Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C19 Admit It Yourself
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C19 Admit It Yourself
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C19 Admit It Yourself

Yaen Feilong was eager to lend a hand with the situation, as it provided him with an opportunity to delve into their medical case. However, he hadn't yet consulted the ancestor on how to tackle the issue, so it might take a couple of days.

To be exact, Yaen Feilong had been intending to seek out the Medical Sword Immortal but was unexpectedly cornered by two women, which meant he had to wait a bit longer.

"Chu Yue'er, here's the situation: I just got back yesterday and still need to sort through some things. Can you wait for me to get everything in order? I'll be free this afternoon and can accompany you to check on your family," Yaen Feilong explained.

Chu Yue'er was ecstatic at the prospect of Yaen Feilong's assistance, knowing it meant hope for her family's wellbeing. She nodded emphatically, her gratitude towards Yaen Feilong so profound that words failed her. Instead, she simply expressed her thanks.

"I can't thank you enough. On behalf of my family, I'm truly grateful. You're such a kind soul, haha, I never realized just how wonderful you are," Chu Yue'er said, her praise making Yaen Feilong blush with modesty. It was, after all, the least he could do.

"Okay, okay, it's my responsibility," Yaen Feilong responded with a wave of his hand. "Go back for now, and once I've got everything prepared here, I'll come and find you directly, alright?"

Since his return, Yaen Feilong hadn't really had the chance to rest properly. Now was the time for him to take a well-deserved break.

"I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your rest. Then please, go ahead and rest up. Once you're refreshed, I'll come to find you. Thank you so much again. I'll be on my way now," Chu Yue'er said, her face beaming with happiness. After bidding Yaen Feilong goodbye, she left his house with a spring in her step. Yaen Feilong watched her depart before settling back into his seat and opening up his small shop.

No sooner had Yaen Feilong opened the shop than he noticed the Immortal, who had been waiting there for quite some time. Surprised to see the Immortal's patient vigil, Yaen Feilong realized he must have been there for a considerable duration.

"Young man, you've finally arrived. I've been waiting for you for a full three days. What took you so long?" the Immortal inquired.

Once, he was quite upset and confronted Yaen Feilong, expressing his frustration about having waited there for three days to purchase Yaen Feilong's spicy strips. Yet, he hadn't caught a glimpse of Yaen Feilong during that time, which had left him extremely anxious, wondering what Yaen Feilong could possibly be up to.

"Oh, haha, my apologies. I've been tied up with some minor issues these past few days, so I didn't open my stall. What are you looking to buy this time?" Yaen Feilong inquired with great respect.

"Cough, cough. Last time, I had your spicy strip, right? It was really tasty. Do you still have any? I'd like to get some more," the customer said.

Yaen Feilong immediately realized that the man had developed a liking for his spicy strips. Indeed, those spicy strips were quite flavorful. He had promised to sell some to him last time but had failed to restock. That was truly unfortunate.

Thinking about it, he wondered what had been going through his mind. Yaen Feilong had been considering this very issue last time and had definitely not wanted to forget to replenish his supply of spicy strips.

However, he had been so preoccupied with Chu Yue'er's matters over the past couple of days that he had completely forgotten to restock.

Now, with Medical Sword Immortal specifically asking for the spicy strips, Yaen Feilong was at a loss as to where he could possibly procure them.

It wasn't just about the specific spicy strips Medical Sword Immortal had previously purchased; it seemed that the small shop had run out of spicy strips altogether.

Medical Sword Immortal's visit today turned out to be fruitless. He hadn't found anything and was unable to make any purchases, which made Yaen Feilong feel quite guilty for disappointing him.

Yaen Feilong should have anticipated that Medical Sword Immortal would return, not just for the black silk but for the plethora of snacks in his shop. Given Medical Sword Immortal's penchant for treats, the limited selection would hardly suffice.

"Do you think I'm short on cash or something? Come on, bring out the spicy strips. I've been waiting here for three days, and you're driving me crazy. Hurry up and get them," the customer demanded.

The Medical Sword Immortal was growing impatient as he saw Yaen Feilong remain motionless. He had been waiting for three days already; why should he be expected to wait any longer?

The mere thought of the spicy strip's flavor was nearly too much for him to bear. His mouth watered uncontrollably, and he longed for another packet to satisfy his craving.

"Hehe, I'm terribly sorry. Just like you mentioned, we've run out of spicy strips. You'll have to wait a bit longer. No, no, no, come back tomorrow. I assure you, we'll have them by then."

Yaen Feilong broke out in a cold sweat.

He was genuinely concerned about the old man's temper.

After all, the man was a deity, and if he were to become angry, surely Yaen Feilong would bear the consequences. So, when speaking with the old man, Yaen Feilong was exceedingly cautious.

"You're out of spicy strips? Really? But last time I was here, I saw plenty of them at your stall. Are you suggesting that the money I gave you was insufficient? I've brought you a valuable treasure today."

The old man was livid, his nostrils flaring and eyes wide with disbelief. He hadn't anticipated that the spicy strips would sell out.

The Medical Sword Immortal had hoped to indulge a bit more this time, to buy extra. But now, with a single sentence, his plans had crumbled; there was nothing left for him to enjoy.

Upon further reflection, he considered that Yaen Feilong might have been dissatisfied with the items he provided last time, which could explain the reluctance to sell him any spicy strips now.

The Medical Sword Immortal quickly assured Yaen Feilong that he was willing to pay extra.

Yaen Feilong was caught between amusement and frustration. This wasn't about money; he genuinely had no spicy strips left, and there was no way for him to conjure them out of thin air.

"If all else fails, I'll take you to my warehouse so you can see for yourself that I'm completely out. I haven't restocked yet. Would it be alright for you to return after I've replenished my supplies?"

Yaen Feilong did want to make the sale to the Medical Sword Immortal, but there was still something he needed to discuss with him.

Yaen Feilong was unable to offer anything for sale to the Medical Sword Immortal, and consequently, he felt too embarrassed to ask for any favors. It made sense to wait until Yaen Feilong had goods available before proposing a trade.

"Could you come back tomorrow? I'll have a bunch of tasty treats for you, and I'll throw in two extra," Yaen Feilong said with a comically enticing expression.

The Medical Sword Immortal, suppressing a nod, reluctantly agreed. "Fine, since I truly have nothing at the moment."

Pressuring Yaen Feilong further was pointless. The Medical Sword Immortal nodded silently, his irritation evident. "Remember, you promised to give me two extra. If you try to deceive me, don't expect me to be nice about it."

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