Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C18 Suffer
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C18 Suffer
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C18 Suffer

"Yaen Feilong, you truly are a good person. Hearing that I'm in distress, you're even willing to rescue me from this dire situation. I can't thank you enough."

"But I don't need saving. All I want is to be with you. In my heart, that's all I desire."

Confronted with such manipulation, Yaen Feilong unapologetically stood up, seized Du Qiuyue, and headed for the exit.

"What are you doing? Release me. Think rationally. Let me go right now. You can't treat me like this."

Du Qiuyue fought back desperately.

She was clueless about Yaen Feilong's intentions, but as he dragged her toward the door, a sinking feeling took hold. Was he really going to take her away?

After all the effort it took to infiltrate, Du Qiuyue was adamant about not being whisked away by Yaen Feilong. She wept and made a scene, yet ultimately, she was coldly cast aside by him. A woman's strength was no match for a man's.

Standing at the doorway, Yaen Feilong addressed Du Qiuyue with an icy tone.

"I hope you won't seek me out again. There's no chance of us getting back together. You're fond of your boyfriend, the vice president, aren't you? Then cherish him to your heart's content this time. Rest assured, I won't interfere with you two. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. Goodbye."

With the final word spoken, the door slammed shut, startling Du Qiuyue. She clutched her chest. Yaen Feilong had not left her any dignity.

Feeling utterly dejected, she walked away. Du Qiuyue could never have anticipated such outright rejection from Yaen Feilong.

She had assumed that he would be moved by her pitiful state, but he proved to be even more heartless than she had imagined, to a shocking extent.

At that moment, Du Qiuyue was overwhelmed with regret. Had she known Yaen Feilong would rise to such prominence, she never would have ended things with him. She pondered whether she had lost her senses, questioning why she had ever broken up with Yaen Feilong.

After seeing Du Qiuyue off, Yaen Feilong returned to his room and settled onto the sofa, striving to find some peace of mind.

Reflecting on his past with Du Qiuyue, Yaen Feilong felt demeaned. He couldn't fathom what had possessed him to get involved with such a woman. She was the type to cozy up to anyone with deep pockets and to scheme her way out of any relationship the moment the money dried up. He was better off without her.

Yaen Feilong pulled out his phone and transferred a sum of money. The profits from his convenience store were growing day by day, and this amount was trivial to him. Yet, for Du Qiuyue, it could be a lifeline. He saw no harm in giving her a bit of cash.

Despite everything, they had shared an intimate connection, and Yaen Feilong didn't want money to be the source of any awkwardness between them.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The sound of the doorbell jolted him to his feet. Could it be Du Qiuyue returning? He had made everything clear to her; surely, she wasn't back to cause more trouble. With these thoughts racing through his mind, he approached the door cautiously.

"Who's there?"

Instead of opening the door immediately, Yaen Feilong called out to identify the visitor. There was no rush; he could open the door once he knew who it was.

"It's me, Chu Yue'er. I need to speak with you. May I come in?"

Chu Yue'er had done her homework, asking around and tracking down many leads to find Yaen Feilong's residence. The place was modest, far from luxurious. Why would Yaen Feilong choose to live here? Puzzled, she had taken a moment to survey the area before knocking, ready to enter.

"Oh, it's you, Chu Yue'er. Please, come in quickly. I was worried it was the other person returning," Yaen Feilong said, opening the door for her.

"I apologize for the earlier interruption; a friend of mine dropped by unexpectedly, and we're not exactly on good terms. I feared it was them returning. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable."

As Yaen Feilong offered this explanation to Chu Yue'er, he simultaneously poured her a cup of tea. She nodded slightly in understanding. That explained Yaen Feilong's cautious inquiry about who was at the door.

"Yaen Feilong, it seems you're not short on adversaries. I'm truly sorry for intruding so abruptly, but there's a matter I urgently need your help with."

A touch of melancholy crossed his face upon hearing this. Yaen Feilong knew all too well that anyone seeking him out was likely facing a dire situation.

He cast a glance at Chu Yue'er, wondering if she was here to broach the subject of apprenticeship again. Yaen Feilong had made his stance clear on that matter; it was out of the question for them to be master and disciple. Besides, they got along well as friends, and he could offer assistance in that capacity. It wasn't necessary to establish a formal mentorship for him to be of help.

"Alright, let's hear it. What is it that you need exactly?"

Yaen Feilong's words carried a hint of irritation as he looked at Chu Yue'er, who responded with an embarrassed smile and a sheepish scratch of her head, reminiscent of a child's innocent gesture.

"You're aware of my illness, aren't you? It seems that others in my family are exhibiting similar symptoms. Could you possibly examine them to confirm whether they're suffering from the same condition?"

"If they are indeed afflicted, I hope you can intervene. They mean the world to me, and I would be grateful for your assistance."

Chu Yue'er's eyes were filled with earnestness as she implored Yaen Feilong for his help. Understanding the gravity of the situation, he realized why she had come to seek his aid.

Yaen Feilong was aware that Chu Yue'er's condition was hereditary, and it was likely that others in her family were also affected by the same illness.

Last time, Yaen Feilong had been meaning to ask Chu Yue'er a question. However, they were at the office, and upon seeing Chu Yue'er's demeanor, he feared that asking might put her in an uncomfortable position. He thought it best not to press the issue, hoping she would feel inclined to share on her own. To his surprise, Chu Yue'er took the initiative and opened up to him about the matter.

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