter where she sought help, doctors failed to provide a definitive diagnosis. They all deemed her condition peculiar, yet none could pinpoint the exact nature of her ailment, only remarking on its strangeness.

Chu Yue'er, observing Yaen Feilong, sensed he might have the means to treat her. But the question of how to proceed with treatment was both troubling and challenging. Her condition was hereditary, with a 60% chance of affecting other members of her family. The struggle with her disease had been a constant source of distress since her youth.

"Don't worry, it's only a bit troublesome, not excessively so. If you trust me, I can treat you, and possibly even provide a cure," Yaen Feilong reassured her after a moment of contemplation. He believed the problem wasn't as insurmountable as it seemed. With the right combination of crucial herbs, he was confident that a cure was within reach.

Upon seeing the pained expression on Chu Yue'er's face, Yaen Feilong retrieved a medicinal paste from his pocket.

He had brought this particular paste with him, knowing its cooling and detoxifying properties.

It was an item Yaen Feilong treasured, and he hadn't initially intended to part with it. But faced with Chu Yue'er's evident discomfort, he found himself unable to withhold the remedy.

"Thank you so much for this. How much does it cost? I'll pay you," Chu Yue'er said, filled with gratitude. She hadn't expected Yaen Feilong to be able to assist her and began rummaging through her purse to find money to offer him.

Yaen Feilong shook his head. Why was she being so formal with him? Was he the type to discuss money upon meeting someone?

This was the work of the Medical Sword Immortal, not something Yaen Feilong had come up with himself.

He planned to consult the Medical Sword Immortal about Chu Yue'er's condition once she was better. After all, the Immortal was quite skilled, and it would be a good opportunity for Yaen Feilong to seek his advice.

He hadn't expected to be able to offer such significant help.

Yaen Feilong smiled. "I should be going now. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay?"

He began tidying up the clutter on the table, eager to return and delve into his research.

Yaen Feilong had already snapped a few photos with his phone and intended to find a cure for Chu Yue'er.

"Ah, are you leaving already? I was hoping to invite you for a meal. After all, it's through adversity that we've become acquainted. How about I treat you to lunch?" Chu Yue'er said as she noticed Yaen Feilong preparing to leave.

Yaen Feilong politely declined. There was no need for a meal; he wasn't the type to seek small favors.

"I really should get back and figure out the best treatment for your condition. If I were to stay for lunch, it would only cut into the time I have to help you," he explained.

Yaen Feilong spoke to Chu Yue'er with a hint of irritation in his voice. After giving it some thought, Chu Yue'er realized that indeed, she had pinned all her hopes on Yaen Feilong.

"If you need to go back first, then go ahead," she conceded, knowing she would have to impose on Yaen Feilong once more. "Alright, then head back. And if you need me for anything, just give me a call, okay? By the way, have you decided whether you'll take me on as your disciple?"

She hadn't let go of the idea. Every time she saw Yaen Feilong, Chu Yue'er was reminded of her strong desire to become his disciple.

"Let's not talk about discipleship," Yaen Feilong dismissed the idea with a chuckle. "I think our current relationship works quite well. Being a disciple... it just feels too formal."

Yaen Feilong once again turned down Chu Yue'er's request. He believed their current rapport was perfectly fine. Why fixate on the formal title of disciple, especially when she was a girl wanting to become his disciple? It just didn't sit right with him.

"Look, about that incident the other day, I really owe you an apology," he said earnestly. "I'm truly sorry, and I want to apologize again. I feel terrible about it."

Chu Yue'er, seeing his reluctance, mistakenly thought Yaen Feilong was still upset about their previous encounter, so she quickly offered an apology.

"No, no, it's not about that at all. I've completely forgotten that incident. We're still good friends, right? Anyway, I should get going."

Yaen Feilong's smile was warm and forgiving; he was always magnanimous.

"Okay, then. Safe travels," Chu Yue'er replied, though she couldn't hide her disappointment at not being able to invite Yaen Feilong for a meal. Things hadn't turned out as she had hoped, deviating significantly from her original plan.

Yaen Feilong gave a slight nod, gathered his belongings, and prepared to depart.

"Let me have the driver take you," she offered, concerned. "It seems quite inconvenient for you to have come all this way by yourself."

Chu Yue'er, the current sect master, had just been turned down by Yaen Feilong.

"What's the problem? Fine, I'm off."

Yaen Feilong stepped out, hailed a cab, and headed home.

Settling onto the couch for a brief rest, Yaen Feilong closed his eyes, attempting to summon the system. However, a persistent knocking at the door interrupted him.

Annoyed by the disruption, Yaen Feilong glanced toward the door, wondering who it could be.

Why on earth was Du Qiuyue coming to see him at this time? With a mix of irritation and curiosity, Yaen Feilong got up to answer the door, only to find her standing there.

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