Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C4 Faceslapping Exgirlfriend
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C4 Faceslapping Exgirlfriend
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C4 Faceslapping Exgirlfriend

The speaker was a woman clad in a beige long dress, quite attractive, clutching the arm of a portly, middle-aged man with a receding hairline as they entered the store.

Du Qiuyue?

"No wonder you broke up with me. You've snagged yourself a wealthy man."

Yaen Feilong's expression turned sour at the sight of Du Qiuyue.

"You've lost your job, and the government has seized your house. Yet here you are, leisurely browsing. It's clear you lack ambition."

"I can't believe I ever fell for you."

Du Qiuyue shook her head, her face etched with contempt.

"Did you orchestrate all of this?!"

Yaen Feilong, grasping the implications in Du Qiuyue's words, gritted his teeth.

He hadn't anticipated Du Qiuyue's ruthlessness—not only breaking up with him and draining his savings but also undermining him behind his back.

"I don't have that kind of influence. That's all my husband's doing."

"Allow me to introduce you to Huang Tianyun, the Vice President of Jianhua Corporation!"

Du Qiuyue beamed with pride as she presented Huang Tianyun.

"Kid, consider that a small lesson to understand the gap between us, so you won't pester my Qiuyue in the future."

Huang Tianyun looked down on Yaen Feilong with a condescending air, as if he were nothing more than trash.

"Heh, so it was you. I'll remember this vendetta. We'll settle our scores in time."

Yaen Feilong let out a cold laugh.

What Du Qiuyue and Huang Tianyun didn't realize was that their actions had inadvertently played into Yaen Feilong's hands. Now in possession of the Three Realms passage, he wasn't intimidated by a mere corporate Vice President, nor anyone of higher rank for that matter.

"Tsk tsk, it seems those lessons still haven't made you wiser."

Huang Tianyun shook his head dismissively, as if to say Yaen Feilong was beyond help.

"Sir, your clothes are ready. Would you like to try them on now?"

The store's receptionist approached Yaen Feilong with the garments he had requested, her face adorned with a professional smile.

"Haha, Miss, don't let this guy deceive you. Do you really think he can afford the clothes here? That's the funniest joke I've ever heard!"

Du Qiuyue burst into laughter upon witnessing the scene.

Let's not even consider Yaen Feilong, who had lost his savings, house, and job.

Even the Yaen Feilong of the past didn't have the means to shop here.

"Poor folks always seem to enjoy trying on clothes, using the high-end store clerks for their amusement," Huang Tianyun added with a smirk.

The receptionist's brows knitted slightly upon hearing this.

The type of customer they dreaded most were those who knew they couldn't afford the merchandise yet insisted on trying it on.

"If he can afford it, I'll buy out the entire store's inventory!" Du Qiuyue declared, her face a mask of scorn and skepticism.

"Sir, the total cost of these clothes is 90,000 yuan, but with the discount, it comes to 78,000 yuan. Would you still like to try them on?" the receptionist asked, her smile unwavering, her tone soft.

However, it was clear that the remarks from Du Qiuyue and Huang Yuntian had sown seeds of doubt in her mind about Yaen Feilong's purchasing power.

"No need to try them on," Yaen Feilong stated calmly.

"I knew it, this guy was just here to strut around and waste time!" Du Qiuyue scoffed, convinced she had predicted this outcome.

"People like him just don't recognize their own limits, probably due to a lack of societal education," Huang Tianyun chimed in, continuing the mockery of Yaen Feilong.

"Very well," the clothing store receptionist exhaled in relief. Though a sale hadn't been made, it was preferable to Yaen Feilong trying on clothes and not buying them.

"Just bag them up for me. The card's PIN is five zeros!"

Yet, what Yaen Feilong said next left all three of them dumbfounded!

The receptionist at the clothing store hadn't expected Yaen Feilong to actually be able to afford the purchase. She stood there, momentarily speechless.

Huang Yuntian and Du Qiuyue were equally shocked, having not anticipated such a statement from Yaen Feilong.

"What's the matter? Can't your store process card payments?" Yaen Feilong asked, his eyebrows arched, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, sir, just one moment, please!"

The receptionist eagerly accepted the bank card and dashed toward the cashier's desk.

In her several years of experience, she had never encountered anyone as decisive as Yaen Feilong!

"There's no way there's money on that card! I can't wait to see how long you can keep up this charade!"

Du Qiuyue was persistent, her gaze locked on Yaen Feilong.

"Hehe, I'm eager to see how your husband plans to afford every single piece of clothing here!"

Yaen Feilong let out a chuckle, his face donning a taunting smirk.

"Here is your receipt, sir. Please keep it safe."

A minute later, the receptionist returned, her face now etched with respect.

Her looks toward Du Qiuyue and Huang Tianyun had turned somewhat frosty.

She had nearly been misled by their words and nearly missed out on the sale.

"Now it's your turn to put on a show. I'm curious to see how you plan to buy out the entire store."

Yaen Feilong accepted the clothes and the receipt, his smile growing even more radiant.

Meanwhile, both Huang Tianyun and Du Qiuyue's faces were a mix of red and white.

Considering Huang Yuntian's fortune, buying out the store was out of the question, let alone half the inventory.

"Sir, Miss, would you like these items bagged?"

The receptionist inquired with a gracious smile.

Clearly, she was lending a hand to Yaen Feilong's cause.

"We're leaving!"

Du Qiuyue shot Yaen Feilong a venomous look, her face beet red as she hastily dragged Huang Tianyun out the door.

This was a significant blow to her pride.

She couldn't fathom how Yaen Feilong had suddenly become so wealthy.

"Damn it! I won't let this slide!"

Huang Tianyun's expression was dark with anger, having never been so humiliated.

"How did he suddenly get so rich? It makes no sense! I don't care, you have to deal with him!"

Du Qiuyue clung to Huang Tianyun's arm, her words laced with spite.

"Don't worry. If he doesn't end up in the hospital for a few days, he won't realize the power he's dealing with!"

Huang Tianyun's gaze was icy and fierce.

Yaen Feilong felt a sense of relief like never before after slipping into a new outfit at the clothing store. "Don't mess with me again. It doesn't matter if you're the vice president of some big corporation; I'll make sure you regret it!" he warned under his breath, a confident smile playing on his lips.

For the next several hours, Yaen Feilong holed up in a hotel, dedicating his time to his cultivation practice. Occasionally, he would check in on his small business, monitoring the sales. Today had been fairly lucky; he managed to sell eight orders, netting nearly two hundred low-grade origin stones. If things kept up at this rate, covering his rent by the end of the month would be a breeze.

As evening fell, Yaen Feilong, fresh from his cultivation session, followed the directions provided by Su Huairen to a villa complex. It was undoubtedly one of the most opulent neighborhoods in Yunling City.

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