Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C17 Find the Entrance of the House
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C17 Find the Entrance of the House
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C17 Find the Entrance of the House

How could she have found her way here? How did she know where her home was?

Yaen Feilong's mind brimmed with confusion. He had long since decided he wanted nothing more to do with this woman. Merely thinking of her now gave him a headache.

Seeing Du Qiuyue only made Yaen Feilong feel worse, to the point where he wanted to hurry her out the door immediately. The pain she had caused him in the past was significant, and his desire to have her leave was evident on his face, which was etched with revulsion.

"May I help you with something?" Yaen Feilong asked, his voice icy.

He was not the same Yaen Feilong he used to be. Confronted with Du Qiuyue, all he felt was an endless sense of irritation. He had no desire to lay eyes on Du Qiuyue ever again.

Yaen Feilong couldn't believe the audacity of this woman, showing up at his doorstep uninvited. But he knew her well enough to suspect there was more to her visit than just wanting to see him.

"Haha, Yaen Feilong, why so cold? We did have a relationship once, after all. There's no need for this attitude," Du Qiuyue chided.

"I came to see you because I need something. I found out this is where you live. So, what now? Aren't you going to invite me in to sit down?" Du Qiuyue gestured towards Yaen Feilong's room, having already been standing there for some time. Surely they weren't going to just stand outside and talk? Du Qiuyue wasn't accustomed to that; she expected at least the courtesy of an extended hand.

To her surprise, Yaen Feilong's face remained stern. There was indeed nothing left to say between them, and he regarded Du Qiuyue with a chilly detachment.

"Enough," he said curtly. "I have nothing to discuss with you. Just tell me what you want. Let's get this conversation over with right here."

Yaen Feilong didn't welcome Du Qiuyue into his home as she had hoped. Instead, he insisted she remain at the doorstep.

Anything that needs to be said can be said at the door; there's no need to come inside to clarify things. Du Qiuyue spoke with a notably harsh tone, her face etched with confusion as she glanced at the book.

"What's the matter? Is this where our relationship ends? Don't forget the bond we once shared. We had a better connection than anyone else, and we've even shared a bed."

Yaen Feilong couldn't help but laugh. He was astonished that he could still muster the audacity to bring up such a point. Yes, they had shared a bed, but nothing had happened between them.

Back then, Du Qiuyue was too naive to engage in anything serious. Yaen Feilong, wanting to reassure her, had promised that he would wait until marriage before they became intimate. Yet, unexpectedly, she had been unfaithful to him in no time at all.

Yaen Feilong couldn't fathom how he could be so shameless. He gave a cold laugh and shook his head.

"Fine, come in and we'll talk," he conceded. "I won't stoop to arguing with a woman; they always seem to stir up some drama." Yaen Feilong gestured towards the room. "Whatever it is, we can discuss it here. There's water on the sofa; help yourself to a drink if you'd like."

He pointed to the sofa, then addressed Du Qiuyue. His demeanor was anything but that of someone who was close to her.

In an instant, Du Qiuyue's expression soured, her face resembling that of a bitter melon as she gazed at Yaen Feilong with a pitiful look.

Could Yaen Feilong really be so indifferent to her? Was he truly that heartless? Their relationship had once been so strong, and now it seemed to mean nothing.

Du Qiuyue let out a deep sigh and began to play the victim in front of Yaen Feilong.

"You're aware of what we once meant to each other. The only reason I left you was that I had no other choice," she lamented.

"My family was in dire poverty, and I was forced to make a choice. I had to find someone wealthy to support me. If I hadn't, what would have become of my family?"

Yaen Feilong let out a cold laugh upon hearing those words. Really? So, in their eyes, Yaen Feilong had it coming. He deserved to be played, to be treated like a monkey, at their beck and call. That was the implication, wasn't it?

Observing Du Qiuyue, Yaen Feilong could almost predict her next move. Her tactics were no different from those of a gold-digger, and having seen it all before, Yaen Feilong couldn't be bothered to stoop to that level.

Silently, Yaen Feilong watched Du Qiuyue's performance, casually lifting a cup of coffee to his lips and savoring the taste.

"So, according to you, I'm just supposed to accept being mistreated and hurt by you, right?"

"No, Yaen Feilong, you have to believe me. I've broken up with him. We can start over, truly, I want to be with you again."

"I still have strong feelings for you. I never really cared for him; it's always been you I wanted."

Suddenly, Du Qiuyue was crying uncontrollably, clinging to Yaen Feilong. He was taken aback by her display.

Yaen Feilong was baffled. Didn't anyone ever teach her the meaning of shame? People like her, who got tossed around by men, really had it coming, and Yaen Feilong felt no pity.

He had already given her a chance before; the idea of accepting her again was out of the question.

"You've been with other men for quite some time, and now you expect me to take you back? Do you see me as some kind of fallback guy? As if I should be grateful for what others have discarded? You're making me out to be far more noble than I am."

"No, Yaen Feilong, that's not what I meant at all. But I do still care for you deeply. Is there really nothing left for me in your heart? Be honest with yourself, do you truly feel nothing for me?"

Tears filled her eyes as she looked at Yaen Feilong, pleading for a sign of affection. It was difficult for Yaen Feilong to articulate his feelings; to say he felt nothing would be a lie. And forgetting her entirely in such a short time was simply not possible.

Yaen Feilong was certainly not about to play the role of a scapegoat. At this juncture, it was better not to push matters. Let everyone go their own way; allowing things to unfold naturally is best.

"Alright, if you're able to, then go ahead and leave quickly. If you're short on cash, I can lend you some."

Yaen Feilong had accumulated a fair amount of wealth. If there was a genuine need for money, he wouldn't hesitate to offer a bit more. Yaen Feilong was quite generous in this respect. After all, he couldn't stand to watch his so-called ex-girlfriend, Du Qiuyue, endure hardship.

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