Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C20 Snack Wholesale Department
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C20 Snack Wholesale Department
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C20 Snack Wholesale Department

The following day, Yaen Feilong arrived at the city's largest snack wholesale center. It was a veritable treasure trove of snacks, offering an array of options from both domestic and international sources, familiar and unfamiliar, seen and unseen.

The center was a hub for small vendors, typically frequented by the owners of wholesale businesses. After browsing several stalls, Yaen Feilong selected a few promising snacks and hurriedly purchased several large bags to take back to his own shop.

Upon reaching his destination, he found that Medical Sword Immortal had been waiting for him. "You're here early today?" Yaen Feilong cheerfully said as he carried the boxes inside, greeting Medical Sword Immortal in the process.

Medical Sword Immortal turned around, visibly irritated, clearly displeased with Yaen Feilong's tardiness. But what could be done? Yaen Feilong had risen early that morning specifically to shop for snacks.

"Here are the spicy strips you wanted, fresh stock. Take a look and pick whatever you like," Yaen Feilong said, tossing a packet of spicy strips in front of Medical Sword Immortal. It was important to appease him, considering he had been waiting for quite some time.

"This is the shop you mentioned? Oh dear, the owner is quite impolite. I don't care for this place," a woman in a flowing long dress remarked, having appeared beside Medical Sword Immortal at some point. Her allure was so strong that a mere glance from a man could make him feel as though his soul had been captured. Her figure was accentuated by the long dress, which also left much to the imagination.

However, Yaen Feilong's attention was caught not by her looks but by her words. She clearly held a disdainful view of the place. Without a word, Yaen Feilong stopped tidying up and stood stoically at the counter, observing the pair.

"Hand me that blue bag over there; I want to see what's inside. There are many new items today, and I intend to sample each one," she declared.

Medical Sword Immortal ignored the woman beside him, his attention captivated by the large box behind Yaen Feilong. He wondered what could possibly be inside, surely something even more delicious than spicy strips.

"Medical Sword Immortal, who is this? You haven't introduced us. It seems this beauty isn't too fond of me," Yaen Feilong said with a slight frown, a hint of displeasure in his voice.

"This is Sister Chang'e. I was in such a rush when I left home today that I forgot to bring the Jade Hare," Medical Sword Immortal quickly explained.

"Sister Chang'e is utterly bored on the moon, so I thought I'd come down and find her some treats. Come on, let's see all the tasty things you've got today," he added, his eyes still fixed on the snacks behind Yaen Feilong.

So, this was the legendary Chang'e. Yaen Feilong was truly enlightened today. But, to be fair, while Chang'e was undeniably beautiful, her temper left much to be desired.

Well, no matter. Yaen Feilong had more pressing matters to discuss and decided not to stoop to petty squabbles. After all, Chang'e's remarks were likely due to her unfamiliarity with these earthly delights.

"Here we have a giant spicy strip... these are potato chips! And this is Coke..." Yaen Feilong said, pulling out an array of fresh snacks from the box with a flourish that would rival any magician.

Both were taken aback by the assortment of snacks, even the disdainful Chang'e, who seemed perplexed. She hadn't expected the world to contain such novelties, especially the Coke.

Chang'e wrinkled her nose in distaste and stepped back. Yaen Feilong caught the gesture and was baffled. It was just a bottle of Coke, not poison, and it was odorless. Dislike was one thing, but covering her nose?

"This Coke is incredibly refreshing," Yaen Feilong explained. "It's like a dance of tiny bubbles on your tongue when you drink it. Give it a try."

With that, he casually twisted off the cap, and a stream of bubbles fizzed up enthusiastically.

The Medical Sword Immortal had spent his days dwelling in the heavens, so earthly novelties were foreign to him. Even Chang'e, the moon goddess, was taken aback, exclaiming in shock.

"Oh my god, isn't this the very poison that killed Wu Dalang?"

In a flash, Chang'e attempted to intervene, sending a faint purple light zipping into the Coke can.


The Medical Sword Immortal intervened quickly.

Having already experienced the delights of this realm, he had come to trust the name Coke. Without hesitation, he grabbed the bottle and took a hearty swig.

"Ah, so this is the flavor."

His eyes widened in amazement after savoring the drink.


Simply delicious.

He guzzled down a large glass.

"Another bottle, please."

Seconds later, the bottle was empty.

Yet unsatisfied, the Medical Sword Immortal yearned for another glass.

"Old man, is it really that tasty? Quit the act; it's so dark, how can it be any good?"

Chang'e clearly swallowed hard, intrigued, but still hesitant to try this unfamiliar concoction.

The Medical Sword Immortal paid her no mind; the surprise and delight from the Coke had him thoroughly excited.

He casually produced a cloth bag.

"Take this, and help me collect all of these," he said, gesturing to the various items on the table, indicating that he wanted to take everything.

Yaen Feilong gave a slight nod but remained still, extending his hand for payment. He had invested time and money to acquire these items and expected to be compensated for his costs.

"Money first. Once the payment is settled, you can have as much as you want. These are trifles."

Yaen Feilong squinted, mentally tallying the amount he would charge.

"Hey, what do you want? I'm actually short on cash. The immortal pills I've been working on aren't ready yet. Maybe I can pay you next time..."


The Medical Sword Immortal, knowing he was at a disadvantage, spoke with caution.

He certainly wasn't exuding the aura of an immortal.

Returning to the matter at hand, Yaen Feilong had no intention of charging any money today.

"Take a look at this. What could this illness be? This individual often feels weak and sometimes even coughs up blood."

Yaen Feilong recounted Chu Yue'er's symptoms in detail.

"Oh?... I thought this disease had been eradicated. It's surprising to see it resurface."

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