Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C2 Antique Street Pick up
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C2 Antique Street Pick up
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C2 Antique Street Pick up

Having made up his mind, Yaen Feilong headed towards Antique Street.

It was just after 3 PM, and the street wasn't too crowded yet.

But the vendors had mostly set up shop.

On either side of the street, stalls were lined with an array of pottery and jade wares.

To the naked eye, these objects all exuded an ancient charm, appearing to be valuable antiquities.

"Little brother, come take a look. All good stuff here!"

"Items from the West Zhou Ancient Tomb, guaranteed finds!"

"Family heirlooms for a steal!"


The incessant cries of the vendors were like those of market sellers, leaving Yaen Feilong unsure of where to begin.

Spiritual Eye, activate!

A warm flow passed over his eyes, turning them a deep shade of blue.

The world looked different through Yaen Feilong's transformed gaze.

With the Spiritual Eye activated, he could see through objects, and his vision became incredibly sharp.

Even the floating dust particles in the air were easily visible to him!

Knowing that the Spiritual Eye couldn't stay activated for long, Yaen Feilong didn't delay and began to scan the items on the stalls lining the street.

Regrettably, Antique Street lived up to its reputation as a haven for fakes.

After a thorough search, Yaen Feilong hadn't spotted anything of value.


Just as his eyes began to tire and he felt he could hardly keep going,

A gentle glow caught his attention!

It emanated from a dull-looking small cauldron, its surface marred by patches of rust, with hardly any discernible patterns.

This had to be a treasure!

Reinvigorated, Yaen Feilong deactivated the Spiritual Eye, and the bronze cauldron reverted to its unremarkable appearance.

"Got anything good?"

Feigning indifference, Yaen Feilong approached the stall with the bronze cauldron.

"Everything's top-notch, just acquired these pieces!"

The stall owner, a man, perked up when he saw Yaen Feilong crouching by his stall.

"How much for this pen holder?"

Yaen Feilong casually picked up a ceramic pen holder and inquired, "Brother, you've got a keen eye. This is a fine piece, five thousand flat!"

The vendor, noticing Yaen Feilong's potential interest, flashed a beaming smile. "That's too pricey, no thanks! How much for this basin?"

"Three thousand!"

"That's still too much. What about this one?"

"Two thousand five hundred, brother, it's yours!"

Yaen Feilong proceeded to inquire about seven or eight items, each time deeming them too expensive and setting them back down. Eventually, the vendor's expression turned visibly impatient. Yaen Feilong, who had been carefully watching his demeanor, sensed it was nearly the right moment.

"How much for this small cauldron?"

He nonchalantly picked up the bronze small cauldron and asked. "Two thousand yuan. Are you going to buy it or not? If you're serious, make an offer. If it's fair, I might even give you a discount."

The vendor spoke with a hint of resignation, clearly out of patience. "Cough, cough, I've only got five hundred yuan on me," Yaen Feilong said, coughing repeatedly and flashing an embarrassed grin.

"Damn! You drive a hard bargain! Sold!" The vendor swore, seemingly reluctant, yet internally he was thrilled.

He had purchased the small cauldron for a mere fifty yuan and was almost certain it was a counterfeit. Selling it for five hundred was quite the win.

As Yaen Feilong was settling the bill, preparing to take the bronze cauldron and leave, a voice rang out from behind him. "I'll take that bronze cauldron! Name your price!"

An elderly man, his face alight with excitement, gazed at the bronze cauldron in Yaen Feilong's hands, his voice booming like a great bell. "Elder Su?"

"Here's your five hundred back. I'm not selling this piece anymore!" The vendor, recognizing the old man, reacted swiftly, attempting to wrest the bronze cauldron from Yaen Feilong's grasp.

Elder Su was a renowned expert in the antique circle, with a lifetime of unerring judgment.

Anything that caught his eye was bound to be of high quality!

At the very least, it wouldn't be counterfeit.

"I've already paid; this item is mine now. Are you trying to break the rules?"

The vendor was well aware that once an item was sold, it couldn't be taken back, but judging by Elder Su's demeanor, he had likely let a treasure slip through his fingers.

"I'll offer five thousand to buy it back at ten times the price!"

The vendor was resolute, aiming to seal the deal before Elder Su could even speak.

"Heh, do you take me for a fool?"

"This piece belongs to me now."

Yaen Feilong let out a cold chuckle, then turned to address the older man with a calm demeanor.

"Hello there, young man. My name is Su Huairen. This bronze cauldron is indeed a fine piece from the Ming Dynasty."

"It's worth a hundred thousand on the market, but I'm willing to offer you one hundred and fifty thousand to part with it. What do you say?"

Su Huairen smiled as he openly revealed the small cauldron's value.

"Oh, my money!"

The vendor was on the verge of tears, collapsing onto the ground.

He had sold an item worth one hundred and fifty thousand for a mere five hundred.

The four hundred and fifty he had earned suddenly seemed insignificant.


Yaen Feilong nodded, accepting the offer.

His interest in antiques was non-existent; it was purely about the money for him.

"I can tell you've recognized the uniqueness of this item, which is quite remarkable. I'm curious when the antique circle will see the rise of such a young expert," Su Huairen mused as he finalized the transaction with Yaen Feilong.

The challenge was that the rust on the small cauldron was so severe that even seasoned experts would struggle to authenticate it.

"Just good fortune, that's all."

After receiving the one hundred and fifty thousand, he exchanged contact details at Su Huairen's request.

As Yaen Feilong left Antique Street, he couldn't contain his joy any longer and burst into laughter.

In over a decade, he had never held such a substantial amount of money!

"Earning one hundred and fifty thousand so effortlessly, heh, I can only imagine the surprises my Little Merchandize Shop will bring once it's up and running!"

Yaen Feilong swept through the mall, targeting anything he felt could be sold. He was no longer concerned about the cost; after all, if the gods favored an item, it would mean a substantial profit for him.

By the time Yaen Feilong left the mall, he still had one hundred thousand yuan in his pocket. It took three rented vehicles to transport the goods worth fifty thousand yuan back to his home.

Standing in the basement, Yaen Feilong chuckled as he surveyed the shelves brimming with items. In this quiet fashion, the Yaen family's little shop serving all three realms had opened its doors!

"You accuse me of theft and slander my parents? You all just wait!"

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