Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C22 Trade
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C22 Trade
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C22 Trade

Since both parties had already agreed, Yaen Feilong decided to give it a try.

"I'll take these snacks then, and I'll be sure to refer a customer to you next time."

Medical Sword Immortal, beaming like a child, waved the snacks in his hand.

Yaen Feilong nodded silently, signaling his consent.

In an instant, Medical Sword Immortal and Chang'e vanished into thin air.

Yaen Feilong, on the other hand, had returned with a bag of medicine. He made sure to prepare the prescribed herbs at the herbal shop.

The list included specific herbs, but it also highlighted crucial instructions, like when to take them, when to avoid them, and which foods to steer clear of. Everything was meticulously annotated.

Previously, Yaen Feilong hadn't paid much attention to the details, but now, upon closer inspection, he admired Medical Sword Immortal's handwriting. Remembering that Medical Sword Immortal had used a brush to write, Yaen Feilong resolved to try it himself when he got back. Could it truly be as miraculous as the Little Medical Sword Immortal had claimed?

Reflecting on this made Yaen Feilong feel quite embarrassed. During his school days, he hadn't paid attention in class or done his homework diligently, resulting in his current abysmal penmanship.

With the chance to transform into a calligrapher before him, Yaen Feilong knew he couldn't let this opportunity slip by. He was determined to grasp it firmly.

Just then, his phone began to ring restlessly in his pocket. It was Chu Yue'er calling.

Upon answering, Yaen Feilong detected an urgency in her voice, suggesting she was facing an insurmountable problem.

"Yaen Feilong, I need you to come over. My head is spinning terribly. Please, hurry and help me. I'm at home."

Before Yaen Feilong could inquire further, the line went dead.

Worried that something serious might have happened, Yaen Feilong quickly gathered his things and hurried to Chu Yue'er's house with the herbs. When he arrived, he found a crowd surrounding Chu Yue'er's bed, with several doctors in white coats attending to her. She had slipped into an unconscious state.

Every person gathered was a relative of Chu Yue'er, including aunts, uncles, and a slew of other kin. They were unfamiliar with the man before them. When Yaen Feilong entered, their expressions were unmistakably shocked, wondering how he had managed to intrude.

"Who are you? How dare you barge into the Chu family's home? Do you have a death wish?" demanded Chu Yue'er's aunt, a formidable figure whose stern visage spoke volumes. Yet, Yaen Feilong couldn't be bothered to engage in a pointless dispute with her. Disregarding the crowd, he made his way directly to Chu Yue'er's side.

Chu Yue'er lay there with her eyes closed, her complexion ghostly pale, looking gravely ill. "Take this and prepare the medicine quickly, as per these instructions," Yaen Feilong instructed, handing the prescription he had prepared to a Chu family servant.

But the servant hesitated, rooted to the spot, uncertain of how to proceed. With Chu Yue'er's grandfather absent and only a handful of people recognizing Yaen Feilong, how could they heed the words of an intruder?

What's more, there were those among the group who secretly wished for Chu Yue'er's swift demise. Her illness presented a perfect opportunity for them; they would rather see her dead than allow her to receive treatment.

The men in white coats nearby were clearly in cahoots with one of the plotters. "Just these few herbs, and you think you can save Chu Yue'er? Have you lost your mind?" scoffed one of the men in glasses, laughing upon reviewing the simple list of herbs.

These Western-trained doctors held a deep-seated disdain for Eastern medicine, and the feeling was mutual. They scorned the traditional herbs listed on the paper. Yaen Feilong's response was stern, and the sentiment was echoed by his peers.

As these two men voiced their opinions, several of the elders, including the woman who had earlier attempted to expel Yaen Feilong, showed signs of discontent. She, in particular, put on a facade of benevolence amidst the tension.

"Oh my goodness, who does this person think they are? It's like they're out to get someone. There's no need to be so blatant about it. Waving a piece of paper around trying to intimidate people."

Yaen Feilong exhaled deeply.

He had no desire to engage with such superficial people.

As for who might be trying to harm someone, Yaen Feilong suspected they were more aware of the culprit than he was.

"If you truly want Chu Yue'er to survive, then hurry and use this prescription to save her. Stop wasting time with pointless chatter. If you delay even an hour more, it will be too late to save her."

Yaen Feilong's voice was filled with urgency, and his words were indeed sincere. Any further delay would mean Chu Yue'er was beyond saving, as her condition had already deteriorated significantly.

Delaying further could lead to unforeseen consequences.

No one could be sure of the outcome.

"Oh my goodness, why are we even bothering to talk to this man? Just throw him out!"

A disreputable-looking man blurted out, followed by several imposing men who materialized behind him.

The bodyguards positioned themselves to Yaen Feilong's left, apparently intent on removing him.

"Who is this person? How dare they cause such a disturbance here, even trying to throw out Yaen Feilong? Do they have a death wish?"

Suddenly, a commanding voice emerged from behind them. Everyone turned to see the patriarch of the Chu family.

The entire group shifted their attention to the Chu family's elder, particularly the man who had spoken earlier. Wasn't the elder supposed to be abroad? What was he doing here now?

The man's bravado evaporated instantly, and his expression softened as he respectfully greeted the elder with a "Grandpa."

"Grandpa, when did you return from overseas? Why didn't you let us know, so I could have come to pick you up?"

The man was eager to ingratiate himself with the Chu family patriarch, knowing full well that the family's influence rested in the elder's hands. Securing the elder's favor could mean securing future wealth.

He had hoped to resolve the issue with Chu Yue'er first. Once she was out of the picture, everything else would fall into place. But now, unexpectedly, the elder had returned.

The woman who was speaking with such enthusiasm just moments ago remained unchanged.

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