Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C3 Medical Sword Immortal Inheritance
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C3 Medical Sword Immortal Inheritance
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C3 Medical Sword Immortal Inheritance

I wonder who my first customer will be?

Yaen Feilong sat in the basement, his face alight with anticipation.

The only trouble was that he couldn't keep the Spiritual Eye open indefinitely.

Otherwise, he'd be able to closely observe that fantastical world.

"Hey, kid, how much for this item?"

A voice rang out, instantly lifting Yaen Feilong's spirits.

A customer at last!

Quickly activating his Spiritual Eye, Yaen Feilong was greeted by the vision of that enchanting world.

Standing before his modest shop was an elder dressed in a white robe, an immortal sword slung across his back.

If one were to describe the elder in four words, it would be "the epitome of a sage."

"May I inquire about your name, elder?"

Yaen Feilong greeted with a respectful bow and a smile, noting the elder's interest in a pack of Wei-Long spicy strips.

"I am known as the Medical Sword Immortal!"

"And yet, you haven't told me the price of this item."

The Medical Sword Immortal's face bore a kind smile.

"I seek a cultivation technique, if I may be so bold..."

Yaen Feilong, an avid reader of novels, understood that a cultivation technique was essential for the journey to immortality.

His heart pounded with the audacity of his request. After all, he was asking to trade a mere pack of five-yuan Wei-Long spicy strips for a cultivation technique, which seemed utterly ludicrous to him.

"Just a cultivation technique? That's simple. Here is the legacy of the Medical Sword Immortal, and I shall bestow it upon you!"

The Medical Sword Immortal tossed a pristine white jade sword to the ground, grabbed the spicy strips, and turned to leave as if he feared Yaen Feilong might change his mind.

"Do these immortals really lack worldly experience?"

Yaen Feilong muttered to himself, bemused as he picked up the jade sword.

How was he to unlock the legacy within?

Should he anoint it with his blood?

After much deliberation, Yaen Feilong sliced his finger and let a drop of blood fall onto the jade sword.


In an instant, a brilliant light enveloped him, and a torrent of complex information flooded into Yaen Feilong's mind.

The legacy of the Medical Sword Immortal was far more than just a set of cultivation techniques; it also included a wealth of knowledge about the Three Realms.

Yaen Feilong lost track of time.

Upon awakening, his face was lit up with a radiant smile.

"It turns out this basement is a magical treasure that can be bound to my bloodline. Now I won't need to stay here; I can take it with me."

"And the Spiritual Eye—it requires spiritual energy to function. By practicing the Medical Sword Heavenly Technique, my spiritual energy will gradually increase, allowing me to use it for extended periods!"

In his excitement, Yaen Feilong spoke to himself, promptly sitting cross-legged on the ground and eagerly beginning another session of cultivation.

The Medical Sword Heavenly Technique, the Medical Sword Immortal's legacy, was comprised of three parts, totaling ninety-nine levels.

As a mere mortal, Yaen Feilong could initially only practice the most basic part.

Throughout the night, he absorbed the spiritual Qi from the heavens and the earth, and by dawn, he had reached the first level of the Medical Sword Heavenly Technique.

Both his body and spirit were significantly enhanced, and now Yaen Feilong could keep the Spiritual Eye open for extended durations.

"This item pleases me. I'll trade it for five low-grade origin stones."

"A Heavenly Thunder Talisman in exchange for your item."

Upon waking, Yaen Feilong found that he had completed two more transactions. Besides acquiring a Heavenly Thunder Talisman, he also obtained five palm-sized, lustrous crystals.

Known as origin stones, they served as a universal currency within the Three Realms, brimming with potent energy.

These stones were invaluable to cultivators in their practice.

For Yaen Feilong at this moment, they were of utmost importance.

"First, I'll bind the bloodline to the Little Merchandize Shop, so I won't have to stay in this old house anymore."

The bloodline binding process was straightforward: using his blood as a catalyst, he could merge his body's spiritual energy with the entire room.

All of this was detailed in the Medical Sword Immortal's teachings.

Yaen Feilong performed the ritual with ease, encountering no issues.

[Bloodline binding complete. Proprietor of the Three Realms' passageway, Yaen Feilong!]

Moments later, a dispassionate voice echoed directly in Yaen Feilong's mind. The basement transformed into a treasure and was absorbed into Yaen Feilong's spiritual sea. His body, meanwhile, returned to the basement of the old house. To enter the Three Realms' passageway, he simply needed to focus his mental energy and could enter in a state of consciousness.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

As Yaen Feilong was about to temporarily leave the convenience store, several individuals clad in metallic armor approached. Could they be heavenly soldiers?

"Brothers, may I help you with anything?" Yaen Feilong asked, slightly taken aback, quickly mustering a smile. He sensed an unfriendly aura emanating from the group.

"We are the Three Realms' law enforcement team. You've been behind on your house rent for several months. If you don't pay up 5,000 low-grade origin stones this month, we'll have to repossess the house!" The officers' faces were stern as they informed Yaen Feilong.


I just discovered this house, and I'm already months behind on rent? Yaen Feilong's forehead creased with worry, but he refrained from voicing his frustration.

"Cough, cough. I will make sure to pay the full rent by the end of the month." After a slight cough, Yaen Feilong could only commit to their demands.

[Special offer: only origin stones needed, everything priced at ten pieces each!]

Yaen Feilong scribbled the message on a sign and hung it up. His top priority was to secure the passageway house of the Three Realms.

*Ring ring ring!*

The sound of his phone ringing brought Yaen Feilong's attention back to his body. Glancing at the unfamiliar number, he slightly furrowed his brow, then remembered Su Huairen, whom he had met on Antique Street the day before. It was his number.

"Elder Su, how can I assist you?" Yaen Feilong inquired politely as he answered the call. He knew that building a rapport with someone like Su Huairen could only be beneficial, especially since he planned to frequent Antique Street in the future.

"My friend, I'm hosting a treasure appraisal banquet at my home tonight. Would you be available to join us and have a look?"

Su Huairen spoke with warmth in his voice.

"Great! I'll definitely be there tonight."

Yaen Feilong answered immediately, without a moment's hesitation.

After the call, Yaen Feilong realized he needed to purchase some presentable clothing.

It was, after all, a high-society gathering; showing up in shabby attire was out of the question.

Besides, his circumstances had changed; acquiring money was no longer an issue for him.

The Wanda Brand Street.

This was the epitome of luxury in Yunling City.

It was said that no matter how much money you had, this street could drain your wallet.

The price tags on the clothing here started at a staggering ten thousand yuan!

For the average person with modest means, shopping here was simply out of reach.

"Who would've thought that I, Yaen Feilong, would one day shop here?" he mused, a radiant smile spreading across his face as he browsed through a well-known casual clothing store.

"Well, well, if it isn't Yaen Feilong? To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit to such an upscale place? Are you here to escape the heat?" a scornful voice suddenly rang out behind Yaen Feilong.

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